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Npt. No, Page No. _

-Design a manhsheet io ms Worad
Nome Malhs HTML MS CPoyaming oal
65 7 92 4 4 2 88 1Tockealeaable ueng he oclms
Ran (Fbsiion l e in erlion point _where you uant_ lo
Shuam8 56 80 296 sert a able
Rohan 63 269 O n he RanelaAd oolha clek he sert Table
Mohan 4326 76 70 275 Aultoa. he qaldappear Diag hike holduu
The moutebullon hehlzhi hedesred
Rou Cel Columns he
wmber s_amd colwmns.
dieplayed qalf zepesenlh hekequilhed mber
reust and 'tolunnd. Releak he mouse eullon
leh qelliey he zlzhl umbe he qrld
AOhd ioseta am emp lakke twtne yOu Lelease
he mOute_bullon.
ToChealea labkugeng e able enu
oalio e inseslien pont uhee you_wtnl
nde At_e able
Chek he lable_menu hghlght ingert amd chooe
1able. The Jable_olalog hOX 440EakA
C nle_he olesited unber oh ioussand colummnd
aA A0quied able.
Enlertnp_and Eiiap lext a b e
( You can more, emle and eelit Axt m a labo fut
2A DU do wwlh pe of let male
Teacher's Signature .
. No
se moude Ot ao keys posikion he maerlto
pAnt e n pe he ke eat 1n eell boradera
woa odis. Wond aulomaliealy ctaps
win Jhe t e as you eachhe plgh
1o move i n a Zable _uai keyhanrd :
(The nsesdloy p o t wlmove e iamd donsn
he_ ne Low when_qou e s Tab key
e last counn On be uiqht Ad
labe._TwW moe igki asd up one zoct
shift fTab" past the las7
columan O n
C l eeciien Selecllng a ce a cell
ba (1hea a betuee he i r t chobacler
amd eedge ehe cell_2 called he cel
deleclion bah, Clhp on his kat selpes Me
Conlknl o e he eaithe cel You dan_alto selcct
enlike_Cell hy dhaggh u t A he moude.
Bt emernber To nclud he end e
Seleriivne loluwA
loseleei_aColumn,move the moude pomler
he akea a t he Aop ofa Colunn cales
he column eleclien bay A he OAunn
seleclien b he polode chaneso a age
dor Oinet anrln Cok Eelea he enl
ColuwmnALetnalely you_can aleoeleil columan
phesis dosm Akey adrelitkizg auyusbere
Teacher's Signature_
, fi Age No.
Selecley adjaceat qrouA Of Cell
elthe dan
Zhrongh hi celll o ltek e one cells,
Whole colbumn
Aelete hrongh cell cell ag aro re«
+ eltck the Ohes.
Seleling_ho ZabM
To delt a completi Jable, pkess doua he "A"
ke amd doube ellck anyuihere in the lable.
Oyouk document em conlains mulliple asles
nA AEAaHaled pakagraph mahks th
Tech nihsa uil e l s a l aojocent a
Teacher's Signature,
. No.
P'age No.
&lege mal in Ms Wo
n Mail lege eèso_ Helheb
CA The "Tool"_menua amd ahose ail Merge
Themail mege helper dialoq bor asears. 1h
Moil Mere Helpe Aep in he mail mqe poves A
cale the maim locumen, be aue e pe
O a dlecumel ovea Me
1 Moin Docwmet
aholceA yOu can make iu mail merae helyneh.
Cheate EAt Fottm leltesea Lakels, Envelops and ala Logues el
Fohm Letters
Moiliny Labels
2 -Envelops Ceaie Main Documeut
Reore ko Nohnal Word Documend
a ad mesg heper dialog k0x_,clck
*Creale" bullon Adrt ehealog h may
3 Mexge dal wth dooument dpcunelDzOp douhn i AË appeadd eeing
Merye ue OpTions
choees lels, lakelsEnveleps ad alalogues
CCLeck ohmLethxa Adialog bor 4ppeaks i
the _chofce Ahe_ a c e utndou oa
neLy i n douuinea. Select he indou Ou
Ou ae Alarin aneu t m douumeui,
llek ne mam dotunet biullon ot, HeL
The acklive wndlow cOnlainA pohnalien o
cKck acltve cwnolou
u ma documen
bullom n dialop boX.
Teacher's Signature
i x p t , No,
Page N0.
Speci lala Soutce
a t Dala"bullon o display a st ol
Oplionse yow dala sowhce
CSelec eneap cdala souree"A lis of comonle.
wed Ateld names foh kthe lype oiaid mekgë
Creale Data SouwHce yOpeohmPea
Adolivg and Rerovicg Peld WasmeA
Frele name: Fiekd names in heoder Sos: aTdelt
the leld,heghlight heiels and
Hemove"_hled vame bulton
Vow add
add pn field, inEield vame eex box_and
ciek "Add Ereld Wame " bullon dsplays pm
Remove Fied Nome
e l d dteld nameA An he headekow s t
he eld addedate bollom of_e iot
Toposlion the hekd highlehi he hield in he
MS Query okCcel
iela YMameAA header t0w box ard olek
move bulon.
ALr addiy oliek Ok Jo Mveyow data Ane
The"Sawe UAs"alop bor appeahA, enle a
name kocalon hor yow dalosowre de and
Uae the data llck Ok'
s provided by wod CLek he edt "Datn Souhte "button om
ta_olialo bor hat appears, he "Dala Fehw
his lt box,add Cllalog bo appeatA.
youh oun 4olds, on
olelele unnece/ay
Teacher's Signature.
. NO. Page N0. -
Enlehing Dala ecohds
Tpe ienonsalta u the he entey
COmplelo tacA_teld
o move he n rT e l e T o uove fo
Nes Deli -
1NO 034 a peNÄOs feld, pies shihtt lab key
el. Pakul (Comn/20 (CLekhe AdldNe" butlon to enleh anolhey dala
Dale 3 June, 2022
ecord Aleanalvels, 0 c a also
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key at e Lastfleld to euler me ecan
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Onuard /backannd attoual ihe Aecord " Jextbox
<KAddes) Ads ueus dala he cords O_eves nolivicduab.
KC >> - <<P»> ( CReck "Ok_ bullon o telusn o ths_mase dduunent
Depn 7:tle>
Sawing he Malar louune
C i c k A l e menuand ehooje Swe"
ename wilh e palh and phessA
"enles "
AR_aNiMp k a e Oala souhe documeutt asil
e attached jo masler doeument
You Failheully
Lypin Leltes
ye lellen_aceokdiing Co Ahe need egue-
Aef the siduadiebh
Teacher's Signature .

Expt. No. Paoc No.

Treenleg FRld Mames sbz Doewnen

On enad mere lolbal, click Lhe_iusett mesge
iela bulion. hhen_you eliek ihis bullon. a a t Of
eld ames lhat you_ca ndest la you maelek
domeul appears. Seleetfield ramo fren diah
Clek Etle ren merge ield vane do sert i t e
the documehs
Clck he iaert mekge "Aeld bilon Joinsert lho ned
hield ame ard set P sele Fittvame.
( Place the eurson belos he l l e >>.cllek Ihe
Lwhert ynesoe eld bulon. Selest <i adaress)y
d peMealer "ke
Clck the duserf metyepield bullon,seled kcityy
pe a hupheuand sell seleci <<PinsS fren
meaeplelcl blon and pO Enr Ley
Clek_iuseit_metgefleld bullon and selet
Nos tomplele zhe Remainiy a pert o _the telos

Merge Docwmen
2TomegtHe_ma4leh doeuwneal_avd values o
dihferest flelds elick t Mesgeo neo loeumet"
t h e Mad mego loobas"_
no 4ickly mege the dalG wlh
masleh docume_and diaplay i
V s all letteu one y one ad you_dekoll Through4
the eers.You lan Aee previeus o eey leller.

Teacher's Signature,
Ept. No Page
Microsoft Excel Book
File Ed Vies Tvert Toale Wrdos
Q Sho le Reference MS Excel
= D EF
ngRelalive Relerence :-
Subject Pape Paperll Paper ll7otal Excel udes relale 2ofezencirho_eeladrests
Sheu you pnle a omua
Phyvcs 56
69 78
74 2 06
B sonnula ia _cell 2 i4D9;£+ F9AU
onp Sc. 7 2r ake relate, he fotmula,Aronsad
Cheisay 24 7 Lnlo englih wouU Lead as follouA:
English 65 72 7 2
"2 ell G2add_he nuhet 9th colymn de pe
Toial 090 left(ba).kfcond column t o he dest(E2and
HO_adja cenl column On he lefpIF)in The s
SupOAe O cOpy OHmula_acsOA Lolunon_ G,
HSkeet Shect?/Shet 37
the roh milaA_adft"thei cel Ssefosence o
hetznes ailipns. /he egaied fOtmudas_ake
Ce conlainr formula ALFohna
D1o+ £10+ F/0
G12 sAI2 t EI2 +F/2
You w noice haB be formulas cherge give ihe
Ce eLHEnceAtbere A chargtmg dgadtskla
wth prelleve posAism_rGm lhe cell hal econlains
he_fOh ula
Teachers Signature
. No.

Ug abiolilo oseheut
o e absoluloJhetences Only to keags he ceb
ejorencg alues oiewn changing as and_ ushen
eiu_copy, a fohmula, To a nes localiey
wOP hAheeia
erdey aM absole efetence b ustiny the
FA ke
ypean taual aign and he _eell tesetrence
(Pris Fhe absoluk Lefgene key, cml l ho
Coreet_Lombinalleu ol_dollas 4gns ApeaL4,
0 ype he nekz pétaloh an conliwe o enle
fOhmulla, als0.
You iam ue he F key ushe tdilinq an

Teacher's Signature.

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