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Experiments in India on "Voluntary" Control

of the Heart and Pulse


PROMINENT among the many claims of the heart. Of the four, only three consented
unusual bodily control that emanate from to serve as subjects, and one of these claimed
practitioners of Yoga is the ability to stop he was too old to demonstrate heart stopping
the heart and radial pulse. Such claims often without a month or so of preparatory prac-
have been authenticated by physicians, and tice. Since he was the subject studied by Dr.
one " experiment" employed a loud-speaker Brosse in 1935 we were particularly anxious
system so that a large crowd could hear the to gain his cooperation and, after considerable
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heart sounds before and after their disappear- persuasion, he consented to demonstrate for
ance. To our knowledge, however, only one us the method he had employed in "stopping
investigator had published electrocardio- the heart" for Dr. Brosse.
graphic results before the work now reported. Apparatus and Procedures
In 1935 a French cardiologist, Dr. Therese Our apparatus has been described elsewhere.1i3
Brosse, took portable apparatus to India and Briefly, it consisted of an 8-channel Offner type-T
obtained measurements from at least one per- portable electroencephalograph with appropriate
son who claimed the ability to stop the heart. detectors and bridges for DC recording of respira-
A published excerpt from her data4 involving tion, skin temperature, electrical skin conductance,
one electrocardiographic lead, a pneumogram, and finger blood volume changes. Procedures va-
ried according to the cooperativeness of the sub-
and a pulse wave recording from the radial ject and other circumstances. For that reason the
artery, shows the heart potentials and pulse results are reported for individual subjects.
wave decreasing in magnitude approximately
to zero, where they stayed for several seconds Results
before they returned to their normal magni- The first two subjects claimed they could
tude. The data were held to support the claim stop the heart. No. 1. Shri Sal Gram, at Yoga-
that the heart was voluntarily controlled to a shram, New Delhi, made four attempts at one
point of approximate cessation of contraction. session. Only one electrocardiographic lead
During our investigations in India wve (III) and respiration were recorded, in what
searched for persons who claimed to stop the was planned as a preliminary experiment. The
heart or pulse, and were cordially assisted by subject stood in a semi-crouched posture with
many individuals including the Indian press. the left side pressed against a table. Under
We found four. Another claimed only to slow retained deep inspiration considerable muscen-
lar tension was apparent in neck, chest, abdo-
From the University of California, Los Angeles; men, and arms. Stethoseopically detected
The Medical School, University of Michigan, Ann heart sounds either disappeared briefly or
Arbor; and the All India Institute of Medical were obscured by sounds from muscle action.
Sciences, New Delhi.
This work was made possible by grants from the Palpable right radial pulse weakened or dis-
Rockefeller Foundation, The Rackham Foundation of appeared briefly at each attempt to stop the
the University of Michigan, and subcontract AF 18 heart. Electrocardiographic records were re-
(600)-1180 from George Washington University, and plete with muscular artifacts but were read-
was sponsored by the Indian Council of Medical able for rate and QRS potential changes.
Research. Individual acknowledgments have been re- Little change occurred in magnitude of poten-
corded elsewhere.`~ The analysis of the data was
supported, in part, by research grant M-788 from tials; changes in heart rate were small. There
the Institute of Mental Health, National Tnstitutes was no indication of heart arrest. The subject
of Health, U. S. Public Health Service. refused fnl th er cooperation.
Circulation, Volume XXIV, December 1961 1319

W4441 -!- ,t

AAAA11111A1111-, i A.K-k- L 1 --L-

H-1e -L-L-
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Figure 1
One "heart stopping" attempt by Shri Ramananda Yogi. The channels and variables are
(1) muscle potentials, right biceps; (2) muscle potentials, right abdominus rectus; (3)
electrocardiographic lead I; (4) electrocardiographic lead II; (5) electrocardiographic
lead III; (6) plethysmograph, left index finger; (7) respiration. Calibration was 100
puv/cm. for the electromyogram and 1 mv/cm. for the electrocardiogram. Chart speed
wa.s 1.25 cm./sec.

No. 2. Shri Ramananda Yogi, of Andhra, abdominal muscles were strongly contracted. By
age 33, at All India Institute of Medical Sci- this maneuver the pressure in the thorax was
ences, New Delhi, made seven attempts on 2 raised. During this period I could feel a very fee-
ble pulse which had a normal rate in the beginning
days, and additional experiments on a third but became quick in the later part of the experi-
day during fluoroscopy and x-ray photog- ment. The heart sounds could not be heard but one
raphy,* all in a supine position. This work could hear faint murmurish sounds due to the con-
was initiated in the laboratory of the third traction of the thoracic muscles. The neck veins
author who became interested in the results became distended. The breath was held for 15
seconds. This was immediately followed by quick-
and was asked to collaborate. His account of ening of the respiration, quick and deep pulse, and
the second and third days of experimentation loud heart sounds. After a few seconds the heart
follows: rate returned to normal. The resting blood pres-
I examined Shri Ramananda Yogi on March 7, sure had been 130/96 mm. Hg. Immediately fol-
1957, during two experiments in which he claimed lowing the breath holding it was raised to 210/100.
he could stop the heart and pulse. He was inves- During the breath-holding period when the pulse
tigated during these experiments electroencephalo- was almost imperceptible and no heart sounds
graphically and electrocardiographically by Drs. could be heard, the electrocardiograph continued
Wenger and Bagehi, who also recorded his finger to show contractions of the heart. The electrocar-
blood volume, respiration, blood pressure, and diographic pattern showed a slight right axis de-
muscular activity. In the first experiment, Shri viation which disappeared when respiration started
Ramananda Yogi stopped his respiration after tak- again.
ing four deep breaths. The breath was held in in- In the next experiment, he repeated the same
spiration with closed glottis and the chest and procedure but held the breath in expiration. All
other maneuvers were the same. The pulse, al-
*The radiologic investigations were conducted at though very feeble, could still be felt. No heart
Trwin Hospital with the assistance of Dr. N. G. sounds could be heard. Venous congestion in the
Gadekar. The authors are grateful to him for his neck took place. The electrocardiograph showed
collaboration. that the heart contractions continued but this time
Circulation, Volume XXIV, December 1961



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Figure 2
From demonstration by Shri Krishnamacharya of method used in "heart stopping."
Electrocardiographic leads I and III, and respiration, are shown in that order (a) at rest,
and (b) during demonstration. Calibration was 1 mv./1.5 cm. Chart speed was 2.5 cm./sec.

there was a slight left axis deviation. All other Marked increases are seen to have occurred
responses were similar to those in the first experi- in the abdominal recording only. The plethys-
ment. mographic recording shows that the finger
Next day Shri Ramananda Yogi had skiagrams
of the chest taken before experimentation and pulse was always detectable, and that the
during two experiments, again attempting to stop pulse volume was greatly increased imme-
the heart and pulse, one holding the breath in in- diately after termination of the attempt. No
spiration, and the other holding the breath in ex- unusual changes were detected in the electro-
piration. In both experiments one finds that the encephalographic records.*
maximum transverse measurement of the heart
decreases. Normally the maximum transverse meas- No. 3. Shri T. Krishnamacharya, of Madras,
urement was 12 em. During the first experiment age 67, at Vivekananda College, Madras. This
(inspiration) it was decreased to 11 cm. During gentleman was the one who had "stopped his
the second experiment (expiration) it was de- heart" for Dr. Brosse in 1935 but would not
creased to 11.5 cm. repeat the attempt for us. He finally con-
Figure 1 shows the first attempt of March sented to demonstrate the method he had
7. During maintained inspiration the QRS employed, but with minimum apparatus
potential is seen to decrease in lead I and to attached: a blood pressure cuff, electrocardio-
increase in lead III. (In the second attempt, graphic leads I, II, and III, and a respiration
during maintained expiration, the potentials
*This subject had engaged in a number of pit-
increased in lead I and decreased in lead III.) burial demonstrations but refused us cooperation in
The first two channels show muscle action po- that respect. Recently, however, he has cooperated
tentials from the right biceps and the right with the third author and Dr. GuIzar Singh in sceh
abdominus rectus at the level of the umbilicus. work. The results are to be reported soon.
Circulation, Volume XXIV, December 1961
Table 1
Variability in Heart Period in Last Phase of Heart Slowing Experiments of Subject
no. 4 (HP in seconds)
Experiment no. 1 2 3* 1 2 1 2
Date 4/25 5/23 5/24
Initial range 0.6-0.9 0.7-0.8 0.7-0.9
Last 10 1.2 1.2 0.7 1.8 1.3 1.9 1.7
heart periods 1.1 1.6 0.8 1.8 2.1 1.8 2.0
1.4 1.4 0.9 1.8 2.5 1.9 1.9
2.6 2.0 0.9 2.8 2.0 1.9 1.9
2.5 1.6 1.2 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.8
1.9 2.9 1.6 2.4 1.8 1.8
A) 9
2.2 1.8 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.8
2.1 2.3 2.0 2.0 0
.) 1.6 1.8
2.0 21 1.7 2.0 2.1 1.6 1.8
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1.7 1.6 0.9 1.8 1 .4 1.5 1.3

Just after
maneuver 0.8 0.9 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.2 0.7
Longest 1iP 2. 6 2.9 2.0 2.8 2.5 2.-8 2.9


b)elt; 1io101 of which he would tolerate fastened Yogi, duIuiigi i maintained inspiration with
tightly. Ile said his radial pulse might stop, glottis closed and with increased tension in
but his heart wouldn't. The method proved abdominal nmuscles, the heart potentials de-
to be similar to that employed by Shri Ramna- creased in lead I but increased in lead III.
nanda Yogi during maintained inspiration. Aogain, right axis deviation of the heart is
The muscular effort expended was less, but indicated.
the periods of maintained inspiration were No. 4. Shri N. R. Upadhyaya, age 37, at
oonsiderably longer. Again, the blood pres- Kaivalyadhamna, Lonavla. This gentleman did
sure increased, the maximum change being not claim to stop the heart. He claimed only
from 128/80 to 140/105. There were no defi- to slow it. Ile was a student of Yoga with
nite "attempt" periods for this subject. He more than 5 years of training, and had dis-
merely permitted us to record data while he covered accidentally that he could slow his
reclined and engaged in praniayarua (breath heart. The maneuver occurred in the reclining
eonitrol) as he pleased. On three attempts to position and during maintained inspiration.
measure blood pressure no sounds could be Just before the attempt a rolled towel was
heard from the braeuial artery. On another inserted under the lumbar area of the spine
day with the subject seated, a physician was which gave a support 4 or 5 inches in height.
permitted to palpate both radial arteries and After inspiration the subject engaged in the
listen to heart sounds stethoscopically.t Ile Yogic posture known as utddiyanta, which in-
reported no absence of heart sounds but at volves a raising of the diaphragm and an in-
one time the radial pulse was not detectable ward distention of the abdomen, and accom-
iii either wrist. panied it with another posture known as
We believe the most significant data from jalandabar bandha, in which the chin is de-
these experiments are the changes in QRS pressed and extended toward the chest.
potemitials in leads I and III (fig. 2). As we We tested him on 3 days, and on the first
previously had found with Shri Ramananda 2 days applied electrocardiographic chest
tThe authors are indebted to Dr. S. T. Narasimhan
leads V2 and V5 in addition to standard leads
I, II, and III. There were only small changes
of Madras for his assistance in this experiment
and for his genial aid in our Avork. in the magnitude of the QRS potential in any
Circulation, Volume XXIV, December 1961


16. X y
iI I I I
- -r- . v - v 1 1
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a a A
.1 m _~ ---1 -W- V-


IDD Figure 3
One attempt by Shri Upadhyaya to slow the heart. Sequential portions of the recording
of electrocardiographic leads I and III are shown. Calibration was 1 mv/cm. Chart speed
was 1.25 cm./sec. The P wave disappeared (x) and was absent for 16 heart cycles. The
longest cycle length (Y) was almost 3 seconds.

lead. There was, however, a marked slowing Pressure on the carotid sinuses produced an
of the heart in each test. In addition to brady- increase rather than a decrease in heart rate.
cardia we found an increase in the P-R inter- The chin lock alone (jalandabar bandha) pro-
val and finally a marked decrease or disap- duced little or no change. Uddiyana alone
pearance of the P wave. Thus a nodal rhythm produced some bradyeardia and one cycle of
appeared for a few beats before the subject almost 2 seconds' duration, as may be seen in
terminated the maneuver. Figure 3 demon- the third column of table 1. The other columns
strates the longest P-wave depression we ob- of the table show (a) the durations of the
tained. The longest eycle length was approxi- last 10 cycle lengths in the six main experi-
mately 3 seconds. ments, (b) the premaneuver range, (c) the
Our attempts to discover the mechanisms first postmaneuver heart period, and (c) the
contributing to these results were not fruitful. longest recorded heart period. The period-to-
Circulation, Volume XXIV, December 1961

Ramananda Yogi N. K. Upadyaya Sal Gram T. Krishna- T. D. Cullon


sec. mmn.

1.0 - 10.0

sec. mm.
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1231456 123 456 123 456 12 3156 12 345 2341 12345 6 123 456

Means for Means for 1 Means for Means for

7 experiments 9 experiments experiment 7 experiments 3 experiments

Figure 4
Sum malri of experiments onl control of the heart. Each entry for heart period (LIP)
and finger pulse volume (PI,) represents ))ooled meaws for samples of 10 heart cycies
from each phase of each experiment. Differ(e)t phases of thle erperinients are indicated
as follows: 1. Initial rest. 2. After inutrn(ti(Jn$. 3. Fastest RI? 0and lowest PV during
inonen"(1 1e slowiS'est H (alnd highest PI (1?cia ing and jost (after. ninele e). A. 50 lip after
soalmple no. 4. 6. 100 HP after sample no. 4.

p)eiod variability is al)parent. Of additional sul)jec ts and for one American (D)rt. Cllen)
interest is the observation that only on the who attempted to repeat the Valsalva experi-
last day of ex)erilnentation the imaneuver
was ment. Decreased heart rate was greatest in
maintained for 10 or iiore heart cycles beyond the subject who claimed only to slow the
the greatest bradyeardia. Apparently experi- heart. The greatest changes in finger pulse
ence or amount of attached apparatus, or volume occurred in Shri Ramnananda, who ex-
both, influence the effects of this maneuver. erted utmost effort to demonstrate "heart
This subject is still available for research. stopping." Dr. Cullen employed less effort,
Subsequent work by Indian investigators sup- although his pattern for heart period is not
ports the above observation in that a heart greatly different from that of Shri Raina-
period of 5.6 seconds has now been recorded.5 nanda.
Perhaps they will discover the mechanisms For the first three subjects we assume that
underlying. the effect. by increased tension in the muscles of the
Discussion abdomen and thorax, and with closure of the
It is obvious that the subjects we tested do glottis, there is developed an increased intra-
not voluntarily control the heart muscle di- thoracie pressure that interferes with the
rectly. In each instance some striated muscle venous return to the heart. With little blood
action intervenes. Through muscular and to pllulp the heart, sounds are diminished, as
respiratory control certain changes do occur *The authors are indebted to Dr. Thomas Cullen,
in circulatory variables. Figure 4 shows University of California, Los Angeles, for his par-
changes in heart period and (for some sub- ticipation in this experiment and for his assistance
jects) finger pulse volume for the Indian in analysing the data.
Circulation, Volume XXIV, Dccember 1961

well as being masked by muscular sounds, and examples of voluntary control over suppos-
the palpable radial pulse seems to disappear. edly involuntary musculature, such as one
High. amplification finger plethysmography reported by Lindsley and Sassman8 with pilo-
continues to show pulse waves, however; and motor control, and one2 with sudomotor con-
the electrocardiograph shows that the heart trol. Such examples probably are to be ex-
goes on contracting. The electrocardiograph plained in terms of accidental conditioning.
also shows right axis deviation under deep
Summary and Conclusions
inspiration. The QRS potentials in lead I are
markedly decreased. It seems, therefore, that Among other studies in India the authors
Dr. Brosse's record of "heart control" is to investigated four practitioners of Yoga in re-
be so explained. She recorded lead I only spect to control of the heart and pulse. Two
from Shri Krishnamacharya. Had she re- claimed to stop the heart. One formerly made
corded lead III, or had she recalled the results this claim but only demonstrated his method.
of the Valsalva maneuver, she probably would The fourth claimed only to slow the heart.
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not have claimed that her subject voluntarily The method for the first three was similar,
controlled his heart. involving retention of breath and considerable
It is of interest to know l hat our conclusions muscular tension in the abdomen and thorax,
have had a forerunner in India. After com- with closed glottis. It was concluded that
pletion of our work we discovered a mono- venous return to the heart was retarded but
graph published in 1927 by Dr. V. G. Rele that the heart was not stopped, although heart
of Bombay.6 Although he published no data, and radial pulse sounds weakened or disap-
he writes of electrocardiographic records and peared.
x-rays on one subject, and reached conclusions The fourth subject, with different interven-
similar to ours, although he extended them ing mechanisms also presumably under stri-
more than we care to do. ated muscle control, did markedly slow his
Our fourth subject demonstrated a different heart. The data indicate strong increase in
phenomenon that further research may ex- vagal tone of unknown origin.
plain. It could be said that he "stopped the References
heart" for a few seconds. We prefer to assume 1. BAGCHI, B. K., AND WENGER, M. A.: Electro-
that by some striated muscular mechanism he physiological correlates of some yogi exercises.
stimulated the vagus output to the sinoatrial In EEG, Clinical Neurophysiology and Epi-
lepsy. London, Permagon Press, 1959, p. 132.
node, interrupted it. and thus interrupted 2. WENGER, M. A., AND BAGCHI, B. K.: Studies
regular cardiac cycles and a nodal rhythm of autonomic functions in practitioners of
was briefly established. Yoga in India. Behavioral Se. 6: 312, 1961.
In this connection a recent publication in 3. WENGER, M. A., AND BAGCHI, B. K.: A report
California is of interest.7 A patient com- on psychophysiological investigations in India.
plained of heart slowing when he relaxed. Mimeographed MS for limited circulation.
Published electrocardiograms show a period of 4. BROSSE, T.: A psycho-physiological study. Main
Currents in Modern Thought 4: 77, 1946.
standstill of approximately 5 seconds followed 5. KUVALAYANANDA, S.: Kaivalyadhama, Lonavla
by a QRS potential with no P component. (Bombay State), India. Unpublished research.
The report, supplemented by private corre- 6. RELE, V. G.: The Mysterious Kundalini. Bombay,
spondence, indicates that there were no D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., Ltd., 1927.
changes in QRS magnitude but that the P 7. MCCLURE, C. M.: Cardiac arrest through volition.
wave at the end of the periods of bradyeardia Calif. Med. 90: 440, 1959.
was reduced or absent. Contrary to our Indian nomic activity and brain potentials associated
subject, he apparently employed no interven- with voluntary control of the pilomotors. (MM.
ing muscular or respiratory mechanism. He arrectores pilorum). J. Neurophysiol. 1: 342,
merely relaxed. His data call to mind other 1938.

Circulation, Volume XXIV, December 1961

Experiments in India on "Voluntary" Control of the Heart and Pulse

Circulation. 1961;24:1319-1325
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doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.24.6.1319
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Copyright © 1961 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.
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