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This paper is presented to the faculty of ACLC College Ormoc

In partial requirements for Practical Research 1

Alayon, Carmela, G.
Cabaron, Ruzzane
Casunggay, Nash, T
Delos Reyes, Mark Kenneth, G.
Taborada, Hanzel Jade, C.

June, 2022

Teenage Pregnancy had been a worldwide issue, and has raised large

numbers of campaigns and awareness to lessen its occurrence. The total number of

this phenomenon is increasing each year. Philippines is one of the Asian countries

which shares similar situation. In a study conducted by the National Demographic

and Health Survey in 2013, one out of every young Filipino women age 15 to 19 is

already a mother or pregnant with a first child. Therefore, the government in

partnership with the different nongovernment agencies should exert efforts in

resolving this issue. Teenage Pregnancies are often associated with social

development issues such as lack of sufficient education and poverty. This often

results to single parenthood which catalyzes conditions that renders the mothers to

become irresponsible. Hence, it conveys a social stigma in various countries and

cultures. This study would like to focus on exploring the lived experiences of Filipino

teenage mothers in their pre and post-natal stage on how they prepare and accept

their new roles as mothers. The gathered data from the methods were analyzed and

interpreted according to qualitative content analysis. As a result, this generated

emergent themes which depicted the experiences of the participants. More liberal

teenage behavior has made pregnancy in this age group an important issue. The

obstetrical and psychosocial risks of the pregnant teenager are related more to

inadequate care than to her age. There is a higher perinatal mortality rate among

infants born of teenaged mothers. Risk of abuse, neglect, or developmental delay is

mitigated by family and societal support. Management of the pregnant adolescent is

multi-faceted. She needs nutritional counselling, optimal antenatal and obstetrical

care, and access to continuing education or job training. After the child is born, follow

up should be directed towards health care, nutrition, education, employment,

financial counselling or support, and family and community support.


This research will be conducting about the TEENAGE PREGNANCY:


one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates among the ASEAN member states.

More than 500 adolescents are becoming pregnant and giving birth every day. The

teenage pregnancy rate in the Philippines was 10% in 2008, down to 9% in 2017.

Live births by teenage mothers (aged 10-19) in 2016 totalled 203,085, which slightly

decreased to 196,478 in 2017 and 183,000 in 2018. Still, the Philippines has one of

the highest adolescent birth rates among the ASEAN Member States. Teenage

pregnancy affects 5.99 percent of Filipino girls which is the second highest rate in

Southeast Asia based on Save the Children’s Global Childhood Report (2019). In

2019, the Philippines National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)

declared the number of teenage pregnancies a "national social emergency". Rodrigo

Duterte, the President of the Philippines, realized the urgency as the Commission on

Population and Development in 2019 recorded that almost seven girls, aged ten to

fourteen, gave birth everyday- 2,411 girls that year. An estimated 538 babies are

born to Filipino teenage mothers every single day, according to Philippine Statistical

Authority (2017). Complication of the child birth and unsafe abortion are among the

main causes of death for women under 20. Early teenage pregnancy can cause

severe health problems for both the mother and child it can carries also a social

stigma that leads to a high risk of poverty, illiteracy, or lower education levels. Early

childbearing may result in poor health outcomes and may be a threat to the country's

economic growth. Pregnant adolescents are less likely to complete higher education

and have lesser ability to earn more income over the course of a lifetime, causing

economic losses to the country.


The purpose of the study is to assess the causes of TP (Teenage Pregnancy).

This study aims to determine what are the factors or causes and the way of solving
the problem regarding of the issue in Teenage Pregnancy in the specified area. The
study determined the preferences of the causes and solutions of teenage pregnancy
in Barangay Sabang Bao. In which the researchers provided questionnaire imparted
to the respondents.

Specifically, it aims to the following objectives:

I. To determine the factors of teenage pregnancy in Barangay

Sabang Bao.
II. To analyze the risks of teenage mothers in the community.

III. To find solutions of teenage pregnancy in Barangay Sabang Bao.


In this research the treatment that describe on the study is Independent

Variable as experiment looking a solution at the issue of Teenage Pregnancy. The
dependent variable in this research is teenage pregnancy.


It is hypothesized that the majority will view teenage pregnancy as a problem;

negative in terms of educational achievement and employment goals. In addition, it
is hypothesized that the adolescent’s attitudes toward teenage pregnancy will differ
according to their socio-economic status. Teenage pregnancies are more likely to
occur in poor, uneducated rural areas. Teenage pregnancy is caused by a lot of
things such as lack of sexual education, poor medical help and therefore expensive
contraceptives or none given at government health care facilities. Therefore, the
hypothesis is accepted which means, the null hypothesis which states that there is
no significant difference in the risk experienced by pregnant teenagers in various age
groups is accepted. From these findings, we developed an “alternative expectation”
hypothesis regarding how dislike of school might increase risk of teenage pregnancy:
some young people who dislike school consequently do not develop “conventional”
expectations about involvement in education/training in their late teens and view

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

I. What are the health risks of teenage pregnancy?
Teens often don’t get prenatal care soon enough, one of the many reasons
pregnant teens and their babies are at higher risk of health problems than older
pregnant women. Teens younger than age 15 are especially vulnerable to anemia,
or low blood iron, and pregnancy-related high blood pressure.

II. Why do teens want to have babies?

Researchers now know that certain factors teenager girls choose early
motherhood over other goals. These include poverty, school failure, a mother or
sister who was a teen mother and living in a dangerous neighborhood.

III. How does teenage pregnancy affect teen mothers?

Teens are at a higher risk for pregnancy-related high blood pressure
(preeclampsia) and its complications than average age mothers. Risks for the baby
include premature birth and low birth weight. Preeclampsia can also harm the
kidneys or even be fatal for mother or baby.

The primary objective of this qualitative phenomenological research is to
explore and understand the lived experiences of mothers in their teenage years. This
contains the method used in the study particularly the discussion of the research
design, research respondents, research environment, research instrument, research
setting, research timeline, study instruments and significance of the study. There are
some parts of the Methodology that are not specified in the study.
Research Design
The study used a Phenomenological and Action Research design which is
BARANGGAY SABANG BAO” the researchers use qualitative research. This
research made use of descriptive employing correlational and developmental
methods of research. Best (1990) cited that descriptive research is a method that
involves describing, analyzing, and interpreting conditions that exist. It involves an
element of interpretation of the meaning of significance of what is described,
combined with comparison and contrast involving measurements, classification,
interpretation, and evaluation (Fistinger, 2004). This method of research is known to
be the most applicable for this study for the purpose of presenting the data gathered
in the survey questionnaire conducted that are concerned to the extent of TEENAGE
family, peers, community, and the educational development of students. The
perception of the teenager to the effects of causes of teenage pregnancy were
limited to educational development only.

Research Timeline:

Target Date Task and “To do list” Date Completed

Choosing the topic/title

May 02, 2022 “Teenage Pregnancy” May 04, 2022

Gathering 50 respondents
May 05, 2022 May 08, 2022

Organizing Ideas about the

May 09, 2022 research topic and finding May 15, 2022
Encoding the research data
May 16, 2022 May 27, 2022

Revising/Re-encoding the
June 17, 2022 research paper June 18, 2022

Submitting the research

June 20, 2022 proposal June 20, 2022

Ethical Issues
The ethical issues surrounding the topic may include further questions about
the perspectives of other members of the general population and may lead to further
discussion surrounding topics not covered in this study. The survey is limited to the
data and purposes collected. It is continuously monitored, calibrated, and revised to
increase the credibility and reliability of the study.


The researchers provide a laptop and 100 pesos compensation for data
gathering, encoding, and printing the data gathered. The 100 pesos compensation is
for the research proposal and research output, 50 pesos for the research proposal
and 50 pesos for the research output. The researchers were approached and asked
to provide the given necessities for this research and they all agree in the
contribution with no hesitation and dilemmas.


The researchers conducted this research through social media to follow the
health protocols due to covid-19 pandemic. The researchers personally gave the
questionnaire to the subjects/ respondents through social media due to pandemic.
The people in social media were approached to participate and cooperate in the
research. They were assured that their participation or non-participation to the study
would not affect their care.

Sample size

The respondents/participants of the study are random person on social media,

the study requires 50+ participants. we have a total of 53 respondents, Who have
knowledge about teenage pregnancy.

Study instruments
The researcher’s utilized a laptop to accumulate up and collect data of our
research. We find sources from Google Scholar, the researcher’s used Google form
to make a survey for our questionnaire for us to amass information’s and to ken the
perspective of our respondents in regards to teenage pregnancy.

Significance of the Study

This study will be greatly important to the following: Teenagers. As of now

many teenage girls under age of 20 got pregnant for the reason of that is less of

care, love of the family some of it is poverty, gender inequalities, gender-based

violence, substance use, poor access to contraceptives and issues with termination

of pregnancy. Teenagers will benefit from this study is to know what are the

consequences that they will encounter of being early motherhood and what are

some process that can help to solve or to prevent early pregnancy. Parents. To

some parents, the news that you're having a baby will feel like a terrible crisis.

Depending on their beliefs, cultural values, or personalities, parents might feel

shame, guilt, or embarrassment. They might feel angry and assign blame.

Sometimes parents scream, yell, and use putdowns. This will help them to educate

their offspring whether if pregnant or not, that being an early motherhood is very

controversial in human life. This will lead them to guide themselves financially for

aspect of their daughter.


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European Scientific Journal November 2016 edition vol.12, No.32 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e -
ISSN 1857- 7431

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