DLL New-April25

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School: STA.


DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: April 25, 2022 MONDAY Quarter: 4th QUARTER


7:10-8:10 8:10-9:10 9:10-10:10 10:20-11:20
Content Standards Enrich ability to share oneself
demonstrates understanding of The learner listens critically;
the effects of earthquakes
to respond to international volume of solid figures and meter communicates feelings and ideas
and volcanic eruptions
standards reading. orally and in writing with a high
Performance Objective is able to apply knowledge of level of proficiency; and reads
Share one’s abilities for the
volume of solid figures and meter various text types materials to design an emergency and
development of others and
reading in mathematical problems serve learning needs in meeting a preparedness plan and kit
and real -life situations. wide range of life’s purposes.
Learning Competencies/ Objectives Compose clear and coherent Describe the changes on the
(Write the LC code for each) Identify the needs of the family Calculates the volume of cylinders, sentences using appropriate Earth’s surface as a result of
and community pyramids, cones, and spheres. grammatical structures earthquakes and volcanic
II. CONTENT Needs of the Family and Disaster Preparedness
Volume of cylinders, pyramids,
( Subject Matter) Community Coordinating Conjunctions What to do Before, During and
cones, and spheres
after Volcanic Eruptions
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages
2. Learners Material Pages Science Beyond Borders pp 190-
Mathletes pp. 288-301 Building Effective English Skills page 181
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from LRDMS

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing past lesson or Presenting the new Today we will continue our What are the relationships among solid What are the verb tenses? What happens when a volcanic
lesson discussion with the needs of the figures when we talk about volume? eruption occurs?
family and community
B. Establishing a purpose of the new lesson What are the needs of a What are the formula in calculating the Give 2 sentences, ask pupils to join it with Today we will talk about what you
family/community? volume of pyramids and spheres? correct coordinating conjunction? can do before, during and after a
What are the problems encountered Ex. Christian studied hard. volcanic eruption.
by a family and community? He got high grades.
C. Presenting Examples/ instances of the new If we have a problem, how would Present examples in calculating volume Can we use all coordinating conjunctions What will you do if a volcano
lesson you deal with it? of spheres and pyramids. at any situation? Yes or no? why? nearby is about to erupt? How will
you manage to stay safe?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Discuss Discuss on how to calculate volume of Discuss: Let the pupils watch the video
skills no. 1. “It takes a village to raise a child” spheres. Coordinating conjunctions serve the presentation about volcanic
a famous line we always hear and purpose of connecting words or ideas of eruption.
the continued support of that the same kind or order.
village helped in achieving
success to resolve issues and
concerns in our family and
community. Every one of us has
a responsibility to have a happy
and safe community.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Here are the step by step process Discuss on how to calculate volume of Present examples of coordinating Discuss the ways to be prepared for
skills no. 2 to deal with problem/s effectively pyramids. conjunctions and explain their uses. volcanic eruption.
in our family and community. 1. Alfred and Dan saw a film about
1. Define the problem- Describe a young rebels.
problem by writing it in the form 2. The students jumped and
of a statement and this will cheered as the principal
clarify exactly the issue/problem announced the celebration.
is. 3. I cannot join you for I am going
2. Look for the root cause – to watch a movie with my
Answer the following questions parents.
4. He wants to go out and play but
What caused this problem? Who
he is sick.
is responsible for this problem?
5. My father does not watch horror
Why did this happen? Can this be
films, nor does he allow us to do
solved for good so it will never
occur again? 6. Christian studied hard, so he got
3. Develop possible solutions- high grades.
Make a list of alternate solutions,
and. rank according to efficiency
4. Implement the Solution-
Choose the best possible solution.
5. Evaluate- Know if the chosen
solution did work well and the
best solution in the given
problem. The ultimate goal is to
understand the problem better
and to deal with it more.
F. Developing Mastery Choose one problem encountered Guided practice on how to calculate Give some more examples. Give your thoughts about how you
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3.) by a family member either in the volume of spheres and pyramids. will save yourself/family
community or in the family stated
in our Activity last week
G. Finding practical application of concepts and What is the importance of our Why do we need to learn on how to Why do we have to use proper Why do we need to study safety
skills in daily living lesson today in our life? calculate volume? coordinating conjunction in our precautions about volcanic
sentences? eruption.
H. Making Generalization and abstraction What are the step by step how to calculate volume of spheres and What are the coordinating conjunctions What are the safety precautions
about the lesson process to deal with problem/s pyramids? and their uses? before during and after eruption?
effectively in our family and
I. Evaluating learning 1. Think of your dream Answer worksheet. Answer worksheet What you will do before, during
community. Write or draw it in a and after a volcanic eruption?
piece of paper
2. Include the contributions that
you and others can do to make
that dream come true.
3. Submit it to your adviser.
J. Additional activities for application and
A. No. of learner who earned 80%

B. No. of learner who scored below 80%

( needs remediation)

C. No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson

D. No of learner who continue to require remediation

Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why?

What difficulties did I encounter which my principal

/supervisor can help me solve?
What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share w/other teacher?

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