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The Magna Carta

The Magna Carta it’s a written document, and

was order from king Giovanni of Engalnd
but it was written by the archibishop of
Canterbury. It was written to guarantee the
rights of nobles and common people and for
guarantee that the King did not abuse his power.
The Magna Carta was also used in the English
colonies in America.

Below, i’ll write some laws of the Magna Carta

-The heirs are not given in marriage to persons of a lower class; before
they enter into marriage, it must be made known to their close relatives.
- No widow is compelled to remarry as long as she wants to
remain unmarried, provided she gives assurance that she will not
marry without our consent if she is our vassal, or without the
consent of her lord if she is another's vassal.
-The city of London has all its ancient freedoms and free customs,
both by land and by water. Furthermore, we want and allow all
other cities, towns, villages and ports to have all their freedoms
and free customs.
These were some rule of the Magna Carta. One last thing: the
Magna Carta is the first document to appear in Europe and is the
basis on which the English constitution is then built.

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