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BTEUP Pre-Board Examination (Odd Semester) January 2023
Communication Skills-I
Question Paper Code: 2040
First Semester
Time: 2:30 Hours ALL BRANCHES Maximum Marks: 50
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Students are advised to specially check the Numerical Data of question paper in both
versions. If there is any difference in Hindi Translation of any question, the students should
answer the question according to the English version.
3. Use of Pager and Mobile Phone by the students is not allowed.
1. सभी प्रश्नों को हल कीजिए।
2. छात्रों को सलाह दी जाती है कि वे दोनों संस्करणों के प्रश्न पत्र के संख्यात्मक डे टा की विशे ष रूप से जांच करें । यदि
किसी प्रश्न के हिंदी अनु वाद में कोई अन्तर हो तो विद्यार्थी अंग्रे जी संस्करण के अनुसार ही प्रश्न का उत्तर दें ।
3. छात्रों द्वारा पे जर और मोबाइल फोन का उपयोग करने की अनुमति नहीं है ।

Q.1: Answer any three of the following questions: (3X4=12)

a) What is meant by written communication? Write some of its disadvantages.
b) Write about some advantages of oral communication.
c) What are the steps in the process of communication? Why is feedback important to
complete the process of communication?
d) What are semantic barriers? How to overcome these barriers?

Q.2: a) Read the following sentences and convert them into indirect speech. (1x4=4)
i. The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”
ii. Raj said, “Alas! My pet died.”
iii. Dronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the fish’s eye.”
iv. Rahul said, “Let me come in.”
b) Convert the following active voices into passive voices. (1x4=4)
i. Your behavior surprises me.
ii. People says that he is a rich man.
iii. Please post this letter.
iv. Will you sell this house?
c) Punctuate these sentences properly. (1x2=2)
i. my brother and I like watching cricket football hockey and tennis
ii. he woke up at six o clock this morning
d) Fill in the blanks with proper form of the verbs. (1x2=2)
i. The snake went away without ___________ the child. (harm)
ii. He refused ___________ me into his room. (admit)

Q.3: Read the following passage below and answer the questions that follow:

These days, it is not unusual to see people listening to music or using their electronic gadgets
while crossing busy roads or travelling on public transports, regardless of the risks involved. I have
often wondered why they take such risks: is it because they want to exude a sense of
independence, or is it that they want to tell the world to stop bothering them? Or is it that they just

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want to show how cool they are? Whether it is a workman or an executive, earphones have
become an inseparable part of our lives, sometimes even leading to tragicomic situations.

The other day, an electrician had come to our house to fix something. We told him in detail what
needed to be done. But after he left, I found that the man had done almost nothing. It later turned
out that he could not hear our directions clearly because he had an earphone on. Hundreds of
such earphones addicts commute by the Delhi Metro every day. While one should not begrudge
anyone their moments of privacy or their love for music, the fact is ‘iPod oblivion’ can sometimes
be very dangerous.

Recently, I was travelling with my wife on the Delhi Metro. Since the train was approaching the last
station, there weren’t too many passengers. In our compartment, other than us, there were only
two women sitting cm the other side of the aisle. And then suddenly, I spotted a duffel bag. The
bomb scare lasted for several minutes. Then suddenly, a youth emerged from nowhere and picked
up the bag. When we tried to stop him, he looked at us, surprised. Then he took off his earpieces,
lifted the bag, and told us that the bag belonged to him and that he was going to get off at the next

We were stunned but recovered in time to ask him where he was all this while. His answer: he was
in the compartment, leaning against the door totally immersed in the music. He had no clue about
what was going on around him. When he got off, earplugs in his hand, we could hear strains of the

(A) Read the above passage and answer the questions that follow: (1x5=5)
i. What reasons does the author offer for the people taking risks on the road?
ii. Why didn’t the electrician carry out the work properly?
iii. Why were the people in the Metro doubtful about the bag?
iv. Why were the passengers stunned?
v. Explain the term ‘earphone addicts?
(B) Find words from the paragraph indicated which are similar in meaning to the words
given below: (1x3=3)
i. in spite of (para 1)
ii. absorbed (para 4)
iii. picked (para 3)
(C) Find the antonyms of the following words from the passage: (1x4=4)
i. Dependence
ii. Gradually
iii. Unafraid
iv. Oriented

Q.4: Write a short story based on the picture given below. (8)

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Write a paragraph on the topic- “Causes and effects of increasing unemployment in India.”

Q.5: Water supply will be suspended for eight hours (10 am to 6 pm) on 6th of March for
cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store
water for a day. You are Karan Kumar/Karuna Bajaj, Secretary, Janata Group Housing
Society, Palam Vihar, Kurnool. (6)
While walking in a park in your neighborhood you found a small plastic bag containing
some documents and some cash. Write a notice in about 50 words to be put on the park
notice board asking the owner to identify and collect it from you. You are Amar/Amrita
9399123456. (6)

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