Milan Dodatak Za Tekst

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In this segment of the horizontal level of the discursive formation of ani-politics we have

found several articulations of its mechanism of othering with other discourses that seem to be
structured by the same othering mechanism. Namely we have found elements of anti-Semitic and
misogynistic discourses in the comments that refer to members of the Serbian Covid-19 Crisis
Committee. The first example is Predrag Kon, a Serbian epidemiologist of Jewish origin working
in Belgrade. One commentator referred to him as a “little Jew” (Male, Blic’s comment section)
while claiming that he and president Vučić are responsible for the rise in the number of
infections after the elections since they abolished all restrictions. The same commentator also
claimed that “the entire government should be blown up using dynamite, so we can star over”.
The second example is Darija Kisić, also an epidemiologist working in Belgrade. She was seen
by commentators as a member of the crisis committee that is most affiliated with the government
and accused of “sucking up to the government” while “not knowing anything” and being a “false
expert” (Female, Blic’s comment section). Several commentators claimed that her role is to
“dress up for the cameras”, called her a “silicone beauty” and claimed that she is “getting more
fat with every new television appearance” (Male, Blic’s comment section).

As we can see, anti-Semitic and misogynistic discourses, in which the objects of othering
are Jews and woman, are articulated to the discursive formation of anti-politics by being
overdetermined1 by its othering mechanism. This means that the meanings created by anti-
Semitic and misogynistic discourses are used in order to further emphasize the meanings through
which the anti-political discursive formation constructs these experts. Therefore the Jewish
origins of Predrag Kon and the femininity of Darija Kisić are used to reinforce their construction
as false experts and government’s corrupt servants. We can see that the discursive formation of
anti-politics is able to incorporate different discourses within itself and articulate their
mechanisms with its own2. This articulation has a form of overdetermination since the
mechanism of othering of the discursive formation of anti-politics is subordinating the
mechanisms of other discourses to itself. This can be seen in the fact that the meanings anti-

Louis Althusser, For Marx, (New York: The Penguin Press 1969), 87–129

Stuart Hall and Lawrence Grossberg `On postmodernism and articulation: an interview with Stuart Hall`, in: David

Morley and Kuan-Hsing Chen (eds.), Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies (London: Routledge),

Semitic and misogynistic discourses are creating are being used to further amplify meanings
created by the discursive formation of anti-politics.

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