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TIME:3Hrs 15 Min Max Marks :7O

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Unit ch.
No. No.
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I 1 Electric Charges and Fields 10 10

II z Electric Potential and Capacitance 9 9

III Current Electricity 74

IV 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism 72 11

5 Magnetism and Matter 8 7

6 Electroma gnetic lnduction 7 7

7 Alternating Current 8 o
o Electromagnetic Waves 3 3

VII 9 Ray optics and Optical Instruments 10 9

VIII 10 Wave Optics 10 9

11 Dual nature of Radiation and Matter 6 6

72 Atoms 5 5

13 Nuclei 7 7
Semiconductor Devices and
74 10 10

Total=115 Marks 120 115 15 05 18 17 30 20

Question Paper Committee:

1) Vasanth Kumar, Lecturer, GPUC Pavagada,9480759246
2) Sreenivasamurthy K, Lecturer, GPUC Gubbi, 8747981059
3) Ugranarasimhaswamy, Lecturer, MGGPUC Kunigal, 9902856985
Subiect Code33 Total No. of Questions: t18

Time:3 Hours 15 min Mar Marks:70

General Instructions:
7) All pafts are compulsory.
2) Part - A questions haoe to be answereil in the
first two pages of the answer-booklet.
For Part - A questions, first u:ritten-answer will be consiilered for awarding marks.

3) Answers without releoant diagrnn / fgur" / circait whereoer necessary will not carry any

4) Direct arrszoets to the numerical ptoblems zoithout iletailcil solutions usill not carry
any tnarks.
I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the following questions:
1. A glass rod rubbed against a silk cloth, the silk acquires
(A) positive (B) negative charge
(C) no charge (D) some time positive charge and some time negative charge

2. Across the surface ofa charged conductor

(i) field is continuous (ii) potential is continuous
, (iii) freld is discontinuous (iv) potential is discontinuous,
choose the correct two statements .

(A) (i) and (iD (B) (ii) and (iii)

(C) (iiD and (iv) (D) (D and (iv)

3. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor does not depends on

(A) the shape of the plates (B) the size of the plates
(C) the position of the plates (D) charge on the plates
4. Two unequal resistances are connected in parallel across a battery, which of the following

statement is correct
(A) potential across each resistance is same

@) potential across each resistance is different

(C) current through each resistance is same
(D) current through any resistance depends on emf of battery

5. The radius ofpath ofa charged particle in a uniform magnetic field is directly proportional to
(A) mass of the particle (B) speed ofthe particle
(C) charge of the particle (D) both mass and speed of the particle

6. The angle between magnetic meridian and geographic meridian at a place is

(A) declination (B) dip
(C) horizontal component (D) vertical component

7. The polarity of induced emftend to produce the current, which described by

(A) Faraday'slaw @) Laplace's law
(C) Lenz's law (D) Amper's circuital law

8. tesla is the unit of

(A) electric flux (B) magnetic flux
(C) electric field (D) magnetic field

9. Energr dissipation in a pure capacitor is

(A) zero (B) one
(C) infinity (D) greater than one

l0.The electromagnetic waves having shortest wavelength

(A) X-rays (B) UV rays
(C) gamma rays (D) IR rays
ll.Two thin lenses of focal lengths fi and fz are kept in contact coaxially, the equivalent power of
the combination is

(A) r,+r2 @ *k g)%(r,+rz) @

l2.Diffraction of light is due to
(A) superposition of two waves
(B) superposition of two coherent waves
(C) superposition of secondary wavelets from a wave front
(D) superposition of incoherent waves

I3.The kinetic energy of emitted electrons in an experiment on photoelectric effect increase, if

(A) the intensity oflight is increased (B) the frequency oflight is increased
(C)the intensity oflight is decreased (D) the frequency oflight is decreased

l4.In a radioactive decay, neither the atomic number nor the mass number changes. Following
particle is emitted in the decay
(A) proton (B) neutron
(C) photon (D) electron

15.The inputs A=0, B:l in aNOR gate the output is

(A) 0 (B) 1

(c)2 (D) -1

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the brackets for ALL the
following questions 5x1=5
(forbidden gap, limit of resolulion, kotones , electric tlux, permanent magnets)

16.The total a closed surface is equal to 1 tirnes charge enclosed by the surface.

17.The ferromagnetic materials are used in making of

18.The resolving power of a telescope is inversely proportional to its
l9.The nuclei having same neutron number are called as

20.The small between conduction band and valance band in semiconductors.

III. Answer any $@ of the following questions 5 x 2 = 10
2l.Write the expression for the potential at any point due to an electric dipole and explain the
22.When is the force on a charged particle moving in a magnetic field (a) maximum and (b)
23.Give any two properties of diamagnetic materials.
24.Draw a neat labeled diagram of AC generator.
25.Write the expression for resonant frequency of RLC series circuit and explain the terms.
26.Mention the expression of displacement current and explain the terms.
27.What are coherent sources? Give an example.
28.Mention the two draw backs of Rutherford's atom model.
29.Define the terms (i) mass defect and (ii) binding enerry of a nucleus.

fV. Answer any @ of the following questions .. 5 x 3 =J5
30.Write three properties of electric field lines.
3l.Obtain the expression for effective resistance of two resistors in series.
32.Explain how to convert a galvanometer into an ammeter with circuit diagram.

33.Draw the magnetic hysteresis curve. Write any one its physical significance.
34.Describe coil and magnet experiment of Faraday and Henry to demonstrate electromagnetic
induction phenomena.
35.The colour of the sky is blue, why? Explain.
36.Name the first three spectal series of hydrogen atom.
37.The decay constant ofradioactive eiement is 0.5 per second, calculate its half-life and mean
38.Describe the action of PN-junction diode under the forward bias with diagram.
V. Answer any [!pp of the following questions: 3x5=15
39.Obtain the expression for electric field due to a uniformly charged infinite plane sheet using
Gauss law.

40.Assuming the expression for current in terms of drift velocity, deduce Ohm's law.
4l.Give the theory of moving coil galvanometer.
42.Defrne focal length of a lens. Derive the expression for equivalent focal length of combination
of two thin convex lenses in contact.
43.(i) Define saturation current and threshold frequency for photoelectric emission. (2)
(ii) Write any three experimental observations ofphotoelectric effect. (3)
44.(i) What is rectifier? (l)
(ii) Write the circuit diagram and input - output waveforms for a half wave rectifier. (2)
(iii) Explain the working of a half wave rectifier. (2)

VI. Answer any S of the following question.' 2x5=10

45.A battery of lOV is connected to a capacitor of capacitance 0.1F. The baftery is now removed
and this capacitor is connected to a second uncharged capacitor. If the charge distributes
equally on these two capacitors, find the total energy stored in each capacitoE and compare
with the initial enerry.of the first capacitor.
46. Two cells rated as l0 V, 2 Q and 8 V, I O are connected in parallel to send current in the same
direction across a 6 O resistor. Find the potential difference across 6 O resistor.
47.A resistance of 10 O is connected in series with an inductor of inductance 0.5H. These two are
connected to 200V, 50Hz AC source. Calculate the capacitance that should be put in series
with the combination to obtain the maximum current?
48.In a Young's double-slit experiment, the slits are separated by 2.8 mm and the screen is placed
l.4m away, the wavelength of light used is 600 nm in the experiment. Find the distance of
third bright fringe and fifth bright fringe from the central bright fringe.
TIME;3Hrs 15 Min Max Marks :70

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Unit ch. Hoo E
No. No.
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I 1 Electric Charges and Fields 10 10

II 2 Electric Potential and Capacitance 9 9

III 3 Current Electricity 15 74

IV 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism 72 1l

5 Magnetism and Matter 8 7

6 Electroma gnetic Induction 7 7

7 Alternating Current
8 Electromagnetic Waves 3 3

VII 9 Ray optics and Optical Instruments 10 9

VIII 10 Wave Optics 10 9

77 Dual nature of Radiation and Matter 6 6

72 Atoms 5 5

13 Nuclei 7 7

x Semiconductor Devices and

74 10 10

Total=115 Marks 120 11S 15 05 18 17 30 zo

Ouestion Paper Comrnittee:

1) Vasanth Kumar, Lecturer, GPUC Pavagada,9480759246
2) Sreenivasamurthy K, Lecturer, GPUC Gubbi, 8747981059
3) Ugranarasimhaswamy, Lecturer, MGGPUC Kunigaf 9902856985
Subject Code33 Total No. of Questions:48
Time 3 Hours 15 min Mar Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1) All parts are compulsory.
2) Part - A questions hooe to be answereil in the frst tuto pages of the answer-booklet.

For Part -A questions, first written-answer zoill fu consiilered for awarding marks.

3) Answers utithout releaant diagram / fgure / circuit wherever tacessary will not carry any

4) Dbect ansu)ers to the numerical problems uithout iletail.eil solutions zoill not carry
atry marks.
I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL ofthe following questions:
l. When placed in a variable electric fiel4 a dipole experiences:
(A) a net force (B) a torque
(C) both a net force and torque @) neither a net force nor a torque

2. The potential energr ofa system of two charges is

(A) directly proportional to separation distance between the charges
@) directly proportional to square of the separation distance between the charges
(C) inversely proportional to separation distance between the charges
(D) inversely proportional to square of the separation distance between the charges

3. The maximum electric field that a dielectric medium can withstand without break-down is
called its
(A) permiuivity (B) dielectric constant
(C) electric susceptibility (D) dielectric stength
4. In the equation XY : Z ,Xis the current density, Z is the electric field, Then Y is
(A) resistivity (B) conductivity
(C) potential difference (D) resistance

5. To convert galvanometer into ammeter one should connect :

(A) high resistance in series with galvanometer

(B) low resistance in series with galvanometer
(C) high resistance in parallel with galvanometer
(D) low resistance in parallel with galvanometer

6. Hysteresis is the phenomenon of lagging of

(A) H behind B (B) B behind H
(C) M and B behind H (D) H behind M

7. The role of inductance is equivalent to:

(A) inertia (B) force
(C) energy (D) momentum

8. When the rate of change of current in a circuit is unity, the induced emf is equal to
(A) thickness of coil (B) number of tums in coil
(C) coefficient of self-induction (D) total flux linked with coil

9. In an AC generator a coil with N turns, area A and resistance R rotates with frequency ro in a
magnetic field B, the maximum value of emf generated in the coil is

10.From Maxwell's hypothesis, a varying electric field gives rise to

(A) freld.
an electric (B) an induced emf.
(C) a magnetic field. (D) a magnetic dipole.
l l.Power of a lens varies
(A) directly as length
focal (B) inversely as focal length
(C) inversely as refractive index (D) directly as radius of curvature

12.The refractive index of the material ofthe reflecting medium is numerically equal to tangent
of the polarising angle. This statement is known as .

(A) Malus law (B) Brewster's law

(C) Snell's law (D) Huygens principle

13.Who discovered the phenomenon of photo electric effect, while conducting experiments on
electromagnetic waves?
(A) Davisson and Germer (B) Albert Einstein
(C) Louis de Broglie (D) Heirrich Hertz

14.The specific binding enerry is maximum for

(A) Fe(Iron) (B) S(Sulphur)
(C) O (Oxygen) (D) U (Uranium)

l5.Which gate give high output Y:l for inputs A:0 and B:0.

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the brackets for ALL the
following questions.' 5x 1:5
(photo voltaic cell, Magnelisation, Hans Belhe , wave front , Eleclric Jlux)
l6.Number of electric field lines passing normally through the surface is known as

17. is defined as net magnetic moment per unit volume.

18.Each point ofthe is the source ofa secondary disturbance.

19. suggested that the source ofthe stellar energy is thermonuclear reactions.
20.Special p - n junction diode which converts solar energy into electrical energy is known as

III. Answer any @ of the following questions: 5 x 2 = 10
2l.Distinguish between polar and non-polar dielectrics.
22.When is the torque on a current loop in magnetic field (i) maximum and (ii) minimum
23.Define magnetic intensity and magnetic permeability.
24.Mention any two applications of eddy cr.rrent.
25.Draw a graph of variation of voltage and current versus time, in case of an inductor coffIected
to an AC source.
26.Mention any two properties of electromagnetic waves.
27.Write the conditions for constructive and destuctive interference in terms of pattr difrerence
of interfering waves.
28.Write BoMs frequency condition and explain the terms.
29.In which process neutrino and antineutrino are emitted?

fV. Answer any FIVE of the following questions.' 5 x 3 = 15
3O.Describe how two metal spheres can be oppositely charged by method of induction.

3l.Obtain the expression for effective resistance oftwo resistors in parallel.

32. State and explain of Biot-Savart's law.

33.Mention any three properties of ferromagnetic material.

34,Describe coil and coil experiment of Faraday and Henry to demonstrate electomagrr.etic

35.Derive f : R/2 for a concave miror.
36. Sketch the enerry level diagram of hydrogen spectral lines.

37.Show that lamu : 93lMeV.

38.In which bias photo diode works? Mention any two uses of photo diode.
V, Answer any [!pp of the following questions.' 3 x 5 = 15
39.Using Gauss law derive the expression for the electric field due to an infinitely long straight
uniformly charged wire.
40.Deduce the condition for balance of Wheat stone's network using Kirchhoff s laws.
4l.Derive an expression for magrretic field on the axis of circular curent loop using
Biot-Savarts law.
42.Obtain the expression for the refractive index of the material of the prism in terms of the angle
of the prism and the angle of minimum deviation.
43.(i) What are matter waves? (l)
(ii) Write the expression for wavelength of matter waves and explain the terms. (2)
(iii) Mention any two properties of photons. (2)
44.(i) What is'drift current' and'diffusion current' in ap-n junction? (2)
(ii) What are extrinsic semiconductors? (l)
(iii) Mention the types of extrinsic semiconductor. (l)
(iii) Draw schematic block diagram of p-n junction of a semiconductor diode. (l)

VI. Answer any TWO of the following questions.' 2 x 5 = 10

45. Two capacitors of capacitances 2pF and 8pF are connected in series.and the resulting
combination is connected across a 300V battery. Calculate the charge, potential difference and
the energy stored in each capacitor.
46.A battery of6 V gives a current of2 A when connected to a resistance of2 O. What is the
intemal resistance, terminal potential difference and lost voltage of the battery?
47.A source of 220 Y,40 Hz is connected to a series combination of 6 fl resistor, 0.01H inductor.
Calculate the phase angle and the power factor of the circuit.
48.In a Young's double-slit experiment the uro slits are separated by 1 mm. The fringes formed
on the screen have a width of 0.6 mm. When the screen is moved tfuough a distance of
0.25 m, the fringe width becomes 0.75 mm. Find the wavelength of light used.
TIME: 3Hrs 15 Min Max Marks :70
I q,
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E s z
Unit ch.
No. No.
zi CI CI
r! t6 (E
r! E =
F =
N i=
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I 7 Electric Charges and Fields 10 10

II z Elechic Potential and Capacitance 9 9

III 3 Current Electricity 15 t4

IV 4 Moving Charges and Magnetism 12 11

5 Magnetism and Matter o 7

6 Electromagnetic lnduction 7 7

7 Altemating Current a, I
8 Electromagnetic Waves 3

VII 9 Ray optics and Optical Instruments 10 I

VIII 10 Wave Optics 10 9

11 Dual nature of Radiation and Matter 6 6

72 Atoms 5 5

13 Nuclei 7 7
x Semiconductor Devices and
74 10 10

Total=115 Marks t20 115 15 05 18 L7 30 20

Ouestion Paper Committee:

1) Vasanth Kumar, Lecturer, GPUC Pavagada,9480759246
2) Sreenivasamurthy K, Lecturer, GPUC Gubbi, 8747981059
3) Ugranarasimhaswamy, Lecturer, MGGPUC Kunigal, 9902856985

Subject Code: Total No. of Questions:48
Time:3 Hours 15 min Mar Marks:70
General lnstructions:
7) Allparts are compulsory.
2) Part - A E/cstians haoe ta be answereil in the first hoo pages of the ansToer-fukJcL
For Part - A Enstbns, frst witten-answer willbe ansiilereilfor awarding marka.
3) Anxoers without relmant diagram / figure / circuit whereoer ncessary will nat carry any
4) Direct aflsu)ers to the numerical problems zoithout detaileil solutions will not
carry any marks.

I. Pick the correct option among the four given options for ALL of the foltowing
questions: 15xl=15
1. The electric field inside a spherical shell ofuniform surface charge density is
(A) zero
(B) constant different from zero
(C) proportional to the distance from the centre
(D) negative

2, An equipotential surface is that surface

(A) on which each and every point has the same potential

(B) which has negative potential

(C) which has positive potential
(D) which has zero potential

3. When air in a capacitor is replaced by a medium of dielectric constant K, the capacity

(A) decreases K times (B) increases K times
(C) increases K2 times (D) remains constant

4. Ohm's law is valid when the temperature of conductor is

(A) very low (B) very hieh
(C) varying (D) constant
5. The nature of force between conductors carrying parallel and anti-parallel currents are
(A) parallel currents repel and antiparallel currents attract.
(B) parallel currents aftract and antiparallel currents repel.
(C) both currents attract. '
(D) both currents repel.

6. The SI unit of magnetic dipole moment is

(A) ampere (B) ampere metre2 (C) tesla (D) coulomb

7. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(A) Whenever magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes an emf is induced in it.
(B) The induced emf lasts so long as the change in magrretic flux continues.
(C) The direction of induced emf is given by Lenz's law.
(D) Lenz's law is a consequence of the law of conservation of momentum.

8. Muh-ral inductance of two coils varies

(A) directly as length (B) inversely as square of length
(C) directly as square ofarea (D) inversely as square ofthe area

9. Which quantity is increased in a step-down transformer?

(A) current (B) voltage (C) power (D) frequency

10. Electromagnetic waves in decreasing order of their wavelength are

(A) X-rays, infrared rays, visible rays, radio waves
(B) radio waves, visible rays, infrared rays, X-rays.
(C) radio waves, infiared rays, visible rays, X-rays.
(D) radio waves, ultraviolet rays, visible rays, X-rays.

ll.The retuming back of light into the same medium after incident on a boundary separating

two media is called

(A) reflection of light (B) refraction of light
(C) dispersion of light (D) interference of light
l2.Huygens principle is basically related to
(A) wave theory of interference of light
(B) wave theory of polarization of light
(C) wave theory of secondary wavelets of light
(D) wave theory of reliaction of light

l3.Rest mass of the photon is

(A) infinite (B) zero
(C) 1,.6726 x 1O-?7 kg (D) one

l4.Alpha particles are emitted from a radioactive material is:

(A) Helium nuclei (B) Hydrogen nuclei
(C) Lithium nuclei (D) None of the above

l5.The basic logic gate which is called inverter

(C)AND (D) oR

II. Fill in the blanks by choosing appropriate answer given in the brackets for ALL of
the following questions: 5x1- 5
(rctentivity, intensity, intrinsic, Electroscope, moderotors)
16. is the apparatus used to detect electric charges.
l7.The value of B at H = 0 is called
l8.Polaroids can be used to control the of light.
19. are used for slowing down fast neutrons.
20.An semiconductor will behave like an insulator atT = 0 K

III. Answer any@ of the following questions. 5x 2= 10
2l.Derive the relation between electric field and electric potential due a point charge.
22. State Ampere's circuital law and represent it mathematically.

23. Write any two properties of magretic field lines.

24.What is self-inductance? Mention its SI unit.
25.Define rms value of an AC. Write its relation with peak value.
26.Mention any two applications of X-rays.
27. Write the expression for resolving power of telescope and explain the terms.
28.Define impact parameter. When it is minimum?
29. Write the basic nuclear process involved in the emission of (a) B+ decay and (b) p- decay

in a symbolic form, by a radioactive nucleus.

IV. Answer any FIVE of the following questions. 5x 3 - 15
30. What are electic field lines? Draw the electric field lines present around (i) an isolated
positive charge and (ii) a system oftwo unlike charges.

3l.Derive/ - oE assuming the expression for current in terms of drift velocity.

32.Derive an expression for the magnetic force experienced by a current carrying conductor.
33. Write any three properties of paramagnetic materials.
34. Obtain an expression for the magnetic energt stored in an inductor.
35.Mention three applications of total intemal reflection of light
36. Write Bohr's postulates for the hydrogen atom model.
37. Obtain the binding enerry per nucleon of srluf
e nucleus. Given, mass of lf;F e =
55.934939 u, mass of proton = !.007285 u and mass of neutron = 1.008665 u.
38. Explain the conduction band, valance band and enerry gap in semi-conductors.

V. Answer any @pp of the following questions. 3x 5= 15
39.Derive an expression for electric field due to an electric dipole at a point on the axial line.
40. Obtain the expression for the effective emf and the effective internal resistance of two cells
connected in parallel such that the curents are flowing in the same direction.
4l.With the help of a diagram derive the expression for the torque on a rectangular loop
placed in a uniform magnetic field.

4}.Denve the relation between object and image distance in terms of refractive index of the
medium and the radius of curvature ofthe curved spherical surface.
43.(i) What is photo electric effect? (l)
(ii) Plot a graph showing the variation ofphotoelectric current with intensity of light. (1)
(iii) How does the stopping potential in photoelectric effect depends upon frequency of
incident radiation? (1)
(iv) Briefly explain Hallwachs' observations on photoelectric effect. (2)
44.(i) Write any two advantages of Light Emitting Diode (LED) over conventional
incandescent low power lamp. (2)
(ii) Explain the action of zener diode as a voltage regulator with circuit diagram. (3)

VI. Answer any [Q of the following questions. 2xS - 1O

45.Two charges 5 x 10-8 C and -3 x 10-8 C are located L6cm apart in air. At what point(s)
on the line joining the two charges is the total electric potenti al zero? Take the potential at
infinity to be zero.
46.,4' wire of length 2 m, arca of cross-section 0.5 mmz and resistivity 1.5 x 10-6 O m is

connected in series with a cell of emf 4 7. If the current through the wire is 0.5 /,
calculate: (a) the intemal resistance of the cell and (b) the power dissipated by the wire.
47.A sinusoidal voltage ofpeak value 283 7 and frequency 50 Hz is applied to a series LCR
circuit in which R =3A,L=25.48mH and C =796pF. Find the impedance and

48.In Young's double slit experiment wave length of light used is 50004 and distance
between the slits is 2 mm, distance of screen from the slits is 1 m. Find fringe width and

also calculate the distance of seventh dark fringe from central bright fringe.

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