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Astronomo, Shane Calma, Charles Rovic

Lazada, Faith Hyacinth Sanchez, Wiene Gin

Hobanil, Gary. Bagadiong, Charina

Castañas, Rojane Ronald


Block 29 TVL-ICT

A Research Proposal

Submitted in Partial fullfillment

of the course Practical Research 2

ACLC College of Tacloban

Senior High School Department

Tacloban city



TITLE PAGE ...............................................................................................................… i

TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................................… ii


Background of the study ..........................................................................................…...iii-iv

Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................…..iv-v

Significance of the Study ........................................................................................…….v-vi

Scope and Limitations of the study ......................................................................……

Theoretical Framework ........................................................................…………………...vii-viii

Conceptual Framework............................................................................………………...viii


Definition of Terms……………………………………………………………………………...x-xi


Foreign Literature and Studies...............................................................................…….xi-xiv

Local Literature and Studies.................................................................................………xiv-



Background of the Study

As every learner's ability and progress in learning is unique, not all learners progress at the

same pace. Every learner has different abilities and capabilities in life. Skills are very important in

Computer System Servicing NC II students dealing with problems on computers and their

understanding when copying their learning.

Connelly. (2013) cited that schools have always played a vital role in ensuring that students

have the skills needed for the job or career they have chosen. The key function of education is to fully

prepare students for life after schooling preparation for the world of work is a necessary and vital part

of that equation. As our society and economy continues to evolve, it may be time to rethink how public

education aids students in choosing career and education pathways.

The issues on competency on computer literacy Assessments of computer literacy, even though

they vary, indicate that there are substantial variations in levels of You sent computer literacy among

students in the lower years of secondary school. It enables children to interact with others and gain a

greater understanding of themselves, our environment, and their place on it. But this time we face the

biggest challenge of our life, to studying hands-on after 2 years of pandemic and having virtual

classes in which it affected our learning capabilities. It mostly affected CSS students because they

need do hands-on activities in school which is hard to due to a lot of risk and restrictions.

These hands-on setup learning integrates past and current learning topics; therefore, they are

sometimes referred to as bridge courses. According to the findings of this study, bridge lessons can

be beneficial. Students come to university with a variety of talents and experience. This research aims

to understand the effectiveness of hands-on learning setup (1) Gain insight into the opinions of Gr 11

and 12 students who selected ICT- CSS (2) Identify the issues in hands-on setup learning ICT-CSS

(3) of Effectiveness ACLC ICT-CSS Gr 11 students (4) Describe the benefits of ICT-CSS based on

the students.

In technologically developed countries, approximately one half of Year 8 students demonstrate

proficiency, or advanced proficiency, in computer literacy, but up to 10% have very limited computer

literacy. Assessments of computer literacy can also provide the basis for progression maps that could

be used to inform curriculum development. John Ainley (2018) Therefore, this study aimed to

determine the relationship between hands-on and level of competency in Computer System Servicing

NC II trade area experienced by the grade 11 and grade 12 students in ACLC College of

Tacloban,352 Real St. Tacloban city.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the problems encountered by the Senior High Grade 11 and

Grade 12 CSS students in ACLC Tacloban City enrolled in the school Year 2022 - 2023, in the use of

Effectiveness of Hands-On Learning Setup of ICT - CSS Students in Computer System Servicing

Subject .

Specific Problems:

1. What is the Advantages of the Hands-On Learning setup of ICT-CSS students?

2. What is the level of hands-on exercises of the respondents in the Computer System Servicing

NC II course?

3. What are the challenges encountered by the students in hands-on learning setup in Computer

System Servicing?

4. What are the different factors that contribute to the challenges encountered by the students in their

mechanism on how Computer System Servicing NC II trade area?

Significance of the study


This study can help students understand their own learning preferences and needs, allowing

them to tailor their study habits and approaches to better suit their individual needs. This can lead to

improved academic success and confidence in their abilities to excel in computer system servicing


This study can inform the development of educational materials and teaching methods for

computer system servicing, ensuring the best possible education. This can ultimately lead to more

skilled and knowledgeable technicians, improving the quality of computer system servicing in the



This can help the parents because they would know the benefits of this type of learning

approach for their children. Hands-on learning is a type of educational approach that involves

actively participating in an activity or task, rather than just listening to a lecture or reading about it.

This approach is often used in technical fields, such as computer system servicing, because it

allows students gain practical skills and experience that are essential for success in their chosen


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to evaluate the Effectiveness of a Hands-on Learning Setup for Information

and Communication Technology – Computer System Servicing (ICT-CSS) students. In particular, the

study aims to assess the extent to which this learning approach enhances the acquisition of

knowledge and skills in computer system servicing. While the benefits of hands-on learning have

been well-documented, it is important to consider the limitations and constraints that may affect the

result of the study.

The scope of this study is limited to the effectiveness of the hands-on learning setup for ICT-CSS

students at a single educational institution. The study will involve of a sample size of ICT-CSS

students at ACLC College of Tacloban. The research will be conducted on Grade 11 and 12 ACLC

College of Tacloban students.

There are several limitations to this that should be considered when interpreting results. First, the

sample size may not be representative of all ICT-CSS students, as it is one educational institution.

Second, the study does not consider other factors that may affect the effectiveness of the hands-on

learning setup, such as the student’s prior knowledge and motivation. Finally, the study is limited to

the specific knowledge and skills related to computer system servicing, so the results may not be

generalize to other subject are

Theoretical Framework

This study presents a theory of critical components that affect the effectiveness of computer-based

instruction (CBI) for adults. The theory was developed to provide a framework for research to explain

or predict effective learning by adults using a desktop computer. The five conclusions drawn from this

theory are as follows: (a) the characteristics of self-directedness and computer self-efficacy of adult

learners play an important role in designing CBI for adults; (b) CBI design is interwoven with the units

of self-directedness, computer self-efficacy, learning goal level, instructional design, and external

support; (c) learning goal level affects instructional design strategy and the instructional control

component of CBI design; (d) external support and instructional support are needed to provide a

positive CBI experience; and (e) the theory draws together the isolated variables researchers

consider important in the adult learning process and aligns them to provide effective CBI. (Contains 2


According to Lou Holtz hands-on exercises means practical training in which you actually get to use

the product or process you are studying.The competency level is a person's ability to fulfill a specific

role or function. Thus, This study aimed to determine the relationship between the level of

competency and hands-on exercises of the Grade 11students in the Computer System Servicing NCII

trade area. This research was done in the Sisters of Mary School-Girlstown,Inc. and their respondents

are the grade 11students specifically all the CSS students. The data was gathered using purposive

sampling techniques.This research used a standardized questionnaire for the level of competency

and a researcher-made questionnaire for the hands-on exercises in all the assessments. Letters were

then drafted and sent to the school to seek permission in conducting the study among the chosen

respondent.In order to have a valid research instrument for the study, the researchers adapted a

research instrument and have it validated through the help of the research teachers. This aids

researchers to come up with a reliable response from the respondents of the study.The researchers

then utilized a survey questionnaire in administering the data collection.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework
Input Process Output

Effectiveness of Hands-On Survey Strong Agree

Learning Setup of ICT-CSS Slightly Agree

Students in Computer Agree

System Servicing Disagree

Slightly Disagree

Strongly Disagree


 Edit the table.

In survey, make a questionnaire with Agree, Slightly Agree, Strongly Agree, Disagree, Slightly

Disagree, and Strongly Disagree technique.


"Hands-on learning activities, as a method of instruction in the Computer System Servicing subject for

ICT-CSS students, will result in a significant increase in the effectiveness of learning compared to

traditional lecture-based instruction."

Alternatively, we can also phrase it in Null and alternative hypothesis:

Hypothesis: Hands-on learning setup in Computer System Servicing for ICT-CSS students will result

in a significant increase in their understanding and application of computer servicing skills.

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in the understanding and application of

computer servicing skills between ICT-CSS students who receive hands-on learning and those who

receive traditional lecture-based instruction.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha or H1): There is a significant increase in the understanding and application

of computer servicing skills among ICT-CSS students who receive hands-on learning compared to

those who receive traditional lecture-based instruction.

The hypothesis proposes that the hands-on learning setup will be more effective than traditional

instruction in helping ICT-CSS students understand and apply the concepts of computer servicing.

The researcher will need to design an experimental or quasi-experimental research, where one group

of students will receive the traditional instruction and another group of students will receive the hands-

on learning setup. After that the researcher will collect data from both groups and analyze the data to

see if it supports or refutes the hypothesis.

If the data analysis shows a significant increase in understanding and application of computer

servicing skills among the students who received hands-on learning, the researcher would accept the

alternative hypothesis (Ha) and conclude that the hands-on learning setup is more effective than

traditional instruction. If the data analysis does not show a significant difference, the researcher would

reject the alternative hypothesis (Ha) and conclude that there is no difference in effectiveness

between the two instruction methods.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined in the context of this research for a better understanding of the study.

Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) - refers to instruction or remediation presented on a


Computer-managed instruction (CMI) - is an instructional strategy whereby the computer is

used to provide learning objectives, learning resources, and assessment of learner performance.

Computerization - involves the process of taking activities or tasks not previously done on the

computer and shifting them to being done on the computer.

Constructivism - is the theory that says learners construct knowledge rather than just

passively take in information. As people experience the world and reflect upon those experiences,

they build their own representations and incorporate new information into their pre-existing knowledge


Digital Media - is any communication media that operate in conjunction with various encoded

machine-readable data formats.

Hardware - is any part of the computer that we can touch these parts. These are the primary

electronic devices used to build up the computer.

Lexicon - is a list of words that are used in a certain language, profession, or hobby, while a

dictionary is a list of words commonly used in a lexicon and their definitions. Dictionaries also look at

the history of the word's usage and its origins.

Microcomputer - is a small, relatively inexpensive computer having a central processing unit

made out of a microprocessor.

Software - is a set of computer programs and associated documentation and data. This is in

contrast to hardware, from which the system is built and which actually performs the work.

Tailor - a person whose occupation is making or altering garments (such as suits, jackets, and

dresses) typically to fit a particular person.


Foreign Literature and Studies

According to Wighting MJ (2006), the use of computers in the classroom affects the sense of

learning in a community among high school students. Aryatuha (2007) studied ‘Relationship between

computerization and organizational effectiveness’ and

found that the availability of computer hardware and software should be accompanied with training of

the users and constant technical support. Without this, even though high

quality hardware and software are available, they could be wasted or remain underutilized by the

users. According to Noushad Husain(January 2010),Computers and communication technologies are

one of the greatest contributions of present day science and technology and in the growth and

development of the country. As computers are now being used in all sectors of life. In a society where

most of the work is becoming computer based, Education, teaching and learning can’t resist their use

for a longer period to cope with the world. Computers are a powerful tool in the learning environment

and a wide variety of techniques of using computers in education have emerged over a period of time

and are now becoming very common in use. The computers have a vast potential for instruction in all

educational environments ranging from schools to universities. They were considerably exploited

towards this purpose under the name of Computer Aided/Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Computer

Managed Instruction (CMI).

According to Lee and etc.(January 1,1994),the proliferation of microcomputers since the early

1980s brought with it a high demand for computer literacy education in all academic disciplines as

well as in the workplace. Instructors of computer literacy are sometimes ineffective because they face

a diversity of background among students. Based on data collected from 140 business students, the

results suggest that the students' SAT scores, high school rank, computer usage at work, and prior

knowledge of programming may be used for grouping students so as to better tailor the content and

pace of the computer literacy course to the students' needs. The computer tools are more

sophisticated than traditional computer facilities, such as on-line lexicons, word counters, spell

checkers, and syntactic analyzers. They are not the metrics of overall text difficulty, such as Flesch-

Kincaid Grade Level (Klare, 1974-5) or Lexile scores (Stenner, 2006), which primarily depend on word

length, word frequency, and sentence length. Instead, the tools we have in mind analyze texts on

more subtle linguistic, discourse, and psychological constructs. The systems are aligned with

multilevel theoretical frameworks that identify the representations, structures, strategies, and

processes at multiple levels of language and discourse (Graesser & in press; Kintsch, 1998; Snow,

2002) According to Fleischer, Håkan (06 Jan 2017),The research on one-to-one computer learning

settings shows what students do while using computers and how much they use them. It is believed

that students are highly motivated by having computers of their own and show improved grades, but

few studies can confirm this belief.You sentAlbirini (2006) stated that technology competence

comprises not only technology knowledge but also the skills and experience essential to put them into

use. Technology 44 competency allows the teachers to turn into most efficient individuals in dealing

with daily tasks such as to communicate with the students’ parents; to keep records; to do research in

their option domain; and to prepare presentations. Computer competence, therefore, can be observed

in terms of teachers beliefs concerning their knowledge, basic skill, and capability of performing

essential functions using the computer. Also he reported that computer competence refers to

educators’ beliefs about their computer knowledge and skills. Computers are an essential part of

many workplaces and employers need both men and women with computers skills.

Although some come to the job with computer related education, many workers need training or

retraining to keep up with new computer hardware or software. Connelly. (2013) cited that schools

have always played a vital role in ensuring that students have the skills needed for the job or career

they have chosen. The key function of education is to fully prepare students for life after schooling

preparation for the world of work is a necessary and vital part of that equation. As our society and

economy continues to evolve, it may be time to rethink how public education aids students in

choosing career and education pathways.

Akankwasa (2006) conducted a study on ‘Problems affecting the levels of computer use for

instructional purposes by technology teachers in government schools’. He found out that although

many teachers share beliefs that educational technology could promote learning and that the use of

ICT is desirable, they are reluctant to use educational ICT because of insufficient support and

resources. Knezek et al. (2000) reported that educators with higher levels of skill, knowledge, and

tools would exhibit higher levels of technology integration in the classroom You sent.

Papert (1980) studied ‘Children computers and powerful ideas’. He understood the importance of

digital media and how it could be used to enable children to learn better within a constructivis m

learning environment. He believed that in order for children to assemble and modify their ideas, the

traditional tools such as pencils, copies and texts were inadequate. He felt that computers were the

appropriate tool to enable the learner to take control of the learning process. He found that a

complementary relationship exists between technology and constructivism, the implementation of

each one benefiting the other. Recent attempts by educators to integrate technology in the classroom

have been within the context of a constructivism framework.

Local Literature and Studies









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