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- We started off by cleaning the data.

This was done through frequency analysis which helped us identify the number of missing values
in the data as well as the maximum and minimum values under each item which would indicate
any values entered erroneously as well as missing values.
Most data had less than 5% data missing, however, one of the items under efficacy (FF04) had
close to 40% data missing.
We used the series mean to replace all missing values
The new variables created from this process formed the basis for the tests performed later on.
Frequency analysis was carried out again to ensure that the new variables were indeed free
from errors and missing values.

- Next came normality tests

This is used to determine the nature of the data and confirm if most values clustered around a
central region and tapered as they went further away from the central region. We used the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the Shapiro-Wilk test which are supported by IBM SPSS were used
to assess the normality of the data. To do this, however, we had to start by creating composite
variables for all of the factors using the items under these factors. Under these tests, data is
accepted as normal if it has a significance level greater than 0.05. We also confirmed the results
of these tests by evaluating if the graphs for data under the factors were bell shaped as would
be expected for normally distributed data.
The data was found to not be normal save for under as it had a significance below 0.05 and the
curves were not bell shaped.
The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and the Shapiro-Wilk test are shown below.

Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
ID .142 306 .000 .925 306 .000
FF .073 306 .000 .974 306 .000
MOB .100 306 .000 .953 306 .000
MOB .058 306 .016 .991 306 .073
BAR .091 306 .000 .949 306 .000
PAT .075 306 .000 .962 306 .000
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

- Outlier tests
This is used to identify observations that lay abnormally far away from other values in the
dataset. In our case this was done by using the box and whisker plot in SPSS. Once boxplots
were obtained we looked for circles and *s as they indicated the presence of potential outliers
in our dataset.
We found outliers in the case of MOB in cases 182 and 17 and in BAR in cases 17 and 33.
These were not removed from our data.

- Factor analysis
The factor analysis was done using the principal component method and rotated by the varimax
method. First all factors with Eigen values greater than 1 were retained and those with
coefficients less than 0.4 were suppressed resulting in an output of 7 factors. A rerun of the
factor analysis was then done with different Eigen values because the output of 7 factors was
more than the 6nvariables/ factors of the study.
The rerun of the of factor analysis were all factors with Eigen values of 1.10 were retained and
those with coefficients of less than 0.5 were suppressed meaning all items with factor loadings
less than 0.5 were disregarded.
The items MOT07 and FF03 were disregarded because they had factor loadings below 0.5.

For items with cross loadings, an item was said to measure the factor in which it loaded the
highest amongst its cross loadings. Even though MOT01 and MOT02 cross loaded in two factors,
the items were said to measure those factors in which they had the highest loading.
The table below shows five factors in no particular order measured by various items loading
under each factor.
 The following items measure the variable ID: ID01, ID02, ID03, ID04, ID05, ID06 and ID07.
 The factor MOB is measured by: FF01, MOB01, MOB02, MOB03, MOB04, MOB05, MOB06
and MOB07.
 The factor MOT is measured by: FF02, MOT01, MOT02, MOT03, MOT04, MOT05 and MOT06
 The factor BAR is measured by: BAR01, BAR02, BAR03, BAR04, BAR05, BAR06 and BAR07
 The factor PAT is measured by: FF04, FF05, PAT01, PAT02, PAT03, PAT04, PAT05, PAT06 and

Rotated Component Matrixa

SMEAN(ID01) .797
SMEAN(ID02) .863
SMEAN(ID03) .871
SMEAN(ID04) .762
SMEAN(ID05) .857
SMEAN(ID06) .828
SMEAN(ID07) .646
SMEAN(FF01) .503
SMEAN(MOB01) .700
SMEAN(MOB02) .793
SMEAN(MOB03) .806
SMEAN(MOB04) .825
SMEAN(MOB05) .745
SMEAN(MOB06) .755
SMEAN(MOB07) .723
SMEAN(FF02) .525
SMEAN(MOT01) .569
SMEAN(MOT02) .540
SMEAN(MOT03) .512
SMEAN(MOT04) .902
SMEAN(MOT05) .581
SMEAN(MOT06) .824
SMEAN(BAR01) .555
SMEAN(BAR02) .716
SMEAN(BAR03) .791
SMEAN(BAR04) .629
SMEAN(BAR05) .656
SMEAN(BAR06) .713
SMEAN(BAR07) .645
SMEAN(FF04) .583
SMEAN(PAT01) .578
SMEAN(PAT02) .750
SMEAN(PAT03) .699
SMEAN(PAT04) .795
SMEAN(PAT05) .667
SMEAN(PAT06) .738
SMEAN(PAT07) .756
SMEAN(FF05) .625
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 7 iterations.

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