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Ilustre Municipalidad de independencia Liceo Rosa Ester Alessandri Rodrguez English Department Miss Constanza Valenzuela H.

Second Grade

Row A

Diagnostic Test
Name: ___________________________________ Grade: _________________ Date: _______________________

I_ Reported Speech: Circle the correct report of each statement. (Haz un crculo en el reporte correcto de cada oracin)
1) My brother is very friendly Laura said a) Laura said that his brother was very friendly b) Laura said that her brother was very friendly c) Laura said that my brother is very friendly d) Laura said that your brother is very friendly e) Laura said that my brother was very friendly 2) We run on weekends They said a) They said that we ran on weekends b) They said that we run on weekends c) They said that they runed on weekends d) They said that they run on weekends e) They said that they ran on weekends 3) Lisa is my best friend Tom said a) Tom said that Lisa was his best friend b) Tom said that Lisa was her best friend c) Tom said that Lisa is your best friend d) Tom said that Lisa is my best friend e) Tom said that Lisa is his best friend 4) John doesnt sing in English Kevin said a) Kevin said that john doesnt sing in English b) Kevin said that john dont sing in English c) Kevin said that john didnt sing in English d) Kevin said that john didnt sang in English e) Kevin said that john doesnt sang in English 5) Lucas and Tom play rugby in a famous team Sara said a) Sara said that Lucas and Tom played rugby in a famous team b) Sara said that Lucas and Tom plays rugby in a famous team c) Sara said that Lucas and Tom dont play rugby in a famous team d) Sara said that Lucas and Tom doesnt play rugby in a famous team e) Sara said that Lucas and Tom play rugby in a famous team 6) The baby sleeps in the afternoon His mother said a) His mother said that the baby sleeped in the afternoon b) His mother said that the baby slept in the afternoon c) His mother said that the baby slepted in the afternoon d) His mother said that the baby sleep in the afternoon e) His mother said that the baby sleeps in the afternoon 7) My favorite band is in this city Susan said a) Susan said that my favorite band is in the city b) Susan said that her favorite band is in the city c) Susan said that his favorite band is in the city d) Susan said that her favorite band was in the city e) Susan said that his favorite band was in the city 8) They are members of a very important company Mr. Roger said a) Mr. Roger said that they were members of a very important company b) Mr. Roger said that they was members of a very important company c) Mr. Roger said that they are members of a very important company d) Mr. Roger said that they members of a very important company e) Mr. Roger said that they arent members of a very important company 9) Ann doesnt drink milk in the morning Her mother said a) Her mother said that Ann doesnt drink milk in the morning b) Her mother said that Ann doesnt drank milk in the morning c) Her mother said that Ann didnt drank milk in the morning d) Her mother said that Ann didnt drink milk in the morning e) Her mother said that Ann didnt drunk milk in the morning 10) The car is new Peter said a) Peter said that the car was new b) Peter said that the car is new c) Peter said that the car didnt be new d) Peter said that the car were new e) Peter said that the car doesnt new

II_ Match the correct active sentence with the correct report (Une la activa con la reportada)
11) We eat pizza with our friends Kevin and Lucas said -Kevin and Lucas said 12) I am shy (tmido) Peter said -Peter said 13) My father is a doctor Mary said -Mary said 14) Peter sells my computer Sara said -Sara said 15) Ingrid doesnt study John said -John said that a) he sold her computer

b) he was shy

c) her father was a doctor

d) she didnt study

e) they ate pizza with their friends

11) _____

12) _____

13) _____

14) _____

15) _____

III_ Circle the correct report of each active sentence. (Haz un crculo en el reporte correcto de cada oracin activa)
16) Laura said that Santiago was dangerous at night a) Santiago was dangerous at night Laura said b) Santiago is dangerous at night Laura said c) Santiago were dangerous at night Laura said d) Santiago be dangerous at night Laura said e) Santiago are dangerous at night Laura said 17) Kevin said that his computer didnt work a) His computer didnt work Kevin said b) Her computer didnt work Kevin said c) My computer dont work Kevin said d) My computer doesnt work Kevin said e) My computer doesnt works Kevin said 18) They said that they liked watching action films a) They like watching action films b) They liked watching action films c) We likes watching action films d) We liked watching action films e) We like watching action films 19) Mary said that Kevin didnt drive her car a) Kevin dont drive my car Mary said b) Kevin doesnt drive my car Mary said c) Kevin didnt drive my car Mary said d) Kevin doesnt drives my car Mary said e) Kevin didnt drove my car Mary said 20) The children said that the park was dirty (sucio) a) The park is dirty The children said b) The park was dirty The children said c) The park be dirty The children said d) The park were dirty The children said e) The park does is dirty The children said 21) Philips said that he wrote songs for his girlfriend a) He write songs for his girlfriend Philips said b) He writes songs for my girlfriend Philips said c) I write songs for my girlfriend Philips said d) I wrote songs for girlfriend Philips said e) He wrote songs for his girlfriend Philips said 22) Susan said that her sister went to her grandmothers house on Sundays a) My sister goes to my grandmothers house on Sundays b) My sister go to my grandmothers house on Sundays c) Her sister goes to her grandmothers house on Sundays d) Her sister went to her grandmothers house on Sundays e) My sister goed to her grandmothers house on Sundays 23) My father said that I am a good boy a) You are a good boy My father said b) You be a good boy My father said c) You do a good boy My father said d) You is a good boy My father said e) You does a good boy My father said

24) Michael said that they worked with him a) They work with me Michael said b) They worked with him Michael said c) They works with him Michael said d) They worked with him Michael said e) They work with you Michael said 25) My teacher said that I improved my marks a) You improve your marks My teacher said b) I improve my marks My teacher said c) You improves my marks My teacher said d) I improves your marks My teacher said e) You improve my marks My teacher said

IV_ Answer A if the sentence is true or B if the sentence is false (Responde A si es verdadero o B si es falsa)
26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) _______ Reported speech is used to say what someone says _______ The active sentence is the original or principal sentence _______ There was means haber and it is used in plural _______ Any is used in negative sentences _______ If the active sentence is in Past, the reported sentence is in Present _______ Lead guitarist means guitarrista principal _______ The meaning of want is necesitar _______ The meaning of need is querer _______ The verbs want and need are followed with a verb into infinitive _______ Jobs means trabajos

V_ Reading comprehension: Read the text and answer the questions. (Lee el texto y responde las preguntas)
EXTREME SOUNDS the next big thing?

I talked to Hollywood band Extreme Sounds after their amazing concert at a youth club last Saturday night. Heres what the youth sensation had to say! Lead guitarist and singer Jake Kelly said he was very happy with the concert. He said the band liked playing at the youth club because the fans were very enthusiastic. Bass player Lenny B said that he and Jake wrote all the bands songs usually during recess! Carla Johnston, the newest member of the band, said that the band practiced three times a week and worked very hard. She said the band members were very good friends, fortunately! And what did the fans think? Sara Perry from Beverly Hills said Extreme Sounds was her favorite band. When are they going to make a record? she asked.

36) Who is the singer of the band? a) Jake Kelly b) Lenny B

c) Carla Johnston

d) Sara Perry

37) Where is the band from? a) London b) Beverly Hills

c) Hollywood

d) Youth Club

38) How did the band feel with the concert? a) sad b) shy 39) How often does the band practice? a) once a week b) three times a week 40) Who wrote the song of the band? a) Jake Kelly b) Sara Perry

c) enthusiastic

d) happy

c) two times a week

d) five times a week

c) Lenny B

d) Carla Johnston

VI_ According to the text answer A if the sentence is correct or B if the sentence is incorrect (De acuerdo al texto responde A si la oracin es correcta o B si la oracin es incorrecta)
41) The band was sad with the concert 42) The band practices three times a week 43) The band doesnt have any fans 44) Jake sings and plays the guitar 45) Sara Perry is the oldest of the band 46) The band plays during recess 47) Sara Perry is a member of the band a) correct a) correct a) correct a) correct a) correct a) correct a) correct b) incorrect b) incorrect b) incorrect b) incorrect b) incorrect b) incorrect b) incorrect

VII_ Read the text; complete and answer.

a) science Star Jobs -Job group 1: Doctor, nurse, teacher, social worker, etc. To do these jobs, you need to be 48) ____________. If you want to be a doctor, you also need to be good at science. -Job group 2: Secretary, manager, bank teller, etc. You need to be a good 49) ____________ If you want to do these jobs. -Job group 3: Engineer, scientist, computer programmer, etc. To do these jobs, you need to get good grades in sciences and 50) ___________ -Job group 4: firefighter, police officer, park ranger, etc. To do this jobs, you need to like 51) ______________. You also need to be brave. -Job group 5: artist, musician, designer, etc. For these jobs, you need to be really creative. To be a musician or an artist, you also need to be determined. -Job group 6: entrepreneur, explorer, etc. you need to be cool in difficult situations to do these jobs. You also need to have a lot of money! b) organizer c) sociable d) math e) physical exercise

VIII_ Translate the following sentences (Traduce las siguientes oraciones)

52) I like taking risks: a) Me gustan las nuevas experiencias b) Soy bueno con el dinero c) Me gustan las cosas creativas d) Me gusta tomar riesgos e) Estoy fascinado con la tecnologa 53) I love being outdoor: a) Me preocupan las otras personas b) No le temo a las situaciones peligrosas c) Me gusta tomar riesgos d) Me encanta estar al aire libre e) Me gustan las cosas creativas 54) I am fascinated by technology a) Estoy aburrido con la tecnologa b) Soy intil con la tecnologa c) Estoy fascinado con la tecnologa d) Estoy desorientado con la tecnologa e) Odio la tecnologa 55) I like organizing things a) No me gusta organizar cosas b) Me gusta comprar cosas c) Me gusta ordenar cosas d) Me gusta organizar cosas e) Me gusta vender cosas

IX_ Circle the meaning of each profession

56) Farmer means: a) Trabajadora social b) Granjero c) Agricultor d) Poltico e) Cientfico 58) Bank teller means: a) Secretaria b) Polica c) Granjero d) Diseador e) Cajero 60) Firefighter means: a) Bombero b) Ingeniero c) Cajero d) Agricultor e) Enfermera 57) Nurse means: a) Enfermera b) Psiclogo c) Ingeniero d) Bombero e) Guarda bosque 59) Designer means: a)Bombero b) Diseador c) Guarda bosque d) Cajero e) Granjero 61) Entrepreneur means: a) Polica b) Poltico c) Empresario d) Secretaria e) Enfermera

X_ Complete the following sentences according to each profession (Completa las siguientes oraciones de acuerdo a cada profesin)
62) If you want to be a Firefighter 63) If you want to be a Nurse 64) If you want to be a Computer Programmer 65) If you want to be Musician 66) If you want to be an Artist a) you need to like medicine b) you need to like technology c) you need to be creative d) you need to be strong e) you need to play instruments

62) _____

63) _____

64) _____

65) _____

66) _____

67) If you want to be a Police Officer 68) If you want to be an Engineer 69) If you want to be a Teacher 70) If you want to be a Social Worker 71) If you want to be a Park Ranger

a) you need to like children b) you need to like helping people c) you need to like being outdoor d) you need to like math e) you need to respect law and order

67) _____

68) _____

69) _____

70) _____

71) _____

XI_ Complete the sentences using there was- there were (Completa las oraciones usando there was- there were) a) There was b) There were c) There wasnt d) There werent


=____________ three apples


= ____________ any books


= ____________ any car


= ____________ a pencil


= ____________ any computer


= ____________ two houses


= ____________ a table


= ____________ any girl


= ____________ many trees

Answer (paint) the questions and excercises in the gaps.

1 2 A B C D E

3 4

5 6

7 8 9

10 11


13 14


16 17


19 20


22 23


25 26


28 29


31 32


34 35


37 38



41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

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