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Conjunction (bağlaçlar):

Also: (ayrıca, aynı zamanda)

My sister is a beautiful girl; she is also an engineer

My husband is 34 years old; He has also been working in RB2.

I will go to Turkey, and I will also visit my friends.

I am hungry, and I am also tired.

Besides: (Ek olarak, aynı zamanda)

Do you visit other country besides Belgium?

I like playing basketball, besides doing snowboard.

I want to visit Brazil, besides working other companies.

Furthermore/moreover: (dahası, hatta, daha da önemlisi)

She is beautiful. Furthermore, she is so clever.

You should stop drinking. Furthermore, you must see a doctor.

I should improve my English. Moreover, I must start speaking in English immediately.

Likewise: (aynı şekilde, benzer şekilde)

I bought a new coat, my sister did likewise.

Amsterdam is a beautiful city, likewise the entertainment of the city is great.

My husband is an industrial engineer, likewise ı am too.

But: (ancak, buna ragmen, yine de, bununla birlikte)

I want to exercise but I haven’t started it.

I don’t want to visit some friends, but I must visit them.

However: (ancak, buna ragmen, yine de, bununla birlikte)

She is a good person; however, she is not a good manager.

The weather is a bit cold; however, I will go out.

Nevertheless/Nonetheless: (buna rağmen)

I study English a lot. Nevertheless, I am not at the level which I want.

I graduated from one of the best universities in Turkey. Nonetheless, I did not get a good education.

Still: (ancak, yine de, olsa da problem değil)

Our home is far from the Turkish markets still we sometimes go there.

The weather is always rainy in the Netherlands still we go out every weekend.
Anyway: (ancak, yine de, olsa da problem değil)

Learning a new language is hard, anyway, I try to learn English.

Some of my friends are hard to understand people. I continue to meet them, anyway.

On the contrary: (tam aksine)

She thinks she is a perfect manager. On the contrary, she has no idea about this.

I thought that she couldn’t do it. On the contrary, she passed the last exam.

So: (Bu sebeple, bu yüzden)

The weather is so cold, so I decided to stay at home.

I want to go shopping, so I need to make a list.

Therefore/Thus/Hence: (Bu sebeple, bu yüzden)

I cleaned our home yesterday, therefore I don’t have to do anything about cleaning today.

Yesterday we received the products that we ordered on the Picnic, thus our fridge is full now.

As a result: (Bunun sonucunda)

We couldn’t fix the sinks. As a result, we put the basins(washtubs) under the sinks.

My husband has fixed our dishwasher. As a result, we wash all dirty kitchen tools with the

Consequently: (Ve bunun sonucunda, And ile kullanılır.)

I have been living in Amsterdam for over 2 months and consequently ı visited many places in the

I don’t speak English very well and consequently I sometimes have communication problems in daily

Because: (Çünkü)

I haven’t started looking for a job yet because ı need to improve my English. ( because I don’t speak
English well enough)

As/Since: (İçin)

As I made so many mistakes about conjunctions in the exam, I am studying this topic now.

As I don’t speak English well enough, I haven’t started looking for a job yet.

Since I have been living in Amsterdam, ı need to speak English in daily life. Furthermore, I must find a
new job. (Furthermore, I want to find a new job.)

The Fact that: (den ötürü, gerçekliğinden ötürü)

Due to the fact that our train was canceled, we had to go another train station.
Because of the fact that the driving licenses aren’t received our home, we had to go to the
municipality to receive them.

Due to, because of, owing to: (den ötürü, gerçekliğinden ötürü)

Due to the cancellation of our train, we had to go another train station.

Because of necessity, we went to the municipality to receive our driving licenses.

Thanks to: (Sayesinde)

I trusted myself again thanks to my husband.

I have quit my toxic job thanks to my husband.

Although: (-e rağmen)

I decided to quit my job, although she offered me a new manager position.

Though: (-e rağmen)

I have come a long way for my English lessons. I haven’t finished it yet, though.

Even though: (-e ragmen, ancak anlam diğerlerine göre daha yoğun)

Even though I always say that ı want that position at every opportunity. They posted a job posting on

Despite of the fact that/in spite the fact that: (-e rağmen)

Despite of the fact that/in spite the fact that these days I have been studying English very much, I
haven't handled to speak English yet.

Despite: (-e rağmen)

Despite all my effort, I haven't handled to speak English yet.

In order to: (-mek için)

We went to the municipality in order to receive our Dutch driving licenses.

So that: (-mek için)

I decided to take English lessons so that ı want to improve my English skills.

Instead/Instead of: (yerine)

I preferred to take 1 to 1 lesson instead of continuing my online English course.

I think they need time to get used to the new social life. Firstly, they want to discover those channels
and then they try to use those channels. Finally, some people love the new social life but some
people are afraid.

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