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Transform Your Money Beliefs

By Evelyn Lim

Transform Your Money Beliefs


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Transform Your Money Beliefs

Hi there, Merely reading countless articles and books that you need to get rid of negative money beliefs isn't going to create major changes. My experience tells me that no blocks to abundance are going to be removed quickly until you go through a process of reprograming your thoughts! It simply means that you have to TAKE ACTION!! For years, I sat on my butt; thinking that I can positive think my way through. In the end, I found out that it didn't quite work! Then, as soon as I addressed my negative money beliefs with action, I started to experience inner energetic shifts. My business also began to grow, when I was consistent in my practice of affirming abundance. My report is a practical guide to transforming money beliefs that you can apply on your own. It is a compilation of posts that I have shared on my Attraction Mind Map blog. To keep this report concise, I have chosen to focus on 3 essential points: 1: Removing 101 Negative Money Beliefs 2. Choosing Positive Money Beliefs 3. A Prosperity Prayer That You Can Use.

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

1. Choosing Positive Money Beliefs Positive money beliefs are much more empowering than negative ones. The sad thing is that when most of us think about money, we do not have positive thoughts about it. As much as we would like to be some enlightened Being who have transcended above all material attachments, we cannot not deal with the practical aspects of existence in the third dimensional world. Lets get real!! We still need to pay for our bills, feed our kids and ensure that we have the means to have a computer, right? So let us move on to investigating into some of our current negative beliefs and decide on what to transform them to. The Meaning Of Money Money, in itself, is neutral. You cannot bring your wealth with you, after you pass away. It is impermanent, like all other material possessions. (In case you are wondering, only spiritual wealth counts towards an evolvement of your soul for all eternity). Rather, it is the meaning that you apply to money that creates its significance. Principles of Positive Money Beliefs Having some basic principles of what money really is and represents can help lay the foundation of more empowered thinking. We can also choose to examine the fallacy of some of our thoughts. I hereby select 10 myths from my list of 101 negative money beliefs (see Section 2 for the list) for discussion: Positive Money Belief: Money is A Measure of My Positive Thoughts. Myth to Bust: Money only comes from hard work, There is a limit to how much I can earn. What is money? Money is a form of energy exchange. It stores value by our applied meanings. It is a measure of confidence - of how much you believe that having it can be used for your future purposes, of the value that you place on your own goods and services and of how much others are Align with Abundance Attraction Mind Map

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Transform Your Money Beliefs willing to do an exchange with you for. It can therefore be said to be a measure of your positive thoughts on worth. The more confidence you have about yourself and self-worth, the more money you are likely to make and attract. For the same hour of work, person A makes $10 but person B can make ten times more because the latter is more confident, happy and easily attracts customers. Since anything is possible, there really is no limit to how much you can earn. Positive Money Belief: Money Can Be Assigned To Good Use. Myth to Bust: Money is the Root of all Evils. Well, money does not drive you to do crazy things. Rather, you have to understand that it is the attachment or love of money that is the root of all evils. The root evil is craving. Craving is the seed of our egos, causing us to fight, compete or even kill, because we are unable to make peace with what we already have.

Positive Money Belief: Money is Loving Energy. Myth to Bust: Money is filthy or evil. Money is a medium that we can use to express love. It is not the only way. But it can be a useful one. Think about how the buying of gifts make you or someone else happy!

Positive Money Belief: Poor or Rich People Can Be Just As Evil. Myth to Bust: Rich People are Evil. I can never understand the myth that rich people are evil. Are they really? Are you saying that poor people cannot be evil? I can only think of the many philanthropists out there (eg. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, etc) who have given their money for worthy causes. I have got many friends, who by local standards, will be considered rich. Believe me, they are no different. In fact, I found many to be just as kind-hearted, generous and responsible.

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Transform Your Money Beliefs There are as many evil people in the rich as there are poor. The amount of material wealth that one has is no indication of his or her values whatsoever. Let us not judge a person prematurely and without reasonable basis.

Positive Money Belief: Money is in Abundance. Myth to Bust: Money Does not Grow on Trees, Money is In Short Supply, It is Hard to Hold On To Money. We believe that money is in short supply when we fret over our future, save excessively, refuse to help a friend in need and have no faith that our needs will be well taken care by The Universe/God. Our constant worries over money are essentially thoughts based on scarcity. If we harbor thoughts like money does not grow on trees, money is in short supply, it is hard to hold on to money, we are not aligned to abundance. If money is a form of energy exchange, the worst we can do is to hoard it. Money has to be allowed to flow freely. Its circulation keeps it growing. At a more macro level, think about the economy. Have nations prospered when each takes on protectionist policies? When money is centered on thoughts of fear, doubts and worry, negativity becomes more pervasive. Dont forget that what we focus our thoughts on expands.

Positive Money Belief: Money is Spiritual. Myth to Bust: Spiritual people are not supposed to be rich and I choose to be spiritual than rich. You have this money myth if you are thinking that spiritual people should never charge for their services or that it is evil for spiritual people to be rich. You find that you are in a difficult position reconciling your thoughts on spirituality and money. Well, money is a form of energy, just like anything else. It is not the end but a means to an end. Money can be put to good or bad use. It is how you use money that is of far more importance! Hence, by having a positive thought about wealth rather than a negative one, you can create a Align with Abundance Attraction Mind Map

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Transform Your Money Beliefs positive money belief that it is used for its highest good. If money is part of abundance, then why should spiritual people be less abundant than doctors, lawyers and accountants? Let us take doctors as an example. Many became doctors, for instance, because they felt called to be in the healing profession. They go through years of study and at work, spend hours horning their craft. So it is that doctors tend to be generally financially wealthy. It is a given that we pay to see a doctor at no-less-than-cheap charges. In fact, few balk at having to foot high consultation fees the greater the reputation of a specialist doctor. No one denies the good that spiritual people bring to the world. Yet, it is common thinking that spirituality and money should not mix. The reality is that spiritual development requires as much study and focus. Spiritual people also need money for their practical living needs. Pastors, for that matter, also have a family to feed. It is a question of choice in belief. If the Universe/Source is infinite and abundant, then we need to believe that expressing our god-given talents or abilities in alignment to our soul purpose (and through our work) can help us be abundant in the physical world. In this respect, money is spiritual.

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

2. 101 Money Beliefs We would all like to believe that we have few or no money beliefs. However, in my findings, many of us do have a lot of negative ones. We may also have no awareness of some of them because they lay hidden in our subconscious. It is my experience that if you wish to remove negative money beliefs quickly, it is best to apply some energy techniques or to go through a healing modality. Negative self sabotaging thoughts and beliefs are usually formed from the various experiences that you have had, the conditioning that you went through as a child, your sense of fair play, your successes and failures and the values that you have been taught and come to adopt. Consistent thoughts make up your belief system, when you give them power and more focus. There are a number of healing modalities that you can use in order to target your negative money beliefs. I highly recommend the use of Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT as I have found great success with it. The basic premise of this technique is that In fact, I use this technique almost everyday across a variety of situations, whether on myself, kids, other family members, friends or clients. You can download a free ebook here. The method that I choose to work money beliefs with is EFT. To work on negative money beliefs, it is best that you identify the specific ones that possibly hold you back. When you connect with your emotional pain of not having enough, EFT works more effectively. To start you off, however, you may wish to refer to my list of 101 negative money beliefs that I have collated from books, articles and discussions with others. The 101 negative money beliefs are categorized into three sections: Section A Section B Section C Common Negative Money Beliefs Identity / Self Esteem Money Beliefs Value Beliefs

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

Section A: Common Negative Money Beliefs Many of us have beliefs that come from what others say or what others will like us to believe. 1 Money doesnt grow on trees. 2 Money is filthy and dirty. 3 Money is evil. 4 I am poor but clean (or good). 5 Money is in short supply. 6 Money goes out faster than it comes in. 7 The cost of living is so high that it is impossible to keep up. 8 Its hard to hold onto money. 9 A penny saved is a penny earned. 10 Its better to hoard money. You never know when the rainy day will come. 11 A Depression can come at any moment. 12 Only people who cheat have money. 13 Money only comes from hard work. 14 I can only earn more when I put in more hours at work. 15 Rich people are greedy and dishonest. 16 Money is not spiritual. 17 It is a sin to have a lot of money. 18 Spiritual people are not supposed to be rich. 19 Its easier to spend than save money. 20 Poor people can never get out from under. 21 Rich people are seldom happy. 22 Credit card companies are loan sharks. 23 I need lots of money first to make more money. 24 Its hard to have multiple sources of income coming in, other than from my job. 25 It is difficult to make money from my investments. 26 There is a limit to how much I can earn. 27 Good opportunities hardly come by. Align with Abundance Attraction Mind Map

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

Section B: Identity / Self Esteem Beliefs Many of our negative money beliefs stem from having a poor self esteem. You need to address money beliefs at root causes, otherwise you would have largely missed addressing them at the right areas. Working on self-love issues opens you to receiving abundance more freely into your life. The entire process of working on yourself may sound tedious but just remember this: Thoughts of unworthiness will not be able to attract the same vibrational frequency of money, essentially a spiritual asset and a form of energy exchange. 28 I do not deserve success. 29 I do not have unique talents or abilities. 30 Others just do not like me. 31 Everyone else comes first. 32 I am not worthy as a person. 33 Ill probably just fail anyway. 34 I dont deserve money. 35 Im not good enough to make money. 36 Im no better than my parents, so I shouldnt make more then they did. 37 But we cant afford that. 38 I cannot handle or manage money well. 39 I am such a loser. 40 If Im successful, my friends will be jealous and stop liking me. 41 I will never get a good job. 42 I am always in debt. 43 My bank account will always be low. 44 I dont want to have money and be stuck up. 45 I may just forget whats truly important and not like the person Ive become. 46 I resents others having money. 47 I will never be able to make much money. 48 I am just too stupid to make money. 49 I am just too slow to make money. Align with Abundance Attraction Mind Map

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Transform Your Money Beliefs 50 It is just too difficult to get ahead based on my lack of academic qualifications. 51 My parents were poor, and I will be poor. 52 It is best to remain poor so that my relatives will not borrow money from me. 53 Artists (or whatever your profession is) have to struggle hard to earn a living. 54 Oh, I cant charge that much. 55 Oh, I cant charge more than my competitor. 56 Making money is just too difficult. 57 No one has ever said that making money is easy. 58 I am just not good with money. 59 Never tell anyone what I have in the bank. 60 I can never pay off my credit card bill. 61 I dont like receiving bills. 62 I dont like writing checks to pay others, even if it is for a payment for their services. 63 I dont deserve a pay rise. 64 Its not right to ask for a pay raise. 65 I dont like being in the limelight. 66 I like to buy gifts for others but I find it hard to spend on myself. 67 The higher I go, the harder I will fall. 68 I will never be a millionaire. 69 I will never gain financial freedom. 70 I am only worth minimum wage. 71 I find it hard to value my own potential. 72 It is best not to earn too much because I dont want to pay more in alimony. 73 I cannot change my predetermined fate. 74 I just dont like to think about money. 75 I dont want to attract friends for the wrong reasons.

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

Section C: Value Beliefs These are beliefs that you hold about your life and your experience of it. 76 Without money, I am worth nothing. 77 I prefer to dream small so that I am not too pressurized. 78 I do not love myself for who I am. 79 I cannot be happy if I am rich. 80 I am unable to manifest abundance. 81 My life is one of suffering. 82 Only with money, can I live life fully. 83 I cannot do what I love because it does not pay well. 84 I do not like to take responsibility. 85 Life is meant to be a struggle, not a breeze. 86 Why should the Universe/God support me? 87 Everything I touch is a disaster. 88 I am never lucky. 89 Only dreamers think they can get rich but I am a realist. 90 Dreams rarely come true. 91 Miracles rarely or never happen to me. 92 I will never have enough. 93 I feel safe being poor. 94 It is dangerous to be rich. 95 I will always be poor. 96 The future has nothing good in store for me. 97 Its okay to be able to survive each day. 98 Abundance is not my birthright. 99 The more money I have, the more problems I will have. 100 It is impossible to have it all a loving family, a job I love, great friends, good health and lots of money. 101 There is no need for more since I cant take it with me anyway. Align with Abundance Attraction Mind Map

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

Next, in order to know if there are any statement that holds true in your subconscious, you may wish to muscle test yourself. Muscle testing is Applied Kinesiology. It is about tapping into your body's electrical system to obtain answers. There are several ways to muscle test, if you do not already know how to. You can try a google search as there are several sites as well as youtube videos that teach on muscle testing. Alternatively, if you are familiar with dowsing, you can also use a pendulum to check against your subconscious mind. Pendulum dowsing works in a similar fashion to muscle testing. If any in the list is found to be true, tap away the negative money belief, using the statements as follows. Even though I believe that money is the root of all evils, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I forgive myself and all others who have contributed to the same situation. Even though I __________, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I forgive myself and all others who have contributed to the same situation. There are slight variations to how you can apply EFT to your meridian points. But they essentially achieve the same goal.

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

3. A Prosperity Prayer In January 2009, Dr Joe Vitale a cast member of The Secret movie shared a prosperity prayer on his blog. The prayer was passed to him by his friend, Will Bowen, who described it as the greatest consciousness conditioner available to attract prosperity. In case you have not heard of Will Bowen, he is the author to the best-selling book A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted. Prosperity Affirmation - (Read Aloud Every Day for 30 days) I am the source of all wealth. I am rich with creative ideas. My mind abounds with new, original, inspired thoughts. What I have to offer is unique, and the world desires it. My value is beyond reckoning. What the world needs and desires, I am ready to produce and give. What the world needs and desires, I recognize and fulfill. The bounty of my mind is without hindrance or limit. Nothing can stand in the way of my inspired creativeness. The overflowing power of God life energy overcomes every obstacle, & pours out into the world, blessing & prospering everyone, & everything through me. I radiate blessings, I radiate creativity, I radiate prosperity, I radiate loving service. I radiate Joy, Beauty, Peace, Wisdom & Power. Humanity seeks me and rewards me. I am beloved of the world. I am wanted wherever I go. I am appreciated. What I have to offer is greatly desired. What I have to offer brings a rich reward. Through my vision the world is blessed. Through my clear thinking & steadfast purpose, wonderful new values come into expression. My vision is as the vision of the mighty ones. My faith is as the faith of the undefeatable. My power to accomplish is unlimited. I, in my uttermost God Source, am all wealth, all power, all productivity. I hereby declare my financial freedom, NOW and henceforth forever!

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Transform Your Money Beliefs You can choose to use any of the above wealth affirmation if it resonates well with you. Or simply write your own! Some people tell me that affirmations do not work!! Well, my research shows that wealth affirmations work best when there is harmony between the conscious and subconscious. It is most effective when you are ready to be reprogrammed positively. This means that you have worked on many of your negative money beliefs that lie in your subconscious. So each time, you repeat your wealth affirmation, you will not be in the trap of also affirming your negative ones at the tail end. For more understanding, you may wish to read my previous article on Why Affirmations Fail to Work here.

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Transform Your Money Beliefs

Conclusion Our struggles with money is really how we have been thinking about money. Having a physical existence requires us to deal with the practical aspects of living. Hence, we cannot not have thoughts about money. Since this is so, it is best to choose to have more positive and empowering thoughts about it. Scarcity and the lack of money are thoughts based on fear. If we intend to reconnect with Source, then we would need to align ourselves in thoughts of love. Money is only a means to an end. Our focus is not about how to acquire more money but how we can serve humanity in the best possible way with it. Repeated thoughts strengthened by emotion becomes belief. If we can have and feel wonderful every time we think about money, guess what is going to happen to us? We lose the inner sense of resistance towards it. We create the resonance for abundance, including money, in the field of energy around and about us.

Abundance always,

Additional Resources 1. Turn Your Dreams Into Reality. Program your subconscious and manifest your dreams with the aid of a software program. Click here for more information on the Dream Manifestation Kit. 2. Tune Your Vibrations Up. Clear negative energies rooted in the past and realign your soul to abundance. More information can be found here.

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