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Past Perfect &Simple Past:

 Before I had breakfast, I had washed my face and hands.

 I started to study English after I had made coffee.
 When my husband arrived at work, I hadn’t gotten up.
 When I played dualingo, I had not had breakfast yet.
 After I had had breakfast, I tidied up our house.
 Before I started to study English again, I had closed the windows in different room.
 By the time I came the room, the washing machine had finished.
 I had lived in İstanbul since 2009 before I moved Amsterdam. (The Netherlands).
 Until my husband had lunch, I had finished new chapter on my English course.
 When I finished breakfast, I had already called my mother.
 When we arrived at museumplane, they had not closed ice skating.
 Our package had been delivered to another flat before we came home.
 After I had hung the laundry, I washed dishes.
 Before I opened my computer, I had talked with my friend Merve.
 After I had seen notification, I read news.

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