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0 0 00 00 00 00 o0 00 00

27 200
343 100
3462 7100
346405 1760000
34641008 279750000
277 128064
3464101607 26219360000
1.732050807 .
We observe that the decimal representation of is neither terminating nor
Henoe V3 is anirrational number.


Following arne some useful results on irrational numbers, we state these results as theorems.
THEOREM 1 Negativeofan irrational number is an irrational number.
PROOF Let r bean irrational number. Then, we have to show that -x is also an irrational
number. If possible, let- xbe a rational number.
We know that the negative of a rational number is also a rational number.
x is a rational number

-X) is a rationalnumber. ris a rational number

This contradicts the fact that x is irrational. Hernce, - x is an irrational number.

THEOREM 2 The sum ofa rational number and an irrational number is an irrational number.
PROOF Let x be a rational number and y be an irrational number. Then, we have to show
that (r y) is an irrational number. If possible, let (r+ y) be a rational number.
Since the diference of two rational numbers is a rational number.
+y)is a rational number and x is a rational number
(x+y)-xis a rationalnumber. =» y is a rational number.
This contradicts the fact that y is an irational number. Hence, (x+ y) is an irrational number.
THEOREM 3 The product of a non-zero rational number and an irrational number is an irrational
PROOF Let x be a non-zero rational number and y be an irrational number. Then, we have to
show that ry is an irrational number. If possible, let aybe a rational number.
Since the quotient of two non-zero rational numbers is a rational number.
ry is a rational number and r is a rational number.
i s a rational number y is a rational number

1 3.000000000000 0000
27 200
343 1100
3462 7100
346405 1760000
34641008 279750000
3464101607 26219360000
V 1.732050807 ..
We observe that the decimal representation of 3 is neither terminating nor repeating.
Hence, 3 is an irrational number.
Following are some useful results on irrational numbers, we state these results as theorems.
THEOREM 1 Negativeofan irrational number is an irrational number.
PROOF Let x be an irrational number. Then, we have to show that - x is also an irrational

number. If possible,let-xbearationalnumber.
Weknow that the negative of a rational number is also a rational number.
- x is a rational number
- -x) is a rational number. x is a rational number

This contradicts the fact that x is irrational. Hence,- xis an irrational number.
THEOREM 2 The sum ofa rational number and an irational number is an irrational number.
PROOF Let x be a rational number and y be an irrational number. Then, we have to show
that (r+ y)is an irrational number. Ifpossible, let (x + y) be a rational number.
Since the difference of two rational numbers is a rational number.
(x +y) is a rationalnumber and x is a rational number
(x+y)-xis a rational number. * y is a rational number.
This contradicts the fact thaty is an irrational number. Hence, (+ y) is an irrational number
THEOREM 3 The product of a non-zero rational number and an irrational number is an irrational
PROOF Let xbe a non-zero rational number and ybe an irrational number. Then, we have to
show that xryis an irrational number. If possible, let xy be a rational nunmber.
Since the quotient of twonon-zero rational numbers is a rationalnumber.
rational number.
xy is a rational number and x is a

is a rational number y is a rational number


3 while numberb has5.So, a <b.Consider the numbersc=0.25 and d=0.2525

Clearly, cand dboth are rational numbers such thata <c<d<b.
EAMPLE 5 Find a rational number and also an irrational number betwen the numbers a and b
given below
=0.101001000100001..., b=0.1001000100001
SOLUTION Since the decimal representations of a and b are non-terminating and non-
repeating. So, a and b are irrational numbers.
We observed that in the first two places of decimal a and b have the same digits. But in the
third place of decimal a has a 1 whereas bhas zero.
Constructionofarational number between aandb: As mentioned above, first two digits after the
decimal point of a and bare the same. But, in the third placea has a 1 and b has a zero. So, if
weconsider the number cgiven by c=0.101.
Then, c is a rational number as it has a terminating decimal representation.
Since b has a zero in the third place of decimal and chas a 1.
We also observethatc <a, because c has zeros in all the places after the third place of decimal
whereas the decimal representation ofa has a l in the sixth
Thus, cis a rational number such that b<c<a.
Hence, c is the required rational number between a and b.
Construction of an irrational number between a and b: Consider the number dgivenby
d 0.1002000100001 .
Clearly, d is an irrational number as its decimal representation is non-terminating and non-
We observe that in the first three places of their decimal representations b and d have the
same digits but in the fourth place d has a 2 whereas b has only a 1.
Also, comparing a and d, we obtaina >d.
Thus, d is an irational number such that b <d<a.

EXAMPLE6 Find one irrational number between the number a and b given below:
a0.1111.. =
0.1 and b=0.1101
SOLUTION Clearly, a and b are rational numbers, since a has a repeating decimal and bhas a
terminating decimal. We observe that in the third place of decimal a has a 1, while b has a
Consider the number c givenby: c =0.111101001000100001.
Clearly, c is an irational number as it has non-repeating and non-terminating decimal
We observe that in the first two places of their decimal representations band chave the same
digits. But in the third placeb has a zero whereas chas a1.
Also, c and a have the same digits in the first four places of their decimal representations but
in the fifth place c has a zero and a has a 1.

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