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CHEATSHEET Information Systems and Databases

5 Types of Information Systems:

1. Transaction Processing Systems URL – Universal Resource Locator – a Magnetic Storage - currently the
2. Decision Support Systems set of standards for accessing nodes Data Dictionary – a table providing a most popular method of
3. Automated Manufacturing Systems (computers/servers) on the internet. It is comprehensive description of each field maintaining large quantities of
4. Office Automation Systems made up of components which allow the in the database. This commonly
includes field name, data type, data
data. Large capacity and, in the
5. Multimedia Systems specific address to be found using an
format, field size, description and case of hard disks (external and
address which is understandable by the
participant rather than a set of numbers example internal) can allow for direct
Examples of Database Information eg is the TCP/IP address access at high speeds .
Systems in Context: for the domain Hard disks – store data
 School Databases containing magnetically on precision
information on teachers, subjects, aluminium or glass platters. Each
URL composition:
classes and students
 The RTA containing information on platter has a layer of hard
vehicles, drivers and roads. magnetic material onto which data
 Video stores containing information Protocol Domain name Sub-directory file name is stored. Each platter is arranged
on suppliers, borrowers , videos into tracks and sectors.
and rentals. Entity Relationship Diagrams (also
Storyboards – design tools use to plan
called Schemas) – a diagram used to RAID – Redundant array of
a hypermedia product. Each screen is
represented as a frame. On each frame
describe the entities in a relational Independent Disks – uses multiple
database and the relationships between hard disks together with a RAID
are the elements (media) which are
them. controller to ensure minimal data
displayed and can link to other
elements on different pages. loss. Usually a feature of most
The main types of storyboard layouts domain controllers and DBMS
include: servers, where data loss could be
 Linear storyboards
 Non-Linear storyboards
 Hierarchical storyboards Cartridge and Tape – mainly used
 Hybrid/Composite storyboards
as backup tools, tape cartridges
are sequential storage devices
Orgainisation which can be conveniently
Logical layout of a Flat File Normalisation – the process of reducing
Non-Computer Methods of Organising: database or eliminating data redundancy from removed off site to ensure minimal
your database via the use of efficient data loss.
 Telephone books entity relationship diagrams.
 Card-based systems Optical Storage - examples
 ADV: portable, limited training Types of Normalisation Processes include CD’s, DVD’s and Blu-Ray.
required, most participants are Each disk contains spiral tracks
comfortable with the systems  1NF (or First Normal Form) – this
deals with the removal of repeating and an intense laser beam is
 DISADV: durability, can result in
redundant data, requires manual attributes across horizontal rows and shone over the disk to read the
processes to query, sort etc. ensures each field holds single data disk; a more high powered beam is
items. Generally results in creating shone over the disk to store or
Computer based methods File- A block of data that may be written multiple tables from one initial table. write to the disk.
Flat File system - A Flat file database to a storage device. May be made up of  2NF (or Second Normal Form) –
management system allows you to use records, fields, words, bytes, removes redundant data within Securing Data in a DBMS
only one database file or data table at characters, bits etc. vertical columns or fields. This step
any one time. For the majority of seeks to find common ground Data security – aims to ensure
business tasks, flat file systems are Records – A collection of facts about an between tables so they can be data is not lost or corrupted. It is
ideal eg (address books, electronic entity in a database which may be related. also to ensure that data is kept
diaries, recording marks etc) They are composed of one or more related fields.  3NF (or Third Normal Form) – secure by minimising unauthorised
also relatively easy to operate and A record is an entire entry (horizontal removes all remaining redundant
learn. access to data
row) in a table. Also known as Tuples. data within vertical columns.
Methods include:
The main limitation of a flat file Relational Databases Storage and Retrieval in a DBMS
database is that they often result in Regular backups – Grandfather, Father
data redundancy. Storage and retrieval is particularly
Relational Databases – is a collection of Son, Incremental, Differential
important in maintain data stores in a
two dimensional tables, which generally
Data Redundancy - refers to the large DBMS . Physical Security Measures – server is
are linked together, in order to
unnecessary duplication of data reduce/eliminate data redundancy. kept in a locked room, checkout
Storage hardware:
within a database. operator needs a key to void a
Table – the basic building block of a Direct access – refers to the ability to transaction
Database Management Systems – database. A table is simply as set of go to any data item in any order. Eg. Usernames and Passwords – to access
contain multiple tables and many rows(records) and columns (fields). CD rom the system and different levels of the
utilities, They are used for a large Also known as an entity. Sequential access – means data system. Some participants, when
database to enable large amounts of must be stored and retrieved in a logged into the system may only have
information to be stored and retrieved. Field – A subdivision of a record linear sequence eg. An archive tape read access,
containing a specified piece of data. Offline storage – refers to data which
Each is identified by its field name. is stored on drives which need to be Encryption/Decryption – alters raw data
Hypermedia-a combination of media
mounted to access eg. Tape, USB in such a way that the
containing information which can create Key – Any field in a database that storage drives, CD’s DVD’s. transmitted/received, or stored/retrieved
sequential or non-sequential access to facilitates the retrieval of information. Online Storage – is available data is virtually impossible to read. SSL
various pages.
immediately to connected computers (secure socket layer) is an example of
Primary Key – A character or group of eg. Server drives and Online data how encryption can be used to protect
Hypermedia is most often referred to characters used to identify a unique stores like dropbox, and data.
when looking at the WWW or the record in a database. Primary keys are Skydrive.
Internet. most often unique – i.e Searching, Selecting and Sorting a
drivers_license_number or DBMS
Documents which exist on the WWW student_number.
make extensive use of hyperlinks Search – to look through a
created through the use of HTM L Foreign Key –Fields that contain data collection of data in order to
(Hypertext Markup Language) that must match data from the primary locate required data meeting a
key of another table
HTML uses tags to format the desired criteria example: a
appearance of text and many other query
functions. Many Web 2.0 tools (eg.
MySpace, Blogs and Wikis) enable Sorting - to arrange a collection
users to make changes and embed of data in some specified order.
media via the use of HTML tags. Sorting does not eliminate any
Eg. <body> </body> sets the visable data; rather it changes its order
portion of the page in the web browser. of appearance.
CHEATSHEET Information Systems and Databases
Current and Emerging Trends
Issues related to Information
Querying the DBMS Systems and Databases Data Warehouse – a large
Acknowledgement of data sources
separated combination of
SQL- Structured Query Access, ownership and control of
data databases used by an
Language is used to query the
Accuracy and reliability of data organisation. It includes
relational database. Emerging trends – data historical data, which is used to
The general syntax includes: warehousing, data mining and OLAP analyse (mine) for
(online analytical processing) and
SELECT: (attributes or fields to retrieve) OLTP (online transaction processing trends/patterns.
FROM: (list of table/entity names)
WHERE: (search criteria) Acknowledgement of data Data Mining – is the process of
ORDER BY: (display the result in Many data collection forms are sources – the Copyright Act discovering non-obvious
desired Ascending A-Z) now web-based, where (1968) states that the patterns within large
information entered by the database which collects all the collections of data. Eg. Fly
Relational Operators
USER is directly fed into the information together (the Buys was set up to discover
TERM SQL information system of the expense and time taken to do the shopping trends of users;
organisation. this) is covered by copyright; the allocation of flights was
NOT EQUAL TO Example. Transaction not the information itself. merely a way to get people to
Processing Systems like eBay, Copyright is breached if the sign up.
Jetstar etc. database is copied without
GREATER THAN, >= permission.
Online Analytical Processing
LESS THAN < Access, Ownership and (OLAP) – is a technique for
LESS THAN, <= Control of Data - Access and providing business decision
Control are interrelated in the makers with statistical
operation of a DBMS. Access evidence, largely based on
Logical Operators Data Validation – a check refers to the Participants and past trends, upon which they
AND – when both expressions conducted during data the scope of information they can make intelligent decisions.
are True collection to ensure that can access within the system. Whilst this is the primary aim of
OR – When one expression is reasonable data is entered. The Freedom of Information data mining, OLAP aims to
True Data validation helps to Act (1989) states that an provide the information
NOT- Opposite improve the integrity or individual is entitled to request visually, online and as quickly
correctness of the data, to access any personal or non- as possible. Eg. When there is
however it cannot ensure that personal information held by a Federal Election, one of the
QBE (Query by example)- A
the data is totally correct. government departments and major Television networks will
visual method for specifying a
their statutory authorities. Eg. initiate a debate between the
query. In Microsoft Access, a Data integrity – a term used to
You could request from the Prime Minister and the
Filter is an example of a QBE. describe the reliability of the
RTA how many demerit points Opposition Leader. In recent
data. It incorporates a
Tools for Hypermedia you’ve accrued on your years, they have displayed a
statement about accuracy,
Searching and Retrieval license. This does not extend graphical summary (a line
correct entry and currency of
to commercial organisations. graph) of whether the audience
Search Engine – a program the data.
members are liking or disliking
that builds an index of website Displaying Data in a Database what the speaker is saying at
Control of data is
content, Users cam search the time. This was termed the
accomplished through the
indexed content to locate Once queried, data is often “Worm” by Channel 9 a few
setting up of usernames and
relevant website material. years back.
need to be presented in an passwords allowing different
Search engines collect and aesthetically pleasing way for access levels and permissions
search data through: participants or users. to the data stored on the Online Transaction Processing
1. Crawling the web to locate system. For example: In a (OLTP) – those systems which
and retrieve web pages Reports- generated from hospital database, there would allow transactions to be
queries or tables which present be access control in relation to
2. Indexing and ranking each processed by remote users. A
the data in an aesthetically what a doctor can see in
web page found transaction is a business
pleasing way. Eg. Overdue comparison to a cleaner. event , which must be
3. Analysing search criteria loans in a library, absentees in
completed in its entirety in
entered by users a school day, Telstra phone Accuracy and Reliability of order for it to be a valid
bills for post. Data – there is a rule with transaction. Many banks now
4. Retrieving suitably ranked regard to Databases; Garbage
web page results, allow for OLTP via the use of
in, Garbage out. This means internet banking – the
Collecting and Displaying for that the entering of the transferral of funds from one
Database Systems information is important to get account to another is an
the correct results when example of OLTP. It is
Collecting - the information information is searched or
process that gathers data from the important to note that the
queried. Of equal importance transaction occurs in real time
is that the information is kept (almost instantaneously).
Displaying – The information up to date on a regular basis.
process which outputs information You would be aware that
from an information system. schools send home
Collecting and Displaying are the information sheets at the
only information processes that commencement of the
directly interact with the users, academic year to ensure that
the data the school has stored
Collecting is primarily done in a
in their DBMS is current,
accurate and reliable.

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