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Physical developmet ( when we say physical development it I the advancement and

refinement of motorskills wherein children have the ability to use and control their body
like they can start walking, jumping running and the likes. )

Physical development
 In 14 months, toddlers can typically walk, climb a step, move from a stooping
position to a standing position
 Able to hold and and try to use a spoon, stack a few blocks, feed herself finger
foods and roll a ball.
 can also turn the pages of a cloth or board book, move to music, play pat-a-cake,
hold, and try to use a crayon, and wave hello and goodbye.

Explanation : as what you have observed, physical development involves how

the children gain control over physical actions to do complicated and difficult
activities to make it more easily. toddlers use and control their body parts for a
particular skill. It is very important because this skill is needed for their adult lives.

Language and Social Development

 14-month-baby can say two or three words and to understand and follow simple
 Toddler can respond to his/her name, recognizes the names of some people,
animals and things, repeats sound and begins putting multiple sounds together
 Toddlers this age express frustration or anger by holding their breath, crying or
 able to express happiness and excitement
 like to play near parents or caregivers, and exhibit shyness around strangers.

 dito ang mga bata is matutunan nila yung mga ibat ibang words and they start
also to understand how the sounds within that language works together like for
example yung naobserve ko usually sa mga bata they tend to call their dad
‘DADA” so which mean that child is actually calling for dad. Here, they can also
understand the language and follow simple instruction like for example sit down,
sinusunod din nila and nakakaintindi sila paano yun nagwowork.
 So as you observe whenever we call their names, nagrerespond sila like they
 Especially when things don’t go their way or they are not getting their needs.
Umiiyak sila, throw things, yell or hit.
 In contrast, when things go through well they express happiness and excitement
and they can communicate these through facial expressions and body posture.
 There are some children feel uncomfortable in social situations, interacting to
new places or with new people, when meeting with new strangers or speaking in
front of other people.

Social – Emotional development

 This area of development involves learning to interact with other people, and to
understand and control your own emotions.
 develop relationships with the people around them. right from birth, but the
process of learning to communicate, share, and interact with others takes many
years to develop.
 ability to control emotions and behavior is also a long process.
 develop their social-emotional skills well into their teenage years, or even young

 so dito children learn what feelings or emotions are, undersands how and why
they occur.
 So here, children develops relationships with the people around them through
interacting like playing with their friends, share a piece of food and the likes.
 Here, they cannot regulate pa their emotions on their own they need to learn
skills, with practice ans support from their parents will help them control their
emootions and behaviour.
 So, children here still continue to develop their social-emotional skills well into
their teenage years, or eben young adulthood because it is very important to
manage positive relationship with others

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