Lesson VIII - Facial Make Up Application

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Lesson VIII- Performing the Facial Make-Up Application


Makeup Artist. A make-up artist is an artist whose medium is the human

body, applying makeup and prosthetics for theatrical, television, film, fashion, magazines and
other similar productions including all aspects of the modeling industry

Makeup is used as a beauty aid to help build up the self-esteem and confidence of an

individual. The importance of cosmetics has increased as many people want to stay young and
attractive. Other cosmetics like face powder give glow to the skin after applying the base cream

Your makeup is every personality characteristic that, combined, form a unique person —
but the makeup you put on your face can be used to disguise your real self a little bit. This kind
of makeup is also called cosmetics, and it consists of things like lipstick, mascara, foundation,
and so on. This meaning of makeup has been in use since the 1880s, a period when Queen
Victoria declared it vulgar, only appropriate for stage actors.


At the end of this topic, you can:

1. Explain the importance of science and art in facial make-up application

2. Enumerate the steps in performing facial make up application.
3. Draw out recommendations on inclusion of gender and peace education in the art
in facial make-up application

Topic Outline:

I- Guide and nature in Performing Foot Spa

II- Guide and nature in Performing Pedicure
Try This!

Tools and materials needed Characteristics and its uses

Eyebrows pencil used to shape the eyebrows. Eyebrow pencils are also
used to darken the brows to correct misshaped eyebrows.

Tweezer It is a metal tool with spatulate end and used to pluck

eyebrow hairs.

Razor or blade It is used to shave and shape the eyebrows.

Eyebrow brush used to arrange the eyebrow hair in order and spread the
color of the eyebrow pencil neatly and evenly.

Absorbent cotton It is used in applying astringent lotion or antiseptic lotion

Cleansing tissue it is used in wiping off excess lotion, cleansing and

emollient creams.

Cleansing cream It is used to soften the skin and facilitate the pulling of
hair strands.

cleansing lotion it serves the same functions as the cleansing cream but
suggested for costumers with oily skin

Emollient cream It is used for lubricating the pores to make pulling of hair

Astringent lotion It is used to close the skin pores after hair plucking.

Antiseptic lotion it is used to prevent infection cause by unsanitized

Think Ahead!

1. Why do we have to do client consultation before doing the manicure/pedicure procedure?

 It is important to do client consultation before doing the activity in order to know

whether your client is able to undergo to that treatment. Also, to know the history of
your client if your client has injured nails or problems and in order also to know
whether your client have allergies within the products that you are about to
use/apply as well as to know what kind of products should you apply to your client.

Read and Ponder!

The Elements of ART - are the basic properties and the building blocks of a piece of artwork.

In a painting, for instance, the properties that may be perceived through our senses are color,
line, texture, form, shape, and value (tone).

• Other elements of art, for instance sound and time, may be perceived in other art forms
such as music, dance and as well as videos.

• The way the elements of an artwork relate to each other and are organized are referred to
as the principles of art.




What is C O L O R ?.
• Color is one of the elements of beauty, art and /or design.
• It promotes and gives us pleasure and to which we are sensitive.
• We react to colors constantly for we associate with them as warmth, vivid, lively,
exciting, gloomy, calm and other forms of emotion.
Colors are Categorized into two (2):

 Warm Colors will comprised

1. Red,
2. red-orange
3. Orange
4. yellow-orange
5. Yellow
6. yellow-green.

 Cool Colors will comprised

1. Green
2. blue-green,
3. Blue
4. blue-violet
5. Violet
6. red-violet.

How do we recognize Color?

• With the presence of Light, it reflect the color it is lighted upon thus with its absence
color cannot be seen.
• The Human perception, individuals are capable of recognizing colors, thus when there is
lighting, a definite color recognition is achieve. Color waves in a ray light produces
sensations in our eyes that result in our seeing of colors.

• We react to colors constantly for we associate with them as warmth, vivid, lively,
exciting, gloomy, calm and other forms of emotion, because color is a powerful element
that has tremendous expressive qualities.

2.) LINE is an art element which is defined by a point moving in space.

• LINE is the most basic element of art and/or design.
• In terms of design and artwork, line is considered to be a moving dot. It has an endless
number of uses in the creation of art or artwork.

Characteristics of lines

4.abstract(irregular in nature).
Kinds of lines

• Vertical lines
• Horizontal lines
• Diagonal lines
• Zigzag lines
• Broken lines
• Dotted lines
• Perpendicular line
• Parallel line

• Spiral lines
• Wavy lines
3.) FORMS -Are three-dimensional shapes which expressing length, width and depth.
e.g. -balls (round),
-cylinders (tubular),
-boxes (square or cube) and
-pyramids (three-dimensional
-triangle) are formed.

4.) T E X T U R E -refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel.
-it gives a visual sense of how an object depicted would feel in real life if touched such as hard,
soft, rough, smooth and the like.

5.) SHAPE – The following are collective terms describing SHAPE:

-It is an Outline: For instance, body shape and/or face shape.
-In garments, it is referred to as the Silhouette. (Silhouette-is comprised of lines forming the
outline or contour of the object, for instance in clothing structural design.

6.) Value (Tone)

– The following are collective terms to describe Value or Tone.
-In painting, this includes coloring and / or combining and shading of colors.
-In music, it is the quality of sound that makes it distinctive, e.g. in a voice or musical

The following are for Doing Corrective Eye Make-up:

1. Small, Round Eyes

A. Enlarge small eyes with highlighter that can be any light
shade of eye makeup.
B. Apply a black eyeliner along the upper lashes of the eye
that will make eye look bigger. The eyeliner is drawn
from the inner corner of the eyes widening at the outer
corner with an upward application. This gets an illusion
of width at the sides.

2. Far Apart Eyes

- Eyes are considered far apart when the distance between the two eyes is more than the
size of one eye.

a. Draw the eyebrows close together.

b. Apply darker shades of eye shadow
at the inner corner of the eye and
fade out at the outer corner. This
gives an illusion of closeness.

3. Eyes Set Too Close - Eyes are considered too close when the distance between the two
eyes is less than the size of one (1) eye.

a. Draw the eyebrows wide apart.

b. Apply darker shade at the outer corner of the eyes
and lighter shades towards the inner corner. The
illusion of width is
4. Bulging Eyes - Eyes are considered big or large because of prominently bulging eyelids.

a. Avoid using frosted eye shadow or highlighter to

avoid emphasizing the eyelids.
b. To hide the prominent eyelids, use dark
shades of makeup.
c. Eye makeup should be applied upwards.
d. Extend eye makeup past the fold of the eyelid.
e. Do not use eyeliner.
f. Use one dark shade of eye makeup.

5. Chinky or “chinita” Eyes - This eyes have slitlike openings. The eyelids are puffy, and the
eyelashes are short, which are characterized of a Chinese.
a. Use highlighter at the center of the upper lid.
b. Apply another shade of makeup at the outer and inner
corner of the eyes.
c. Apply some shade of eye makeup on the lower lid. Apply
along the lower lashes.
d. Curl the upper and lower lashes and thicken with

The following are for Doing Corrective Nose Make-up:

1. Large Nose - To slenderize a large nose, a lighter shade of foundation is applied on its
sides, wich makes the nose appear small. A bright shade of cheek rouge will accentuate
the size of the nose.
2. Pug Nose or Broad Nose - This is characterized by a big nose tip, big nostrils, and a
large nose bridge. To minimize the size of the nostril , a concealer is used. A darker shade
of foundation is applied at the sides of the nose, extending to the nostrils to minimize the

3. Short Flat Nose - This is characterized by a flat nose tip, small nostrils, and a flat nose
bridge. A light foundation is applied at the center of the nose, starting from the bridge and
right down to the tip for an illusion of height and width. The eye shadow should start at
the inner corner of the eyes to create illusion of depth at this part, thus, making the bridge
of the nose appear higher or elevated. Beige shade of makeup is appropriate.

1. Oblong Face - Apply cheek rouge in a circular

manner on the cheekbone to shorten the length of an
oblong face. A darker shade of foundation is used on
the chin and forehead to minimize the length of the

2. Diamond Face - Apply blush-on

along the prominent part of the
cheekbone line to conceal or subdue

3. Round Face - To create an illusion of length and to

minimize the roundness, apply cheek rouge upward,
extending near the nose and the temple to decrease
width and add length to the face.

4. Square Face - To camouflage

the squareness of the jaw and
the prominence of the
cheekbone, apply cheek rouge
from the lower temple, going
inwards towards the nose and
down to the jawbone.
1. Thick lips

2. Thin Lips

3. Uneven Lips
Sizes, Shapes, and Positions of Eyebrows
- The sizes, shapes, and position of the eyebrows play an important part in one’s facial
expression. The shape can make the face look sad, happy, proud, or surprised. Too thick
eyebrows can make the face look sad and gloomy.

The following are the various sizes, shapes, and positions of the eyebrows:

1. Size refers to the density of hair growth of the brows

a. Thick- Hair growth is superfluous or not necessary.
b. Thin- Hair growth is sparse and the strands are thin.
c. Medium-thick- Hair is neither thick or not

2. Shapes refers to the form or arching of the eyebrows


Position refers to the placement of the eyebrows

a. High- high positioning of eyebrows increase the width of a narrow forehead.
b. Low- low-placed eyebrows tend to narrow down the width of the forehead.
c. Far apart- eyebrows that are far apart tend to widen the eyes.
d. Close set- eyebrows that are too close to one another tend to set the eyes close, too.

• Well-shaped eyebrows give the face a pleasant expression. They add to the overall beauty
of the face. Not all individual are endowed with well-shaped eyebrows. The arching of
eyebrows has become an art and a need. It is now a much-sought service of women. The
eyebrows must, therefore, fit the shape of the face, and go with the shape of the eyes. To
carry out the eyebrows arching successfully, the following tools, supplies, and cosmetics
are needed.

1. Tools are the gadgets that are used to carry out small tasks. They are not consumable like
supplies and cosmetics. The following are the tools used in eyebrow shaping and their
corresponding function.

a. EYEBROW PENCIL - it is a special kind of pencil with a soft head used to shape the
eyebrows. There are different shades of eyebrow pencils. We have the black, brown,
gray, light brown and dark brown. Eyebrow pencils are also used to darken the brows to
correct misshaped eyebrows.

b. TWEEZER- It is a metal tool with spatulate end and used to pluck eyebrow hairs. Another
type is the scissor type, which serves the same function of pulling hair.

RAZOR or BLADE - It is a tool with sharp edges that is used to shave and shape the
d. EYEBROW BRUSH - it is a small, soft bristled brush used to arrange the eyebrow hair in
order and spread the color of the eyebrow pencil neatly and evenly.


Supplies are the materials used in eyebrow shaping that are consumable.
a. Absorbent cotton- It is used in applying astringent lotion or antiseptic lotion.
b. Cleansing tissue- it is used in wiping off excess lotion, cleansing and emollient creams.
3.Cosmetics- they are special supplies prepared for facial use.
a. Cleansing cream- It is used to soften the skin and facilitate the pulling of hair strands.
Cleansing cream is suggested to be used by costumers with dry skin.
b. Cleansing Lotion- it serves the same functions as the cleansing cream but suggested for
costumers with oily skin.
c. Emollient Cream- It is used for lubricating the pores to make pulling of hair easy.
d. Astringent lotion- It is used to close the skin pores after hair plucking.
e. Antiseptic Lotion- it is used to prevent infection cause by unsanitized implements.
1. Prepare the customer. Seat the customer in a reclining, comfortable position.
2. Prepare the implements and materials needed. Place them in a tray including absorbent
cotton, cleansing cream, tissue paper, tweezer, and eyebrow brush.
3. Cover the eyes of the patron with cotton pledgels moistened with boric acid, witch hazel,
or iced water. This is done to relax the eyes.
4. Place over the brows cotton pledgels moistened with hot water to soften and loosen them
because the pores will open up with the applied heat.
5. Remove hair above or below the eyebrow line until an imaginary shape of brows is

• It takes skills to be able to shape the eyebrows correctly considering the shape of the
customer’s shape of face and eyes.


1. According to Nature
a. Permanent- such as tattooing. It is not erasable and can last for a lifetime.
b. Semi permanent- such as plucking. Shaving takes a week or a month for the re-growth of

c. Temporary-such as pencilling. It is erasable.

2. According to Implements Used
A. Plucking- pulling out with a tweezer.
B. Pencilling- shaping with an eyebrow pencil or an eyebrow brush.
C. Tattooing- using indelible ink, dispensable needles, and tattoo machine.
D. Shaving- using a sharp blade.
E. Thread pulling- using a fine thread.

3.Procedures Involved
a. Plucking- a tweezer is used for pulling the hair.
b. Pencilling- An eyebrow pencil is used to shape the eyebrows.
c. Tattooing- an electronically operated machine with a needle attached to the tip and
indelible ink is used to mark and shaped the eyebrows.
d. Thread Pulling- Thin thread is used in pulling the hair.
e. Shaving- a sharp razor is used to shape the eyebrow.
f. Trimming- small pointed pair of eyebrows scissors is used to shape the eyebrows.

See if you can do this!

1. Examine Properly your own self, identify the shape of your eyes and lips so with the size,
shape and position of your eyebrows.

 My face shape is rounded.

 I think I have a small round eye, I usually apply my eyes with pen liner just to widen my
small round eyes.
 For my lips, I have thick lips whenever I apply lipstick I usually used nude color
 For my brows, I have medium thick brows and the shape is in oblique form while the
position is in low placed.
2. Do the necessary recommendation on how are you going to do your make up application.

Facial part To be examine Recommendation

1. Eyes Since I have a small round eye I will

apply black eyeliner just to create that
eye cat form and when it comes in
eyeshadow I will apply nude shade just
to make it natural and simple.

2. Lips Since I have a thick lip I will apply

nude shade just to make it simpler and

3. Eyebrow For my eyebrows, since its already

medium thick I will just brush it to re-
shape and just to make it natural.

4. Shape of your face Since the shape of my face is round, I

will apply cheek rouge upward to get
that illusion length and to minimize the
roundness of my face.

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