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Curriculum development is a process of improving t he curriculum. Various approaches have

been used in developing curricula. Commonly used approaches consist of analysis (i.e. need
analysis, t ask analysis), design (i.e. object ive design), select ing (i.e. choosing appropriat e
learning/t eaching met hods and appropriat e assessment met hods) format ion ( i.e. format ion of
t he curriculum implement at ion commit t ee / curriculum evaluat ion commit t ee) and review ( i.e.
curriculum review commit t ee).[1]

Early childhood care and education (ECCE)

There is no single curriculum t hat is 'best ' for all sit uat ions. Not only does geographic locat ion
depends on t he t ype of curriculum t aught , but t he demographics of t he populat ion mat t ers as
well. Some curriculums are based heavy of science and t echnology while anot her is focused
mainly on t he art s. However, a comparison of different curricula shows cert ain approaches t o be
generally more effect ive t han ot hers. Comprehensive programmes addressing healt h, nut rit ion
and development have proven t o be t he most effect ive in early childhood, especially in
programmes direct ed at very young and vulnerable children.[2][3] This requires a genuine
commit ment from agencies and individuals t o work t oget her, t o plan project s collaborat ively, and
t o involve parent s and communit ies.[4]

Humanistic curriculum development

A humanist ic curriculum is a curriculum based on int ercult ural educat ion t hat allows for t he
pluralit y of societ y while st riving t o ensure a balance bet ween pluralism and universal values. In
t erms of policy, t his view sees curriculum frameworks as t ools t o bridge broad educat ional goals
and t he processes t o reach t hem. A humanist ic curriculum development perspect ive holds t hat
for curriculum frameworks t o be legit imat e, t he process of policy dialogue t o define educat ional
goals must be part icipat ory and inclusive.[5] Cent ral t o t his view is t hat curriculum policy and
cont ent must bot h be guided by t he principles of social and economic just ice, equalit y and
environment al responsibilit y t hat const it ut e t he pillars of sust ainable development .[6]

Curriculum Design

What is Curriculum Design?

A crucial st ep in t he creat ion of a course, CD consist s of syst emat ically and scient ifically
organising t he inst ruct ional blocks wit hin t he course. These blocks could include activities,
readings, lessons, and assessments.

What are the various types of Curriculum Design?

There are a number of ways t o cat egorise Curriculum Design - on t he basis of learning t heory,
approach t o design, and t he curricular orient at ion.

How is Curriculum Design different from Instructional Design? …

Curriculum Design could be explained as what a learner learns while Inst ruct ional Design
det ermines how s/he will learn it.

What is the Curriculum Design process?

Samriddhi's Curriculum Design Framework[7] includes a four st ep process:


Underst and t he learner's cont ext

Review Exist ing curriculum and past learning

Gat her Insight and Inspirat ion


Primary and Secondary Research

Ident ify New/ Relevant ID Tools

Mini-map curriculum st ruct ure

Curate and Create

Curat e and Creat e cont ent according t o t he UDL principles,[8] cat egorised int o:

Inst ruct ion




Qualit y Cont rol

Seek st akeholder feedback

Refine and Improve


 This art icle incorporat es t ext from a free cont ent work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
License st at ement /permission (ht t p:// no=232555&set
=00581C72C5_ 2_ 460&gp=1&lin=1&ll=1) . Text t aken from Rethinking Education: Towards a
global common good? (ht t p:// , 41-

 This art icle incorporat es t ext from a free cont ent work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
License st at ement /permission (ht t p:// no=233558&set
=0058CBADEE_ 0_ 390&gp=1&lin=1&ll=1) . Text t aken from Investing against Evidence: The
Global State of Early Childhood Care and Education (ht t p://
02335/233558E.pdf) , 243-265, Marope, P.T.M., Kaga, Y., UNESCO. UNESCO.


1. Kaddu, Sarah; Haumba Eric Nelson (2018). "Is there a role for social media in LIS curriculum
development process in developing countries?" (
(PDF). IFLA Journal. IFLA: 1–8 – via . {{cite journal}}: External link in
|via= (help)
2. Engle, P. 2009. Growing global evidence. In Woodhead, M. and Oates, J. (eds). Effective Early Childhood
Programmes. Vol. 4 of Early Childhood in Focus. Milton Keynes, The Open University. 

3. UNESCO. 2012. EFA Global Monitoring Report. Policy Paper 03 (

1/002160/216038e.pdf) . April 2012.

4. Marope, P.T.M.; Kaga, Y. (2015). Investing against Evidence: The Global State of Early Childhood Care
and Education ( (PDF). Paris,
UNESCO. pp. 243–265. ISBN 978-92-3-100113-0.

5. Amadio, M. (2014). "Curriculum in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges, Tensions and Open Questions".
ERF Working Papers. Paris, UNESCO. No. 9.

. Rethinking Education: Towards a global common good? (

25/232555e.pdf) (PDF). UNESCO. 2015. pp. 42–43. ISBN 978-92-3-100088-1.

7. "Curriculum Design" ( . All

things Growth | Samriddhi Consulting. Retrieved 2021-03-10.

. "UDL: The UDL Guidelines" ( . Retrieved


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