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Literary Analysis - TO WHO…

longer. He answered the question in every stanza, but his answers

implied that he had lost his trust in his fellowmen.

C. The persona was looking for hope

In the poem, the persona was looking for someone to talk with,

but he found nothing upon searching. He found no hope. He was looking for

comfort but only found disappointment.

3. Summarize what you learned from the poem. (3-5 sentences.)

I have learned a lot from the poem, and it taught me that it is never
wrong to be true with what you feel. The persona expressed his disappointments from
his own country, which leads me to realize that it is somehow related to our present-
day today. Many people are afraid to voice out what they feel because of the fear that
no one would listen, that no one would care, and it leads others to take their own life
to seek peace. The most thing that has impacted me is that we should never be afraid
to show how fragile or vulnerable we are and hope for the better again. Hope for the
good in people. It is never too late yet.

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