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"#$ %&'($# )*

)",$ Al Bayan Model School for Girls

-+ .* /0//
Date ____________________________

Intensive English Section

Grade 8

Vocabulary Test
Unit # 2 25
A. Match the vocabulary word to its meaning:
#1- arrogant a.
1 ridiculous, silly
,+ 2- scowl b.
. rude, gross, improper
' 3- absurd c.2 dull, boring

3 4- competently d.
. proud, exaggerating self-worth
$ 5- neutralize e.. not embarrassed
4 6- unseemly f. 5disapproving look
& 7- significant g.. low, common, not noble
6 8- ignoble h.
. important, meaningful
7 9- unabashed i.. to make ineffective
8 10- nondescript j. skillfully

B. Choose the word from the box that best completes the sentence:
+ persistently,
vivid, 9 acknowledge,. +
hospitality, longevity,
+ dismantle,
: rehabilitate,
: :
improbable, reserve,
: defraud

1- '<=>?@(7#67 his fault.

The young man was forced to ----------------------------
2- He has a very ------------------------------- imagination.
3- (?>67;$*9
Having a good diet and excessing promotes ---------------------------.
4- The mechanic decided to --------------------------- the car for parts.
5- She is a determined girl; she kept on working on the math problem
-----------------until she could solve it.
6-D The investigators uncovered a plot to ---------------------- the company.
7- It’s ------------------------------ that two men would write the same poem.
8- She underwent physical therapy to help -------------------------------- her
broken elbows.
9- Our host’s ---------------------------was warm and elegant.
Stacy is her best friend, and she knows all the -------------------
secrets about her.
D. Circle the number of the word that is the opposite of the boldface word.

1. blow up, inflate

a. dismantle 0
b. deflate c. reserve d. scowl
2. proper
a. elegant b. retain E
c. unseemly d. inhumane
3. small, unimportant
a. significant b. meager c. impolite d. cruel
4. humble, modest
a. absurd b. vivid c. anonymous 0
d. arrogant
5. kindhearted
a. inhumane b. dull c. rotten d. bright

E. Use five of the following words in meaningful sentences.

$><?BC7*7>* 2 1
combatant, deflate, resolve, ignoble, intimate, scowl, arrogant, irreversible

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May Allah grant you success.

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