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Description of the scene 

Inside the conference room: a big table with a fake plant placed in the center, the identity
roles are placed in front of each seat o indicate the positions, and a computer is open next to
the position of the FINANCIAL MANAGER, apparently, she has arrived there early and went
out to get a cup of coffee waiting for others to come.
The scene starts, and the IT MANAGER enters confidently carrying his backpack, he notices
that nobody is there yet and looks at his watch to check the time. He then activates the logo of
the COMPANY to show in the background (Data show), sits in his position and starts writing
in his computer looking all busy.

That’s when the HR MANAGER along with the MARKETING MANAGER enter the room,
carrying objects in their hands (cups of coffee/ green tea + a note book) they are whispering to
each other while giggling to give the impression of being close even outside their job, they
then sit separately one in front of the other.
The FINANCIAL MANAGER enters last, her cup of coffee in her hand, she looks surprised
to see that they all got there. She greets them *Goodmorning* while sitting on her determined
spot, they all look at her and smile, then the HR MANANAGER stands up and start the
Everyone: Si si!
HR: *Continues talking* WELL, thanks for meeting with me today! I’m aware that this
meeting was a bit sudden and not previously scheduled. It’s because our HR department has
received a tremendous number of complaints recently, coming from our employees of
different subsidiaries (middle east, Asia and even the US). So we HAVE judged it mandatory
to organize a meeting between ALL OF US managers, so as we can discuss the problem in
depth and proceed to take action.
First of all, I’ll provide you with a general idea of this matter: so OUR employees have been
feeling excluded from the decision-making process usually made by our headquarter here in
Argentina, therefore we’ve decided to come up with the “Magazine project” to ensure more
affiliation and teamwork. HOWEVER they’ve explained that it still gives them the impression
of rather executing orders than working like a collaborative team. Apparently , the
magazine project wasn’t really efficient. So, We have gathered today to share our insights
and give suggestions about what to improve in the next copy that is going to be published
next month. I’m listening to you
*sits back*
-MARKET.M: Hola de nuevo, well I can clearly see why people are experiencing this feeling
of exclusion, first there is the lack of internal communication outside of what is Professional.
since the magazine is published only once every 3 months. And second, only two languages
are used which are ENGLISH AND SPANISH ignoring the existence of all the other ones. So
expecting them to really consider themselves as part of a big team that collaborates is a bit

-FINANCIAL.M : Excuse me to interject, but just as A REMINDER : both the HR and

MARKETING department have lost about million of dollars between hiring people for the
new job positions, and doing publicity campaigns to collaborate with foreign agencies. THEN
you came up with “The MAGAZINE PROJECT” with the promise of increasing our benefits by
focusing on internal weaknesses. YET! Even when these complaints have been reduced, the
financial results haven’t improved one bit !
I don’t really see how digging into this matter ALL OVER AGAIN is going to lead us anywhere.
-HR/M: *sounds worked up* That’s a contradiction please! I mean, how can you expect the
results TO IMPROVE, when the core problem hasn’t been addressed properly yet? People
have simply lost their motivation and determination for quality work, some talented
employees even quit their positions because they no longer feel like they belong.
*looks at everyone and points her index to insist*
IN THIS MATTER, I believe Human capital is important! Of course, YOU CAN GET CAPITAL TO
- FINANCIAL.M: *unimpressed shrug* I still think that this will cost us a fortune, bearing in
mind that we are a well-known multinational organization, the demand on our positions is
already high so we can just reduce the damage by firing the unproductive staff.
*THE HR looks clearly upset, The IT manager doesn’t say a thing so the Marketing.M jumps
in to neutralize the atmosphere*

- M/M : Pero, the next version of the Magazine hasn’t been published yet, entonses I think
we can manage some small modifications *looks at the FINANCIAL MANAGER and adds*
WHILE staying under the BUDGET.
- HR.M: *looks at the IT manager who hasn’t contributed at all, he seems uninterested*
How about you manager, what do you think of this?
-IT MANAGER: *moves his hand from his chin effortlessly* : Honestly, I was and I still think
that the whole idea of a paper magazine is outdated and boring. We are in 2022 no one is
excited to read long pages nowadays.
-FINANCIAL.M: *smirks and raises her eyebrows sarcastically as if she whispers EXACTLY!*
-HR MANAGER: *smiles in a defensive way*: Aha ! and what do you suggest instead?

-IT: *gestures with his hand confidently* I mean let’s not forget that this is the ERA of
digitalization and technology, everyone is using computers instead of books, and virtual
meetings instead of real ones. I think it is time for LAYETANA to adjust accordingly !
Instead of a magazine that takes months to be printed and sent to each employee all over
the world, we can simply make small videos and transfer them via emails, which will be easy
to make by the digital marketing team, and it will decrease our costs.
*everyone looks impressed and stay quiet, the Marketing then looks like she got an
interesting idea*
- Marketing.M : *with open gestures* This is a really clever idea! We can also create a
virtual platform that will help centralize our communication, and use automatic translators
to different languages all while making it aesthetically appealing and easy to access.
-HR/M: *interjects in* But an easy to access public platform will be a threat, as it’ll expose
our internal information to competitors, no?
-IT/M: If security is the problem, we can simply use a LOG IN system so only employees can
access, and a secured software to backup our important data and protect it against cyber-
-HR/M: Bueno, Let’s stick to this idea !
*looks at the FINANCIAL MANAGER* is everyone convinced ?
- FINANCIAL/M: We’ll have to calculate the expenses first, but overall as long as the cost is
under the fixed budget I think we can proceed in this direction!
*Everyone smiles in relief, and the HR manager stands up*
-HR: Then I think this will be the end of our meeting, thank you again for attending I’ll see
you again in our next reunion.

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