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Assalamualaikum waramatullahi wabarakatuh I respect the jury ladies and gentlemen and all my happy
friends Alhamdulillahi rabbil'alamin assholatuwashala mu'ala asrofil ambiya iwal mursalin wa'alaalihi
washahbihi ajmain. Amma ba'du First of all, let us give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT for His
abundant blessings and gifts so that we can all gather in this place to carry out a speech competition.
Shalawat and greetings may continue to be bestowed on the Prophet Muhammad SAW, along with his
family, his friends, his tabi'in and tabi'at, including all of us as his people, hopefully we will receive an
abundance of grace from Allah SWT, amen ya Rabbal 'alamin. Ladies and gentlemen and friends that I
respect, We are students, so we must know our status and role. Our status is students, so our role is to
learn as well as possible. As a student must instill a sense of responsibility in each other . The
responsibility of a student is to study well, do the school work that has been given to him, be disciplined
in following the school rules. This means that every student must and absolutely carry out these
responsibilities without exception. But in reality, many students feel burdened with their obligations as
students. Students go to school no longer for the purpose of learning, but instead serve as a place to
meet, hang out with friends, chat and so on. while his true duty to study and gain knowledge is no
longer the main thing. but this is reality and a portrait of today's students. always want something
without bothering. give up before fighting, lose before fighting. In a hadith it is explained that "the
essence of today's students and youth is tomorrow's leaders". When today's students have lost their
awareness of their status and role, are students like that the ones who will lead this country of a
thousand stories about its natural wealth. Meanwhile , in the history of Indonesian national life , the
roles of students and youth as young intellectuals cannot be separated . They have always been the
initiators, pioneers and movers in every effort to change since we are not yet independent. It was the
students and youth who carved independence on this earth that has the title of the emerald of the
equator. However , the situation of the youth in the era of independence is now in stark contrast to the
situation of the youth in the era before independence . Today's youth think more about their personal
interests and set them aside even to the point of ignoring and not caring about the interests of other
people, let alone the interests of their country. Ladies and gentlemen and friends who I respect,
Students are the next generation and develop into youth. Ten youths can change this world. This was
stated by the proclaimer and first president of Indonesia, Bung Karno. "Give me 1000 old people, I will
definitely uproot Mount Semeru from its roots, give me 10 youths, I will definitely shake the world."
give me a pen , then God willing , I will make the Prophet smile happily . Without youth, it can be said
that the life of a nation has no future. Who will replace the leaders if not students? Who will make the
name of the nation proud if not students? If analogous, a country without students is like a night
without stars , flowers without beetles , and buildings without pillars . Ladies and gentlemen and friends
that I respect , Students have critical thinking about the problems around them , raise social realities
that occur in society , and can also fight for people 's aspirations . In general , the role students, among
others, as a conveyer of truth, as a change gene , and most importantly as the next generation of the
nation . We as students should not just be students, but we must be able to develop our own potential,
develop a social spirit, as well as soft skills and hard skills. And the most important thing is that we as
students must be able to bring this country into a better change. Students are the leaders of tomorrow.
So it is in the hands of the students that the fate of a nation is at stake. If his students have the
enthusiasm and ability to build their nation and country, then actually all of that will come back to him.
The results of development in any aspect are actually for the benefit of the people themselves, ladies
and gentlemen and friends who I respect. That is what I can convey at this opportunity. Thank you for
your attention . Wassalamualaikum warmatullahi wabarakatuh

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