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Managerial Skills: 

Managerial skills can be defined as certain attributes or abilities that an executive should possess in order
to fulfil specific tasks in organization

1.Technical Skills:
J. have a technical skills that give the managers the ability and knowledge to use a variety of techniques to
achieve their objectives. These skills not only involve operating machines and software ,production
tools ,and pieces of equipment but also the skill needed to boost sales. J. managers use the technical skills
to meet the standards required to produce flawless weaving, printing , embroidery ,cutting ,styling,
stitching and packing.

2. Conceptual Skills:
Conceptual Skills are present in J. managers in term of knowledge and ability for abstract thinking and
formulating ideas. By using these conceptual skills J. managers effectively predict hurdles.

3. Human or Interpersonal Skills:

By using these skills J. mangers interact effectively with people. These skills enable the J. managers to
make use of human potential in the company and motivate the employees for better results.

Managerial Skills According to Robert Katz :

Top Management

Middle Management

First Line Management

 Technical skills are most important for first-level managers.

 Conceptual skills are most important for top managers.
 They are essential skills for managers on all hierarchical levels in the company.
 sales management skills
 product manager skills
 operation management skills
 business development skills
 risk management skills
 financial management skills
 event management skills
 retail management
 wholesale management
 supply chain management skills
 Self-Management Skills
 Time Management Skills

Maslow: the Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s needs theory is focused on physiological, relatedness (social needs to interact), and
growth needs (self-esteem and self-actualization). He argued that individuals have seven in-built
needs, and his theory resides with the motivating power of each of the hierarchical needs (Maslow,
Two needs are of a ‘higher order’ that must be met before the other five needs can be satisfied.
These higher order needs are:
● a need for freedom of inquiry and expression: social conditions must allow free speech and
encourage justice, honesty and fairness
● a need for knowledge and understanding: a need to explore and experiment.
The other five needs can be arranged in a hierarchy of five levels:
1) Physiological (lowest) : These are the needs for food, drink, shelter, clothing and everything else
that we need to stay alive. Most of these needs can be satisfied by money.
J. completes all of these needs through its services to employees. As it gives a
suitable salary to all of its staff, provide houses to those staff that has no
house or their houses are far away and it also gives bonus on different
festivals and occasions .
2) Safety : These needs can be satisfied by: employment legislation and the employer’s
arrangements for a pension scheme for its employees and for the treatment of its employees who
are affected by illness or injury.
J. provides some of the basic security and safety needs which include:

 Financial Security
 Health and wellness
 Safety against accidents and injury
 Health insurance and healthcare.

3) Belongingness or social: Social needs include needs for affection, belongingness, and
acceptance which focuses on the interaction with other people, and to be part of a social group. At
work, social needs can be met by working with bosses, subordinates, peers and other colleagues.
J. is a best place for this purpose as it

 Creates an environment of teamwork

 Respect
 Fairness
 Justice
 love
 Acceptance

Everyone , from Rector to a sweeper has the same human rights in this organization.
4) Esteem : Esteem needs consist of intrinsic esteem factors such as self-respect, autonomy and
achievement and external esteem factors such as status, recognition, and attention. Esteem needs
can be met by promotion and by the status of the job
J. takes care of such a need , it gives promotion on the basis of work and services.
5) Self-actualization (highest and NOT achieved by everyone): Self-actualization is the highest order
of human need of growth for achieving one’s potential and self-fulfillment. Self-actualization is a
motivational need which arises after the lower order physiological, safety and esteem needs have
been satisfied. The need for self-actualization is satisfied internally while the lower order needs of
food, shelter and security are satisfied externally. This need is never fully satisfied. An individual at
this level in the hierarchy needs continuing success and achievements.

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