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ANCHOR: Here is Raja, a brother ,who is weak, helpless and needy.

The burden of his sister's dowry is

our responsibility now. So tell me, Raja, what would have happened if we were not here today.
What would happen if this channel did not exist today? What would happen if this show did not exist
today?Would your sister got married? Would your weak should carried such a huge burden? Would you
walk up with your raised head in society ? If your sister's barat had gone back from here today. Tell me.
Would you Walk away with your head up in society?

(Anchor giving mike back to Raja) Take it and Look at the camera and speak.

Raja: No, I did not. Never Ever.

So many people like me……..Because of this handicap…..They resort to loans… walk only two steps than
collide with the stone of intrest and then falls on mud of humiliation

(Raja to Anchor) But you saved me. You took all my burden. No one in the entire village would have
given such a dowry to his sister. you Raised the rate of the boys. But you are here. How many weddings
will your channel ------?

Anchor (Thinking)

Raja: Hundred, two hundred, three hundred?

Here every house has a daughter.and sister.

Now I understand……Now I understand why girls are called strange( paraya).

Take the daughter with the jewel

Take the daughter with the cash

Take the daughter with the house

Take the daughter with the plant

For the sake of god Take daughter … Everyone needs drowry. No one needs daughter. And used to
collect the same dowry for the daughter , daughter getting old. But defect is ours. Listen defect is ours

We think that daughter will be happy with the stuff.Have you ever thinked that wheteer she will be
happy with that person or not?

Well A man normally consider themselves honour but slept on the bed of drowry.Oh men if you are
needy ask for zakat not drowry. No one asks for drowry, not a constitution of pakistan not even our
relogion.But everthing goes in this society. If girl sell herself she called courtesan( tawaif).If men do the
same thing he called the groom.

Father of Groom: ( Stnding anxiously) Oh Stop this drama. Baraat will go back.
This marriage will not happen

Anchor: ( moving toward grooms father) What are you saying?

His family members will not even be able to show their faces to anyone. Think about it for a minute
Groom: What the hell is going on? Lets go Dad

Bride: (Slap on groom face)

After few second one person from crowd ask catch the groom and his famiy .( All of them are starting
running) Groom from the stade Oh dad bring me with yourselves.

Anchor in front of camera: Audience .. as you see that people rose up agains drowry.Change has

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