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10 Hypothesis Real time or unreal time? >> Grammar Reference: Student's Book pIS1 1. Real or hypothetical past? 1. These sentences all have verbs in the Past Simple. Tick (¥/) those that refer to real past time, What do the others refer to? LC) Did you see Lorenzo when you were in Italy? 2 twish Twarked in the open air 3 C0 Ifyou didn't smoke, you wouldn't cough so much. 4G] When we lived in London we'd always travel by bus. 5 Cl Pd rather we lived ina small country town, 6 Ci ttstime we had a new car 7 C1 Ifonly you were abvays as happy as you are today. 8 C] Why didn't you come to the party? 2. These sentences all have verbs in the Past Perfect. Tick (7) those that express reality and cross (X) those which don't. 1 Cy Iwish re said that. She asked me if I had known him for a long time. If hadn't been so nervous, I would have passed the exam. Ifonly you'd arrived five minutes earlier. T woke yp and sralired it had all heen a terrible dream What if they hadn't agreed to give you a pay rise? Had the water risen a bit more, our house would have been flooded. She told me she'd been given a car for her birthday. oo00000 8 3. Complete the sentences with an auxiliary verb which expresses reality. 11 you didn’t bite your nails, but you #0. 2 Iwish I earned more, but I 3. I should have listened to their ad 4 If only I could speak Spanish, but I 5 If only he weren't so selfish, but he ot but | ny Gat would sta but it 7 Twish you didn’t argue all the time, but you 8 Ifonly hadn't been fired, but 1 9 Twish Thad a flat of my own, but L Unit 1 + Inyour dreams unless, supposing, in case Wishes and regrets 2 Present and past wishes 1 Use the words from the columns to make as many correct and logical sentences as you can. were wish | 2% could come, 1 would rich had 2. Choose the correct alternative in the following, sentences, Sometimes two are possible. 1 Lreally wish I can /could/was able to speak another language. 2 Lwish it wasn’t / wouldn't be/isn't so cold Thate the winter. 3 It's time we have/had/have hada holiday. 4 Our holiday was a disaster. Pd rather we didn’t go/ hadn't gone/ weren't going. 5. The party was brilliant after you left. You should stay /had stayed /have stayed longer. 6 wish you don’t speak/ didn’t speak/ ‘wouldn't speak so quickly. I can't follow you. 7 What were you doing on that wall? Supposing you'd had/would have/hadn't hhad an accident? 8 She'd rather her grandchildren live/lived/ had lived nearer. Then she could see them ‘more often 3. Expressions of regret 1. Rewrite the sentences so they have similar meanings, using the words in brackets. 1 P'm sorry I didn't invite him to the party. (wish) 2. Why weren't you watching the road? (should) 3. [regret saying that to her. (If only) 4 shouldn't have hit him. (wish) 5 [don’t want you to tell her. ('d rather) 6 I don't like it when Meg stays out so Tate. (wish) 7 regret I didn’t work harder for my exams. (should) 2. Write sentences to express these people's wishes and regrets. Use the expressions from exercise | 4 What | wish I'd known... Read the article and put one word from the box into each gap. What | wish I'd known when | was 20 have would should wish only could Annette Newman, 43, moTHER aNo TEACHER (2) —_ idealized how much |taok my mather for granted at that age. 12) she(3) have lived to see me with my ow children rm sure she (4) have said tld ous! and would (5) replied, Somy Mur, (6) have listened to you ‘more! had no idea that being a mother was such hard work? imagine could unless have fagrt wouldnt faded Simon Hewitt, 55, accounts MANAGER wish (2) femal ae (eran een ee ie) fase ee « (3) ipaki feet chy once (2 have tole thet needed to 4 ‘make myself go out and meet people and that it (a) neil getesiec haves rice ent (12) Veonatered imyshyness eae (13) elie ‘could (14) = nS if ‘realized could had hadnt James Garner, 31, LanoscaPe caroenen z eft schoo wih no quaifiations,felingan academic faire. |wish (15) koown havea decent career then that (16) ingordening (27 meta mre = Sa a ung people atsvcess can be achieved without passing exams, And 9) 120) eventually alized that my ove of plants could get me the jab of my dreams, | would stil be maving fom ‘one dead-end job to another Ne Unit T+ Inyour dreams 71 Third conditional 5. My first crash 1 GHIBD Read the article and complete the the story with the words in the box. | wouldhave ended up was coming round came toa sudden stop twas boring we were having used to work could see the face didn't ever talk could do ‘was annoyed My first by Philippa Forrester 6 Ws was a poor student in Birmingham I @ in the holidays for spare cash, One year I spent six weeks in the accounts department ofa local firm. (2) but there was a lovely guy working there called John and Thad a erush on him |A friend of mine used to drive me to an outof- town aerobics class after work, and I remember on this particular day (3) a girlie chat about my crush, She was obviously fascinated by ‘my tale of infatuation because she was momentarily distracted from looking at the road, and she went round the corner a litle roo wide and crossed to the other side of the road. Unfortunately for us, another car (4) the corner in the opposite direction. But what made it all particularly bizarce was that I (5) of the other driver ~ it was John from accounts! ‘ean remember starting to blush as we sailed staight into the side of is car. We (6) with the sound of breaking glass from our headlights, and we got out, embarrassed, wearing our Lyera aerobics outfits. ‘What a ridiculous coincidence i all was. But Iwas secretly thrilled ~ all (7) ‘vas stand with my month onen and say: ‘Oh, look, i's Jahn from accounts!’ My friend exchanged insurance tails with him and that was that. In a fairytale, 72 Unit + Inyour dreams 2. Now complete the sentences about the story, using the verbs in brackets in the third conditional. Careful! Sometimes you need to use the continuous form, 1 Tf Phillipa hadn't been (be) a poor student, she wouldn't have been working. (work) for six weeks in a local firm, 2. She ________ (meet) John if she (work) in the accounts department. 3 She ____(can/go) to the aerobics classes if her friend ____ (pick her up) in her car, 4 If'she ____ (talk) to her friend, her friend (cross) to the other side of the road. 5 If there ______(be) a car coming in the opposite direction, they (crash). 6 She —______ (blush) if John from accounts (be) in the other car. 7 Ifshe (go) to an aerobics class, she — (wear) her Lycra outfit 8 John __(might/continue) talking to (crash) into him. John and I (8) ______ making a date, getting together and driving happily ever after. But he probably thought I looked an idiot in my Lycra that, My friend’s car wasn’t too badly damaged, but she (10) ‘that it was hee Fart However, she also saw the funny side ~ that a crush, ott because he (9) ___ to me after | hhad turned into a crash. | 3. Rearrange the words to make excuses in the third conditional. 1 wouldn't/been /if/ill/hadn't/ shellfish /had/1/ I/have/ the 2 phoned /had /had /if/ you/ have /time/ would/1/ the/I All conditionals 6 Revision of all conditionals Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense to form either the first, second, third, or zero conditional. There are also some examples of mixed conditionals. 1 IfTstill, (feel) sick, 1 (not go) on holiday next weekend. 2. You make such delicious chocolate cakes! If you 3. if/known/had/I/ the jumper/washable/wasn’t/ wwouldn't/I/bought /have/it 4. iffit/own/ my/eyes/ seen / with /hadn't/1/ wouldn't/ believed /I/have/it 4 Complete the second sentence to express the excuse in a different way. 1 Ididn’t know you had a mobile phone. I didn’t contact you, tra a mobile phone, | could / would have contacted vou, 2 I didn’t send you a postcard because I didn't know your address. iI ——_______________- «posteara, 3 I didn’t remember when your birthday was. That's, why I didn’t buy you a present. If 4. I'm sorry I'm late. forgot to set my alarm clock. If 5 Ibroke the speed limit because I was taking my wife to the hospital. ie (sell) them, you (make) a fortune, 3 Hello, Liz. Are you still looking for Pat? If 1 (see) her, 1 (tell) her you ‘want to speak to her. 4 IfAlice (go) to Exeter University, she (not met) her husband, Andrew. 5A Does she love him? B Of course she does. Ifshe —____ (not love) him, she (not marry) him. 6 Ifyou (buy) two apples, you (get) one free. 7 A What you (do) if you (see) a ghost? B 1___ (run) away! 8 We're lost. Ifwe (bring) the map with us, we —_____ (know) where we are, 9 You were very lucky to catch the fire in time. If you (not have) a smoke alarm fitted, the house —_____ (burn down). 10 You were very rude to Max. If (be) you, 1______ (apologize), 11 Ashley is allergic to cheese. Ife (eat) cheese, he (get) an awful rash, 12 We've run out of petrol. If you (listen) to me sometimes instead of being so stubborn, you (hear) me saying that we were getting low. Then we (not be) stuck here. Unit 11 + Inyour dreams 73

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