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SECTION: BSN 1 (F6-102)

Are the other parts of the country experiencing similar disaster?

-Yes, because they are connected to weather patterns or other geographical factors,
they frequently happen repeatedly in the same places. Numerous individuals are impacted
each year by natural disasters such windstorms, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods.

How do we differentiate disaster from hazards?

-Any unexpected occurrence that has the potential to endanger people's lives,
property, or livelihoods is considered a hazard. Examples of dangers include typhoons,
floods, and fire. When a danger affects a large population and results in harm to both their
property and means of subsistence, it is referred to be a disaster.

What are the effects of Climate Change?

 Hotter temperatures. As greenhouse gas concentrations rise, so does the global surface temperature. ...
 More severe storms. ...
 Increased drought. ...
 A warming, rising ocean. ...
 Loss of species. ...
 Not enough food. ...
 More health risks. ...
 Poverty and displacement.

What can we do to address the effects of Climate Change?

-We need to immediately lessen our reliance on fossil fuels and power rather than
increasing it. Choose environmentally friendly alternatives like solar and wind power.
Become accustomed to recycling and reusing. Never toss anything away; instead, learn how
to reuse it appropriately.

What did we learn from the video?

-I watch the video, I learned that Rising sea levels, ecosystem collapse, and more
intense and frequent weather are the three main risks of climate change that result from
the warming of Earth's atmosphere. Systems around the earth are impacted in a variety of
ways by warming induced by human-generated greenhouse gas emissions. Rising sea levels,
ecosystem collapse, and more intense and frequent weather are the three main risks of
climate change that result from the warming of Earth's atmosphere. Systems around the
earth are impacted in a variety of ways by warming induced by human-generated
greenhouse gas emissions.

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