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Format 1:- Causes/Effects/Remedies (suggestions) essay

These days population is becoming a victim of ________ not only in the 2nd and 3rd world but
also in the industrialised nations. The problem of ________ which has now taken the shape of a
burning issue is caused by innumerable reasons which is accompanied by many possible
adverse effects universally. In my opinion some stringent counter measures should be initiated
to alleviate this hassle.

The first and predominant reason in my opinion, behind ________ is nothing but ________. In
other words ………. . To exemplify this point we can consider ________ which is ………. . It
simply clarifies that ………. . Another factor which should be considered is ………. . This means
that ………. .

Furthermore, ………. is also a major and inevitable culprit to cause this scenario. To justify I
would quote the example of ……… which is an evident proof of this phenomenon. Last but
not the least ……….. is also responsible for ……….. which needs to be addressed on priority.

It is high time, contingent steps ought to be initiated to curb the detrimental impact of
________ on mankind. One of the most significant and advisable panaceas for preventing
________ is that we make conscious efforts to control the use of ………. . Apart from this,
________ can be one of best ways to eradicate the obstacle and control the situation. Last but
not the least, the authorities should introduce strict legislation to mitigate the worst situation
caused by ________.

In conclusion, I recapitulate my views that innumerable ________ is/are triggered by myriad

factors of ________, of which some are deliberate to fulfil our needs while the rest occur due to
circumstances but need immediate attention.
Format 2:- Agree/Disagree essay

It is undeniable true that life/a nation/a business/globe is unimaginable without ________. In

fact ________ is omnipresent (which is/are indispensable). Some people believe that ……… ,
however, I differ from them and opine that……… . Thus, I firmly agree/disagree with the
statement presented. I elucidate my stand in the following paragraphs.

The first and predominant reason for supporting the concept of ________ is ……… . In other
words ……… . To exemplify this point, we can consider ________, which is ………. . It simply
clarifies that ………. . Another factor which should be considered is ………. . This means that
………. .

Furthermore, one more convincing point that cannot be ignored is ________, which advocates
that ……… . To justify, I would quote the example of ……… , which is an evident proof of
this phenomenon. In addition to that, another cause to be considered and cannot be overlooked
is ……… . Last but not the least ________ is additional valid point which suggests that ………

On the other hand, no one can deny the demerits/merits of ……… . The major adverse/optimistic
impact it has is ……… . Another drawback/pro involved is ……… . Eventually ……… .

In conclusion, I recapitulate that there are innumerable strong arguments supporting ________,
which means that it is inseparable from our sophisticated life. However its loopholes can be
curbed. Hence, I firmly agree/disagree to the presented statement.
Format 3:- Positive outweighs the negative essay

It is undeniable true that life/a nation/a business/globe is unimaginable without ________. In

fact ________ is omnipresent (which is/are indispensable). Just as every coin has a flip side
________ brings both the positive as well as negative impact on our life. I think it is our own
perspective about something that decides its benefits and weaknesses. I would elucidate the pros
and cons of ________ in the following paragraphs, but I opine that advantages/disadvantages on
any day outweigh the disadvantages/advantages of ________.

________ has myriad merits/demerits. The first and predominant one is ________. In other
words ……… . To exemplify this point, we can consider ________, which is ………. . It simply
clarifies that ………. . Another factor which should be considered is ………. . This means that
………. .

Furthermore, one more convincing point that cannot be ignored is ________, which advocates
that ……… . To justify, I would quote the example of ……… , which is an evident proof of
this phenomenon. In addition to that, another cause to be considered and cannot be overlooked
is ……… . Last but not the least ________ is additional valid point which suggests that ………

On the other hand, no one can deny the demerits/merits of ……… . The major adverse/optimistic
impact it has is ……… . Another drawback/pro involved is ……… . Eventually ……… .

In conclusion, I recapitulate that the positive and flip side of ________ depend upon how we
think about it and implement it. However, after enumerating both the sides to it and its close
examination, I understand that ________ has more plus/negative points than its cons/pros.

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