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Worksheets for grade 5

Unit 1


1-Label the different parts of the flower. Use these words to help you:

Petals Sepals Stigma Ovary Anther Stamen Carpel Style Filament


6- Style

2- Petals



2-Match the following parts of the flower with their functions

Part of the flower The function

1- Petals a It holds the anther
2- Sepals b It contains the eggs.
3- Anther c They are brightly colored to attract
4- filament d The female part
5- Stamen e They protect the flower bud
6- Stigma f It makes a powder called pollen.
7- Ovary g Sticky to catch pollen
8- Carpel h The male part

1 -c 2-e 3-f 4-a 5-h 6-g 7-b 8-d

3-Complete the life cycle diagram ; You can use these words :
1-The plant flowers – 2-The fruit releases seeds –3-The flower produces
fruit 4-The plant grows 5-The seed germinates


1. the seed germinates.

2. the plant grows.

3. the plant flowers.

4. the flower produces fruit.

5. the fruit releases seeds.

5-Use the words in the box to fill in the spaces below:

Stigma Ovary Petals Anthers Stamens pollen carpel

1-The petals often have bright colors to attract insects.

2-The male parts of the flower are the stamens.

3-They make pollen in their tips, which are called anthers.

4-The female part of the flower is the carpel. It is made up of the stigma
which collects pollen, and the ovary which contains the eggs.

6-Answer the following questions:

1) How does this plant reproduce?

Ans. It has flowers which helps it reproduce.

2) Why don’t we usually find flowers and fruits on a peach tree at the same

Ans. Because flowers die and fall off and part of it becomes a fruit.

3) Why do we make life cycle drawings in a circle?

Ans. It happens over and over again.

4) Define the word “life cycle of a plant “?

Ans. These are different stages of a plant from a seed to a seed again.
A –Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

Define the following:

1) The living thing that carries pollen from the stamen to the stigma and
give two examples:

Ans. It’s a pollinator. ex. Bee, butterfly

2) Which process happens in this picture? Define it

Ans. Pollination!
“It’s the movement of pollen from the stamen of a flower to the
stigma of the same kind of flower”

3) How is the flower adapted to be pollinated by insects? Mentions four

i. Good smell or scent
ii. Brightly colored petals
iii. Nectar
iv. Marks on the petals to guide insects to nectar

4) Why do you think flowers need pollen?

Ans. They need pollen to reproduce.

B- Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

1- How do you think this flower pollinated? Explain why.

Ans. It’s pollinated by wind.

• It doesn’t have smell or nectar

• It doesn’t have bright colored petals
• It has lots of dry, light pollen

2-How does pollination help the plant reproduce?

Ans. It brings pollen to be joined to eggs inside the ovary and make seeds
which grow into new plants.

3-Why do flowers pollinated by wind produce lots of dry pollen?

• Dry, to be light and easily carried by wind.

• Lots, because some will be lost by wind.

4-Why do flowers pollinated by insects have brightly colored, scented petals

and nectar?

Ans. To attract insects.

C-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

1-Which process happens in this diagram?

Ans. Fertilization.

2-Define the steps of this process.

i. Pollen is joined with eggs.

ii. The ovary grows into fruit.
iii. Seed form inside a fruit.

3-Arrange these processes in the correct order to show a life cycle diagram
for a plant:

Fertilization Seed dispersal Fruit and seed formation

D-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions: -

1-Which process will happen in this picture? Define it.

Ans. Seed dispersal. Animal eat fruit and seed will pass into its body and
spread in its droppings.

2-Why do seeds need to be spread away from their parent plants?

• To have enough room or space.

• To have enough water.
• To have enough air to grow healthy.

3-How are the fruits adapted to spread their seeds by animals?

i. They are fleshy.

ii. They are juicy
iii. They are tasty and have small seeds.

4-How are the seeds of fruits spread by animals?

i. Animals eat the fruit.

ii. Seeds have spine or hooks to stick to animal’s fur.

5-Do you think that mangoes seeds can be spread by animals? Why?

Ans. No, it can’t be. Because its seed is large.

E-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

1-How are these seed adapted to be spread by animals?

Ans. They have hooks and spines to stick to animal’s fur.

2-How can people disperse seeds?

Ans. By seeds, sticking to their clothes.

F-Look at the pictures and answer the following questions:

1-How are these seeds spread and say why?

A parachute of hairs Juicy, fleshy, bright Hooks and spines

(Flying) (Eaten) (by animals or

A spongy covering Sea pencil Explosion split open

(Floating) (Floating)

Drop and Roll

(They are large-tough outer shell)

2-Match the way that seeds are spread in the first column with the
description of how seeds are adapted:

Way seed is spread How seeds or fruits is adapted

1- By water a Seed has spines and hooks
2- By wind b Seed pods dry out and burst down
3- By animals c Seed has spongy covering that helps it
float .
4- By explosion d Seed is very light with thin papery wings

1-C 2- d 3- a 4-b
G-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

a-What is the process happens in this diagram?

Ans. Seed Germination.

b-What conditions do seeds need to grow?

• Water
• Warmth
• Air

c-1-Put the different stages of seed germination in the correct order .

a-The first root grows. (2)

b-Leaves get bigger and seeds shrivel. (5)

c-The first leaves grow. (4)

d-The seed coat splits. (1)

e- The first shoot grows. (3)

2-Why do seeds shrivel after germination?

Ans. Because the food inside the food store is used up.
D-Answer the following questions:

1-Why do seeds need to absorb water?

Ans. To start germination.


2-a-Which part of the new bean plant grows first?

Ans. The root.


b-Suggest a reason why this part grows downwards?

Ans. To fix the plant and absorb water.


3-a-In which direction does the first shoot grow?

Ans. Upwards


b-Suggest a reason why this part grows in this direction?

Ans. To absorb sunlight and make food for the plant.


4-Why do you think the new leaves start to grow above the ground?

Ans. To absorb light and make food for the plant.

E –Match each word about how seeds grow with its description:

Word Description
1 Germination a The first part that grows
2 water b Grows upwards
3 First root c When a seed starts to grow
4 First shoot d Makes the seed swell

1-C 2- d 3- a 4- b

Unit 5

“Forces and magnetism”

Worksheets -3

1-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

A-What pulls these apples down to the Earth?

Ans. The force of gravity.

B-What is the definition of this force?

Ans. Gravity is the force which attracts or pull objects towards the centre
of the Earth.
C- Why is this force important? State two reasons.

• Without gravity we would fly off the Earth.

• If you kick a ball, it would fly forever

D-Complete the following sentence:

Gravity works on both objects at rest and objects that are moving.

2- A-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:


A-What type of diagram is this?

It’s a Force diagram.

B-Name force A

Gravity or weight

C-Is force A a pulling or a pushing force ?

Its pulling force.

D-Name force B and define it.

Normal Force.
It’s a support force made on an object that is in contact with another

E –Is force B a pulling or a pushing force?

Pushing force.

B-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

1-How do we show forces on a force diagram?

By drawing arrows.

2-How do we show the direction of the force?

By the head of the arrows.

3-How do we show the size of the force?

By the length or size of the arrow.

4-Complete the following sentences:

a-The two forces are in opposite directions.

b-The two forces are equal so the arrows are the same size.
c-Forces act in pairs.

d-In the picture the box exerts a downward force on the surface.

e-In the picture the surface exerts an upward force on the box.

3-A-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:


1-Which picture A or B shows a pulling force?

Picture B

2-Which picture A or B shows a pushing force?

Picture A

3-What kind of forces do both pictures show? Define.

Applied Forces.

“Any force that is applied to another object or person is called applied


4-Describe how you use an applied force to get up off the chair.

We should push with our legs.

5-Draw a force diagram to show two forces acting on a book and a table.

Remember to: a-Draw arrows to show the direction of the forces.

b-Label the forces

Normal Force


5-Look at the diagram and choose the correct answer:

a-The boy …………………………. (Pushes- pulls) down on the bike’s pedals.

b-This is an …………………………. (Normal – applied) force. This movement pulls

the chain which is another ……………………………… (applied- normal) force.

This moves the bike’s …………………… (bell – wheels).

c-Complete the following sentences:

1-When there are two objects, they exert ………………………. (Pull-gravity) on

each other.
2-The amount of gravity an object has depends on ………......(area- size). The
larger the object, the ………………… (smaller-greater) the force of gravity.
Gravity also works over a …………………… (weight –distance) so the amount of
gravity also depends on how …………… (small –close) the objects are the closer
the object. the …………… (weaker – stronger) the forces of gravity between

6-Answer the following questions:

a-What is a satellite?

It’s a body which orbits around another body in space.

b-Explain why the Moon is a natural satellite?

• Its not made by man.

• It orbits around the Earth in space.

6-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

a-Which has greater gravity than the other , the Earth or the Moon . Explain

The earth has greater gravity than the moon because its larger.

b-Draw two arrows to show the force of gravity of the Moon and the Earth.
c-What path would the Moon take if there was no gravity?

The Moon would escape from the Earth and moves in a straight line.

d-List the ways that the above diagram is a good model to explain how the
Moon orbits the Earth .

1. It shows the force of gravity of the Earth.

2. It shows the force of gravity of the Moon.
3. It shows the Moon orbits around the Earth.

7-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

1-What type of satellite is shown on the diagram?

Artificial Satellite.

2-What launches the satellite into space?


3-Why is it necessary for the satellite to travel at very high speed when it
leaves the surface of the Earth?

To over come the pulling force of gravity of the Earth.

4-What force keeps the satellite following this path?

The gravity of the Earth.

5-What is providing the power to keep it moving?

Solar Power.
6-What happens to the satellite if its speed drops below its high speed?

It would be attracted down to the Earth.

Q1 –Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:




A-What is the other force acting on the opposite direction to the fridge?


B-Define this force.

The force between two surfaces that are trying to slide past each other.

c- Does this force act on moving objects or objects at rest?

It acts on moving objects.

d-What does this force do to a moving object?

It slows it down.

e-What other forces acting on the fridge? Label them on the diagram.

1) Gravity
2) Applied Force (pushing)
3) Normal Force (when it is at rest)

Q2-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

a-What is the force acting upwards against this man? Define it.

Air resistance.

“It’s a force which slows down objects that are moving through air.”

b-What does this force do to the sky diver? Label it on the diagram.

It helps the sky diver to fall slowly and safely.

c-What is the other name for this force ? Why ?

Its called DRAG. Because it drags back the moving objects.

Q3-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions .

Up thrust

Water resistance thrust

a-What is the force acting on the object opposite to the boat movement?

Water resistance or drag.

b-Define this force .

It is a force which slows down objects moving through water.

c-What does this force do to this boat ? Label this diagram .

It slows down the boat.

d-What is the other name for this force ? Why ?

It is called DRAG, because it drags back the moving object.

e-Water resistance and air resistance are types of friction

f-Air resistance affects all moving objects on Earth .

Q4-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

a-Identify the force pushing the boat up . Define it

It is called UP thrust. It is a force in water which pushes things up.

b-Identify the force pushing the boat down .


c-Identify the force that will happen when the boat moves through water .

Water resistance = Drag

D-Why did fish move quickly through water?

Because it has streamlined shape.

e-How can we use science to design faster boats?

By making it strong, light and streamlined.

Q5-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:


A-Which car will move faster A or B ?

Car B

B-Explain why .

Because it has smaller surface area, so air resistance will be less and it has
streamlined shape.

C-The more the surface area of the moving object, the more the air
resistance there is.

D-How do you think the car design helps it save fuel ?

By reducing friction and air resistance , the car will use up less feul.
Q6 –Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

a-Which force does this parachute use to work?

Air resistance or Drag.

b-Why does the sky diver need to use this parachute?

To reach the Earth slowly and safely.

c-What should be this parachute be like to be slow and safe?

1) A large surface area.

2) Very light in weight.

d-How does this parachute create a lot of air resistance?

Because it catches a lot of air in it as it falls down.

e-Write a conclusion about the speed the parachute falls compared to the
size of the parachute and the forces acting on it .

The larger the surface area, the more the air resistance and the slower
the parachute will fall.
Q7-Complete the following sentences :

A- A force that pushes things up in water Upthrust.

B- A force that drags you back when you are swimming Water resistance.
C- A force which wears away the tread on tyres Friction.
D- A force that pulls you towards the centre of the Earth Gravity.
E- Two forces that slow down a car driving down a motorway Friction,
,Air resistance.

Q8-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions:

A-State the name of the forces acting on the table tennis:

1) Applied force (pushing)

2) Gravity
3) Air resistance
4) Friction

Q8 A)-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

1-Which force is a force applied by this rider?

Thrust (pushing it forward)

2-List the ways this rider overcome air resistance.

1) By using a light and streamlined bike.

2) By wearing streamlined helmet.

3-Why do riders with a smooth tyres on a smooth road travel faster ?

Because friction will be less, so they travel faster.

B-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

1-While the aeroplane at rest , what forces are acting on it ?

1) Gravity
2) A normal force.

2-What does the pilot use to lift the aeroplane off the ground ?

He uses the power of engines and wings.

3-Which two forces are natural forces ?

1) Gravity
2) Air resistance

4-Which two forces are provided by the aeroplane ?

1) Lifting
2) Thrust
Unit 3

Worksheets 5

1-The Particle model of matter :

solid liquid gas

Arrangement of Packed together Close to each other Far apart
particles tightly
Space between Very small space Small space Large space
Movement Vibrate in a fixed Slide past each Move freely
position other
2-Use the words in the box to complete the sentences about the states of

blood Carbon dioxide States Particles bricks

1- Solids, liquids and gases are three states of matter.

2- All matter is made of tiny particles.

3- Blood is an example of a liquid.

4- Bricks are examples of solids.

5- Carbon dioxide is an example of a gas .

3-Look at th picture and answer the following questions :

A-What is air? Give examples

Ans. Air is a mixture of gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapours.

B-What is air pollution? What causes it?

Ans. The substance which make air dirty and harmful. Smoke ,dust and gases
from cars, trucks and aeroplanes.

C-How does air pollution affect our health?

Ans. It make us

i. Have head aches

ii. Feel dizzy
iii. Cough
iv. Have breathing problems

D-What is an atmosphere?

Ans. It’s a layer of gases which surrounds the Earth

4-Look at the pictures and answer the following questions :

1-What is the boiling point?

Ans. It’s the temperature at which a liquid change into a gas.

2-What is the boiling point of pure water?

Ans. 100° C

3-Do all substances boil at the same boiling point? Explain

Ans. No. because each substance has its own property.

4-What is temperature? How can we measure it?

Ans. The amount of heat in a substance.

It can be measured by using a thermometer.

5-What is the measuring unit of temperature?

Ans. Its Celsius (°C)

6-What is the melting point?

Ans. It’s the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid into a

7-What is the melting point of ice?

Ans. It’s the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid into a
Q5-A-Look at the diagram and answer the following questions :

1-What is the water cycle?

Ans. It’s the movement of water from the Earth into the air and to the
Earth again.

2-Why is the water cycle important to us?

Ans. i) to have fresh water

ii) to use water over and over again.

3-Where does the heat come from that makes water evaporate from seas,
rivers and lakes?

Ans. From the sun

4-What happens to the water vapor when it condenses?

Ans. It form clouds.

5-Where does the evaporated water go?

Ans. It goes into the air.

6-How does the evaporated water get back to the Earth?

Ans. In the form of rain and snow.

B-Complete the following sentences about the water cycle:

Water precipitation Water Condenses Rain Evaporates


a-Water on the Earth ‘s surface evaporates and moves up into the air as
water vapor.

b-The water vapor cools down and condenses as it rises into the air .

c-Rain, snow and hail are forms of precipitation that bring water back to the
Earth’s surface.

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