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4. Enlist the Non -University

TEACHERS EDUCATION IN nursing education program.


General Objective: At the end of

the seminar students are able to gain
modern nursing education
knowledge of various programs of
started on the basic of Florence
teacher’s education In India.
nightingale work and training

Specific Objective: At the end of plan developed in hospital

the Section the student are able to school of nursing in London,

define the nursing educational Florence Nightingale is created

program, explain the nursing with rounding ordinary nursing

educational programs. and creating the first

educational system for nurses.

Definition of Education:
1. Define the nursing educational
Education is that which makes
a man of good character and
2. Discuss the patterns of nursing
useful to the society.
education and training program

in India.
3. Enlist the university nursing
Education is the manifestation
education program.
of divine perfection already
existing in man. grow towards defined

(Vivekananda). objectives, utilizing a second

group of human beings, the

Education is the all -round teacher as agents, and

drawing of the best in child operating in a setting of third

and man body-mind and spirit. group of human being, the

public variously concerned

(M.K. Gandhi). both with objectives and with

Nursing Education: Nursing means used to achieve them.

education is the professional

education for the preparation PATTERNS OF

of nurses to enable them to
render professional nursing
care to people of all ages, in all
phases of health and illness, in
a variety of settings.

Nursing Educational At present the various nursing

Programmes: Nursing education program are there.

Education Programmes We can classify these

defined as In large part that programs into following

influencing of one group of courses.

human beings, the pupils to

1.Non -University Nursing 3. The focus of training is on

community health nursing.


2.University Nursing 4. At the end of the course the

candidates are eligble to work in

health subcenters.

1.Non -University Nursing 5.There are about 500 schools in

India offering this course in India at

 Certificate courses
6.The MPHA (M) training course
ANM Course.
is also conducted in some states of
 Diploma-GNM
India with an 18 months duration.

1.Certificate Course:
1. Multipurpose health worker
1.This course was initially meant as a
Training. the training grew out of the
health visitor training course.
earlier auxiliary nursing and

midwifery courses. 2.The female health supervisor or

MPHA(F)course is currently
2.The ANM training was for two
conducted in 21 centers in India.
years and mainly covered a maternal

and child care and family welfare.

3.Besides this basic course, several had reduced the duration of the course

states have their own promotional from 3.6 years to 3 years.

courses as requirement for ANMs to

4.The basic entrance qualification has
be qualified for promotion to
become intermediate or class XII
instead of the earlier 10th class.

5.Both science and arts students are


2. Diploma GNM course: 6.The focus of general nursing

1.General nursing and midwifery education is care of the sick in the

course is conducted in more then 1000 hospital

centers in the country. On passing the candidates are

2.The syllabus has undergone many registered as nurses and as midwives

revisions according to the changes in by the respective state nursing

health plans and policies of the councils.

government and changing trends and

advancements in education nursing,

health sciences and medical


3.The latest revision of the general Degree (under graduate)

nursing syllabus by the INC in 1988 There are 2 types of graduate nursing

education in is of 4year

basic course for fresh entrance and the teaching and administrative jobs in the

second is condensed post basic course hospital.

for those who have undergone the

Overall the graduate nursing course in
GNM course.
the country offers a broad base in both

arts and sciences and lays the

foundation for a holistic perspective to

1.B. Sc Nursing:
health and caring.
Graduate nursing education started in

India in the year of 1946 in CMC,

Vellore and in the RAK college of 2.Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing:

nursing at Delhi present

A two-year degree course in nursing is
several universities in India offer the
offered in several universities in India.
course. the entry qualification is
This course was specially designed to
intermediate with biological sciences,
provide higher educational
physics and chemistry.
opportunities for Practicising nurses.
The course focuses on preparation of
The entry requirement is that they
professional nurses for working at the
should have completed the general
bedside and for taking up leadership
nursing course and XII.
roles in public health nursing.

Most places also ask for 1 year after

The course also includes managerial
completing the diploma course.
and teaching subjects to prepare

graduates to take up first level

Two exams are conducted by the

universities one at the end of the first

The following are the post basic
year and the other at the end of the
diploma courses which are
second year.
taught in various institutes in
1.Post Basic Diploma Courses:
These courses are designed for higher
 Diploma in neuro nursing.
studies in chosen specialities.
 Diploma in cardiac nursing.
Normally the duration is 1 year.
 Diploma in psychiatric

Candidates who had successfully nursing.

completed there GNM/B.Sc. nursing  Diploma in critical care

programs can some institutes nursing.

its mandatory to complete 2 years of  Diploma in neonatal nursing.

work experience to attain eligibility  Diploma in operation theatre
for the course. technique.

The clinical setting offers plenty of  Diploma in nursing education

opportunities for the successful and administration.

candidates.  Candidates who had

successfully completed
Nurses who successfully complete
diploma in nursing education
these programs are given due

consideration for promotion.

And administration are eligible to be 4.M. Phil and PhD Programmes
appointed as tutors in school of

nursing. Till a few years ago nurses had to

travel abroad to study PhD course

or seek admission in allied

disciplines. In the 80's RAK
College of Nursing started an

M.Sc. Nursing course is presently M.Phil. programme as a regular and

being offered in several universities in part time course. Since then several

the country. universities started registering

candidates for PhD in nursing.

The 2year course is designed to
Prominent among these are M.G.R
prepare clinical and community health
Medical University, Rajiv Gandhi
nursing specialists.
University of Health Sciences,
Besides clinical specialization the
SNDT University and Delhi
students are thought to conduct
research in nursing. courses in
Jawaharlal Nehru University at New
education and administration are given
Delhi, the Padmavathi Mahila
to prepare the students to take up
University, Triupathi, the Centre for
responsibility in education and
Development Studies, Trivandrum
administration in nursing and allied
and the Centre for Economic and
health areas.
Social Sciences, Hyderabad are some
of the universities and institutes The Manipal Academy of Higher

where nurses seek to obtain higher Education (MAHE)has started both

education. M Phil and Ph D Programmes in

nursing. The INC has recently

History of M Phil and Ph D
initiated a project on Ph D
Programmes in nursing in India.
programme in nursing through
Till a few years ago nurses had to
support from the WHO.
travel abroad to study Ph D courses
Development of Master of
or seek admission in allied
Philosophy Programme in Nursing
disciplines. In the 1980's RAK
College of nursing, New Delhi,
Nursing shares with the whole
started an M Phil programme as a
university a main focus of preparing
regular and part time course. Since
its students for service and assisting
then several universities started
registering candidates for Ph D in
to achieve a meaningful philosophy
nursing. Prominent among these are:
of life. The student is encouraged to

develop judgement and wisdom I-n

1.MGR Medical University.
handling knowledge and skills and
2.Rajiv Gandhi University of Health
achieve mastery of problem solving
and creative thinking.
3.SNDT University.

4.Delhi University. Objectives:

The objectives of the M Phil degree Development of PhD
programme in nursing are
 To strengthen the research
Currently there is a wide range of
foundation of the nurses
available doctoral degree for nurses.
for encouraging research
The doctor of philosophy degree is the
attitudes and problem
most accepted academic degree and is
solving capabilities.
designed to prepare individuals to
 To improve basic training
conduct research.
required for research in
Preamble: National consortium for
understanding doctoral
Ph.D. in Nursing (hereafter called as
Ph.D. Consortium) has been

constituted by Indian Nursing

Council (INC) in collaboration with
The duration of the full time M Phil
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health
programme will be one year and the
Sciences and W.H.O under the
part time M Phil will be two years.
Faculty of Nursing to promote

Attendance doctoral education in various fields of

The student admitted to the M Phil Nursing.

programme will be required to attend A) Eligibility

not less than 2/3rd of the total number Applications are invited from

of lectures, seminars and practical eligible candidates who have

separately in each course. obtained

I. M.Phil/M. Sc (Nursing) or a teaching institution (5

Post Graduate degree in marks)

nursing recognized by INC,

for enrolment for Ph.D. in

Nursing (part-time) under C) Selection will be made by

Faculty of Nursing RGUHS. the Ph.D. consortium and the

II. The candidates should have decision of the consortium shall

passed M. Sc Nursing with a be final.

minimum of 60% marks.

B) Criteria for Selection:

National Consortium study
Selection for the Ph.D.
centers for Ph.D. in Nursing
Programme will be based on: l. R.A.K, College of Nursing, Delhi,

 . Merit in the entrance 1. College of Nursing, C.M.C,

test (85 marks). Ludhiana
 . Candidates Obtaining
2. College of Nursing, C.M.C,
M. Phil in nursing (5
marks) .
3. Govt. College of Nursing,
 . Publications (5
4. Govt. College of Nursing,
 Working in post
graduate nursing
5. NIMHANS, Bangalore 560 029, to the permission from the

Nodal Centre Ph.D. Registration Committee

& Study Centre on the recommendations of the

guide and with the approval of

the Ph.D. consortium. There
A candidate can register for
will be no provision for further
Ph.D. course on full time/part
extension of the period.

time basis. i. Under extraordinary

i. A candidate shall work for a circumstances, affecting a student

minimum period of three years warranting extension of period

from the date of provisional after submission of thesis, the

registration. student should submit an

ii. A full time/part-time candidate application to the Registrar

should complete research work (Evaluation) through the guide

and submit the thesis to the who will refer the same to the

University within five years Ph.D. registration Committee for

from the date of provisional iii. its opinion, which will be

For a part-time candidate, submitted to the Vice-Chancellor.

maximum period for The decision of the Vice

submission of thesis will be Chancellor in the matter shall be

Seven years from the date of final.

provisional registration subject ii. A full time candidate is one who

is not employed or who is on

study leave/deputation and

pursuing Ph.D. work full time and

will not seek any employment

during study period.

iii. A part-time candidate is one who

is employed and does Ph. D work

in addition to the existing duties

and responsibilities.
1.Award of Ph. D Degree

The degree will be awarded Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, after the

candidate Successfully completes Viva-Voce examination, the Chairperson shall

consolidate the recommendations for the award of Ph. D degree based on the


1.The report of examiners who adjudicated the


2.Evaluation of the candidate's performance in

the Viva-Voce examination

The Chairperson shall forward the consolidated and individual reports to the

Registrar (Evaluation), Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. Based on

these reports the University shall award the Ph. D degree after the

recommendations are approved by the Vice-Chancellor.


1.“Nina Bhaskar” text book of Nursing Education 2nd edition.

2. “R. Sudha” text book of Nursing Education.

3.http://www SlideShare net.


To achieve the outcome of enhanced quality at all levels of education, Govt. of

India has been focusing its attention on quality and excellence in higher education

and teacher education. Teacher quality has produced voluminous studies that line

many a research library. Discussion on what it is, how it is developed, and its

connection to student achievement have become the feature of educational slang

in the 21 st century. This article provides an overview of teacher education

problems and evaluation in India and lastly we discuss about issues and

challenges in teacher education. Several studies related to classroom environment

and teacher behavior in selected subjects are referenced. In addition, the potential

use of teacher profiles to drive staff


Teacher education is a difficult assignment, especially at the present stage where


education programmes are being delivered by a large number of unaided private


education institutions. These institutions are also not sure of their tenure, as in


future; possibility of huge unemployment of trained persons may result in

swingeing fall.
The surviving institutions can only be helped by appropriate authorities in


quality of their academic management. This paper suggest an increase in


for teachers but not an increase in authority: teachers are losing decision-making


in the classroom. This paper also indicates that a positive policy environment and


support for growth are essential for creating and sustaining teacher quality.

Teacher education is a difficult assignment, especially at the present stage where


education programmes are being delivered by a large number of unaided private


education institutions. These institutions are also not sure of their tenure, as in


future; possibility of huge unemployment of trained persons may result in

swingeing fall.

The surviving institutions can only be helped by appropriate authorities in


quality of their academic management. This paper suggest an increase in

for teachers but not an increase in authority: teachers are losing decision-making


in the classroom. This paper also indicates that a positive policy environment and


support for growth are essential for creating and sustaining teacher quality.

Government and educators will need to understand better the links between


and its social and cultural environment, the kind of socialization and informal


provided to children both before school entry and outside of the classroom and

ways to

develop more literate and encouraging environments in the family and the


surrounding the school. Although the task of recruiting for both miscellany and


seems discouraging, several well-documented and proven long-term strategies exist


but now we should support the creation of a stable pipeline for recruiting more and



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