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Design of Air- Flow Speed Measurement

system using Thermistors

Submitted By
M Badar Ashraf Rana (F2019019039)
Hamza Ahmad (F2019019050)
M Ahmad Saeed (F2019019037)

Submitted To
Sir Hassan tariq

Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Management and Technology

In this Complex Engineering Problem We design Air-Flow Speed Measurement system using
Thermistors. We calculate the change in resistance and change in Voltage with respect to change
in temperature and measure the output voltage with respect to speed of Air (mph). Design a plot
of output voltage versus wind speed. We find the percentage error between output voltage and
wind speed using curve fitting. Design a circuit to interface the sensor with a 6-bit dual –slope
analog to digital converter with a 10V reference.

Table of Contents
Problem statement 4
Complete the table from the design result 5
Prepare a plot of output voltage versus wind speed 7

Error between voltage indicated wind speed and actual speed 8

Find the basic exponential relation between output voltage and wind speed using curve fitting 8

Design a circuit to interface the sensor with a 6 bit dual slope analog to digital converter(ADC) 10



Problem Statement

Air-flow speed can be measured by comparing the temperatures of a shielded thermistor and one which is exposed
to the moving air. A diagram of this sensor is shown in figure below. The thermistors are used in a bridge and both
are operated at an elevated (no-wind) temperature of using self-heating. When wind blows, the exposed sensor will
cool off and the other will not.
It has been experimentally found that the temperature difference between the thermistors is as shown in the
following table for winds of 0 to 60 mph.
The thermistors have a resistance of 2.4 kΩ at 45
Slope= ‒24 Ω/°C within ±10°C
Dissipation Constant= 5.2mW/°C.
We use 20 V supply voltage for the bridge
Assume ambient temperature 21 ° C

Student ID Last 2 digits Average x y

F2017019039 39 39+50+37
F2017019050 50 = 42 4 2
F2017019037 37 3

1) Use a 20 V supply voltage for the bridge, and

2) Assume ambient temperature is 21°C.

a. Complete the table from your design results.

b. Prepare a plot of output voltage versus wind speed.
c. What is the greatest error between voltage-indicated wind speed and actual speed?
d. Find a basic exponential relation between output voltage and wind speed using curve fitting.
e. Design a circuit to interface the sensor with a 6-bit dual-slope analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
with a 10-V reference.
f. When a non-linear equation is known that relates the value of the variable and the binary number
after ADC, an equation can be developed to determine the linearized value of the variable. A
software program uses an instruction to input the data from the ADC as a base 10 number DV,
which varies from 0 to 64 over the specified air-speed range. Develop a linearization equation to
give a quantity, s, in the program that is equal to the actual air-speed in mph

a) Complete the table from the design results

First of all place the thermistor in a circuit to raise temperature from 21° C to the operating
temperature 45° C .
Rise in temperature (∆ T ¿= 45-21=24 ° C
∆ T =P / P D ( where Pd is dissipation constant)
We can find the power with this formula
Power(P) = ( ∆ T ) × DissipationConstant P b
P= (24 ° C ) ×(5.2 mW /°C)

P= 0.1248 W

Find the Operating Current=?

P=I 2 R
Taking square root on both sides
I =√ P/ R

I = 2400 ¿

I=7.21 mA

Using the Ohm’s Law to find the Voltages

V= (0.00721)× (2400 Ohms)

V=17.304 V
The bridge is operating at 20 V supply Using the thermistor in the lower side of the bridge find
the voltage drop.
Voltage Drop (V)= 20 -17.304 = 2.696 (V)
I= 7.21mA
Upper Resistance= R=

R= = 373.92 Ohms

After Knowing all the parameters we find the change in resistance ∆ R value with respect to
temperature. When the Air speed is 0 change in temperature and resistance is 0.
We can find the change in resistance with the following parameters
∆ R=( ∆ T ) ×(Slope)

∆ R=( 0 ) × (−24 )=0 Ohms

∆ R=(−3 ) × (−24 )=72 Ohms
∆ R=(−4.5 ) × (−24 ) =108Ohms
∆ R=(−5.5 ) × (−24 )=132 Ohms
∆ R=(−6.3 ) × (−24 )=151.2 Ohms
∆ R=(−7.1 ) × (−24 )=170.4 Ohms
∆ R=(−7.7 ) × (−24 )=184.8 Ohms

Now we calculate the change in voltage (∆V ) by using the following relation
∆ V =E[
( Rth
Rth + Rup)(

Rth +∆ R
R th+∆ R+ R
∆ V =20[ ( 2400+373.92
)−( 2400+0+373.92
2400+ 0
)] = 0V
∆ V =20[ (
2400+373.92 ) ( 2400+72+373.92 )
2400 2400+72
− ] = -0.0682 V

∆ V =20[ ( 2400+373.92
)−( 2400+108+373.92
)] = -0.101 V
∆ V =20[ ( 2400+373.92
)−( 2400+132+373.92
)] = -0.122 V
∆ V =20[ ( 2400+373.92
)−( 2400+151.2+373.92
)] = -0.139 V
∆ V =20[ ( 2400+373.92
)−( 2400+0+373.92
)] = -0.156 V
∆ V =20[ ( 2400+373.92
)−( 2400+184.8+373.92
)] = -0.168
After the calculation of change in voltage we calculate the output voltage by using the Gain
formula of the amplifier.
Gain= Output Voltage/ Input Voltage
Taking the output voltage 6Vand the input voltage 0.168V
V 6
G= out = =35.71
V ¿ 0.168
Calculate the output votages by using the formula of Gain
V out =Gain× V ¿ =35.71× 0.0682=2.44 V

V out =Gain× V ¿ =35.71× 0.101=3.607 V

V out =Gain× V ¿ =35.71× 0.122=4.36 V

V out =Gain× V ¿ =35.71× 0.139=4.96V

V out =Gain× V ¿ =35.71× 0.156=5.57 V

V out =Gain× V ¿ =35.71× 0.168=6 V

A) Complete the table from the design result

Speed (mph) ΔT (°C) ΔR (Ω) Bridge ΔV (V) Vout (V)

0 0 0 0 0.0
10 ‒3.0 72 -0.0682 2.44
20 ‒4.5 108 -0.101 3.61
30 ‒5.5 132 -0.122 4.36
40 ‒6.3 151.2 -0.139 4.96
50 ‒7.1 170.4 -0.156 5.57
60 ‒7.7 184.8 -0.168 6.0

B) Prepare a plot of output voltage versus wind speed

The graph of the output voltage versus wind speed shows the exponential behavior of the
graph. When the speed of the wind is increases the output voltages is also increases. The
graph of the output voltage versus wind speed is as follow.

C) What is the greatest error between voltage indicated wind speed and
actual speed?
The Greater error is in between (10 mph) and (30 mph). At 10 mph the voltage should be 1
Volt but in this case the output voltage is 2.44 V.
Mean speed=( V out ) ×(Speed)
2.44 × 10

Mean Speed = 24.4 mph

Percentage Error= ×100=144 %

D) Find the basic exponential relation between output voltage and wind
speed using curve fitting
Let y= V out and x= Speed find the value of a and b

Using the equation

log ( y )=log a e
log ( y )=log ( a ) +log ⁡(e bx )

Log(y) = log(a) +bx (1)

Let log(y)=ly(y)

∑ y=mA + B ∑ X (2)

∑ Xy=A ∑ X + B ∑ X 2 (3)

We have ¿ find ∑ y , ∑ X , ∑ X , ∑ XY

X=x X2 Ln(y) Xy

0 02 0 0
10 10
0.892 8.92
20 202 1.284 25.68
30 30
1.472 44.16
40 40 2 1.601 64.04
50 50
1.717 85.85
60 602 1.792 107.52
∑ X=210 ∑ x 2=9100 ∑ lng=8.758 ∑ Xy=336.17
∑ y=mA + B ∑ X
8.758= 7(A) + B(210)
∑ Xy=A ∑ X + B ∑ X 2
336.17= A(210)+B(9100)

7A= 8.758 -210 (B)

8.758−210 ( B )

A=1.251-30 (B)
Put the value of A in eq 1
336.17=(1.251-30 B)(210)+ B(9100)


2800 B=73.46

B=0.0262 (B=b)





0.465= log(a)


Output Voltage( V out ) = y ; x= Speed(mph)

y=a e

Exponential Equation
y=1.592 e

E) Design a circuit to interface the sensor with a 6 bit dual slope analog to
digital converter(ADC)
We use 6 bits analog to digital converter. The specification of the 6 bit ADC is as follow.
The sampling rate of the ADC is 90Msps and the power dissipation rate is lower which is
350mW and the bandwidth is 55 MHz. The block diagram of the ADC is as follow

F) Develop a linear equation to give a quantity in a the program that is

equal to the actual air-speed in mph
First we focus on the specification of the 6 bit Analog to digital converter the sampling
rate is 90 Msps and the bandwidth is 55MHz. The relation of bit length with log 2(m+1)
where m is the index. The bit length is the number of bits in a bit string and the number
of bits interval per second is known as the bit rate.

Circuit Digram
In this complex engineering problem we design a Air flow speed measurement system using
Thermistors. We derive the relation of change in resistance change in voltage and the output
voltage. Plot the graph of output voltage versus wind speed and observe the behavior of the
graph. Further we calculate the greatest error between voltage –indicated wind speed and the
actual speed. We design a circuit to interface the sensor with a 6 bit dual slope analog to
digital converter with a 10 V reference. We develop a liner equation to give a quantity in the
program that is equal to the actual air speed in mph.

[1] Process Control Instrumentation Technology 8th Ed. by Curtis Johnson, Pearson
Education, 2014.
[2}Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques by Cooper, William David,
Prentice-Hall, 1985
[4] Introduction to Instrumentation and Measurements by Robert B. Northrop, 2nd Ed., CRC
Press, 2005

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