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3 Vocabulary extension

1   Label the family tree with the words in the box. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.

aunt   ​aunt   ​cousin   ​cousin   ​dad   ​mom   ​grandma   ​
grandpa   ​grandparents   ​parents   ​sister   ​uncle

Edward Jean

1 2

Alex Julia Sally Jim


4 5 7 8 9

Rachel Jack

10 Me (Matthew) 11 12

2 Look at the family tree again. Choose the correct answers.

1 Bryony is Matthew’s sister / brother.
2 Sally is Edward and Jean’s son / daughter.
3 Jack is Edward and Jean’s son-in-law / grandson.
4 Rachel is Sally’s niece / nephew.
5 Jean is Alex’s father-in-law / mother-in-law.
6 Bryony is Edward and Jean’s granddaughter / daughter-in-law.
7 Ann is Jim’s husband / wife.
8 Ann is Sally’s brother-in-law / sister-in-law.
9 Edward and Jean are Matthew’s grandparents / parents.

3 Draw a family tree for your family. Write sentences about your family using
some of the words in exercise 1 and exercise 2.

  Starter  Vocabulary extension Printable © Oxford University Press 2011

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