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Endocrine Physiology.

Topic 2
1. Discuss age-related and diurnal regulation of growth hormone

2. Structure of Growth hormone receptor. Discuss the mechanism of

GH action. Janus kinase (JAK) signaling pathway.
3. Acute effects (diabetogenic) and long-term effects of Growth
hormone through IGF-1.
4. Discuss the abnormalities of growth hormone secretion:
- Hypersecretion of GH
- Hyposecretion of GH
6. Discuss the steps involved in the biosynthesis of thyroid

7. Discuss the most important effects of thyroid hormones

8. Discuss and explain the symptoms and signs of
Infantile hypothyroidism (cretinism).

9. Discuss and compare both Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and

non-Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

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