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Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya





NIM. 20151111043

Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd.
Waode Hamsia, S.Pd., M.Pd.



Submitted for Fulfillment of Requirements The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan


NIM. 20151111043






This research is dedicated to my family and people surrounding of my life. Thanks
a lot of your love, support, guidance, and pray. May Allah bless you.

Skripsi yang ditulis oleh Madya Bintang Nugroho ini telah disetujui oleh dosen

pembimbing untuk diujikan tanggal 24-25 Juli 2019.

Dosen Pembimbing Tanda Tangan Tanggal

I. Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd. ......................... .................

II. Waode Hamsia, S.Pd., M.Pd. ......................... .................


Ketua Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,

Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd.


Skripsi ini yang ditulis oleh Madya Bintang Nugroho telah diuji dan dinyatakan sah oleh Panitia
Ujian Tingkat Sarjana (S1) Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surabaya sebagai salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan, pada

Dosen Penguji Tanda Tangan Tanggal

I. ........................ ...............

II. . ........................ ...............

III. . ........................ ...............

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Dekan,

Endah Hendarwati, S.E., M.Pd


Nugroho, Madya Bintang. 2019. Teaching Narrative Text with Computer-Mediated

Communication through Collaborative Approach at SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya.
Thesis, English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. Advisors I: Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd., Advisors II:
Waode Hamsia., S.Pd., M.Pd.

This research has investigated on many literature reviews that the indicator of teaching
narrative text with computer-mediated communication through collaborative approach is the
existence of collaborative production. Nevertheless, based on results of observation, 20
participants’ response from X MIA 2 Girls and the teacher of English language subject,
researcher found that there is no collaborative production in concrete form. Collaborative
production that researcher meant only on abstract form and affective area. More precisely, they
didn’t became individualist and able to collaborate with peers in learning groups. Researcher also
found that the works of computer-mediated communication in SMA Muhammadiyah 10
Surabaya didn’t operated in maximum performance – many features in e-learning application not
used in teaching activity. In addition, this school also still needs additional facilities to support
teaching and learning activity with e-learning application in maximum performance. It
concluded that teaching narrative text with computer-mediated communication through
collaborative approach already succeed to help teacher managing the things that related to
administration and create each of students works in learning groups but not generate a product
yet in a concrete form.
Keywords: narrative text, computer-mediated communication, collaborative approach

Nugroho, Madya Bintang. 2019. Teaching Narrative Text with Computer-Mediated

Communication through Collaborative Approach at SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya.
Skripsi, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidkan,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya. Pembimbing I: Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd., Pembimbing
II: Waode Hamsia., S.Pd., M.Pd.

Penelitian ini telah menyelidiki pada banyak teori bahwa indikator pengajaran teks naratif
dengan media berbasis computer-mediated communication melalui pendekatan kolaboratif
adalah adanya produk yang dihasilkan secara kolaboratif. Namun, berdasarkan hasil pengamatan,
respon yang diperoleh dari 20 siswi kelas X MIA 2 dan wawancara guru mata pelajaran bahasa
Inggris, peneliti menemukan bahwa belum ada produksi secara kolaboratif dalam bentuk
konkret. Dalam hal ini, produksi kolaboratif yang peneliti maksudkan hanya terletak pada
wilayah afektif. Lebih tepatnya, para murid tidak menjadi individualis dan mampu berkolaborasi
dengan teman sebaya dalam kelompok belajar. Peneliti juga menemukan bahwa pengoperasian
media berbasis computer-mediated communication di SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya tidak
dioperasikan secara maksimal – banyak fitur dalam aplikasi e-learning yang tidak dimanfaatkan
dalam pengajaran. Selain itu, sekolah juga masih memerlukan fasilitas tambahan untuk
mendukung kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan menggunakan aplikasi e-learning dalam performa
yang maksimal. Disimpulkan bahwa pengajaran teks naratif berbasis computer-mediated
communication melalui pendekatan kolaboratif telah berhasil membantu guru dalam mengelola
hal-hal yang bersifat administrasi serta mampu membantu tiap siswi bekerjasama dalam
kelompok belajar. Namun, mereka masih belum menghasilkan sebuah produk dalam bentuk
yang konkret,
Kata kunci: narrative text, computer-mediated communication, collaborative approach
Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah, the God of Universe for all blessings and love.
Researcher was able to finish this research entitled “Teaching Narrative Text with Computer-
Mediated Communication through Collaborative Approach” at SMA Muhammadiyah 10
Surabaya”. Love and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, and his
companions – the Greatest Leader of all time.

In this occasion, the researcher would like to express the deepest thanks for helping him
in the process of conducted this research. The researcher believe that this research would not
completed without the helps, supports, and suggestions from several sides. Researcher also
would like to express thanks sincerely for researcher’s family who always give support, spirit,
and moral encouragement in the process of his study.

Researcher’s gratitude also goes to those who guide him in the process of his study,

1. Drs. Wijayadi, M.Pd, The Head of English Department and also The First Advisor.

2. Waode Hamsia, SPd., M.Pd, The Second Advisor.

3. All lectures in English Department for their knowledge, motivation, and patience during
his study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya.

4. Ust. Maulana Mas’udi, Lc, M.Pd., The Lecture of Islamic Studies for the kindness and
knowledge. May Allah bless you in a whole your life.

Surabaya, July 17th 2019

Madya Bintang Nugroho


LEMBAR PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING..........................................................................................4
LEMBAR PENGESAHAN PANITIA UJIAN........................................................................................5
TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................11
A. Background of the Study.............................................................................................................11
B. Statement of the Problem............................................................................................................13
C. Purpose of the Study....................................................................................................................13
D. Significance of the Study.............................................................................................................13
E. Scope and Limitation...................................................................................................................14
F. Definition of Key Terms..............................................................................................................14
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................16
A. Literature Review........................................................................................................................16
B. Previous Studies...........................................................................................................................25
CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN...................................................................................................26
A. Research Design...........................................................................................................................26
B. Setting of the Research................................................................................................................28
C. Source of the Data........................................................................................................................28
D. Research Instruments..................................................................................................................29
E. Collect of the Data.......................................................................................................................30
F. Analysis of the Data.....................................................................................................................31
CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION...................................................................................32
A. Findings........................................................................................................................................32
B. Discussion.....................................................................................................................................38
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...........................................................................41
A. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................41
B. Suggestions...................................................................................................................................42
This chapter provides the reasons why this research is conducted. This chapter involves of
background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, significance of the
study, scope and limitation, and definition of key terms.

A. Background of the Study

In the twenty first centuries, one of the most significance findings from human is digital
technology. Nowadays, digital technology not only used for trading, communication, and
sharing but also entry into all realms of life. Digital technology that researcher meant is
computer-mediated communication. This is a popular and new model of communication by
using digital technology. Computer-mediated communication able to connecting people
across the world easily and convenience. “Computer mediated communication is a popular
environment that has changed the way of our daily life, work, and learning. It help us to
communicate with people all around the world” (World Journal of English Language. Vol. 4,
No. 1; 2014).

Actually, in the use of computer-mediated communication generally, researcher observe

that people tends to use computer-mediated communication only for social media especially
teenager in senior high school level. According to Stæhr (2014), teenager would typically
create social encounters in modern globalized societies to manage interactions for real
context and at the same time in various digital communication environments. The typical
character of teenager in social encounters nowadays certainly make a disruption in
interactions. They more intense to communicate with non-physical existence (online) than
physical existence (offline). In the language context, computer-mediated communication also
provides an integral part of verbal and non-verbal communication. That’s why computer-
mediated communication offering a new communication environments easily and
convenience. Stæhr (2014) states that, “computer-mediated communication can be neither
strictly characterized as spoken nor as written language”.
This phenomena requires teacher to upgrade their style, method, strategy, and media in
teaching. Computer-mediated communication can be used for media in teaching activity due
to ability that offered by computer-mediated communication are able to share knowledge and
information among teacher to the student and student to the peer who came from different
cultural backgrounds. Collaborative approach can be an option to accommodate student from
different cultural backgrounds into learning groups. “Collaborative learning (CL) is an
educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of learners working
together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product” (Journal of Social and
Behavioral Sciences, p. 491). On the other hand, collaborative approach also has risk to make
student cheating easily in their learning groups. Roberts (2004) states that, “collaborative
between students is often seen as an open invitation for cheating”. This is a problem for
teacher to be solved. Essentially, teacher not only transfer his knowledge to the student but
also guide them into the good attitude. In line with this statement, Roberts (2004) argued that,
“it then becomes the academic’s duty to change the students’ attitude. That’s why both are
computer-mediated communication and collaborative approach needed by teacher as the
media and approach in teaching and learning activities especially for the English language
subject to reduce cheating in collaborative learning.

Teaching English became predominantly subject across the world. This subject require
some skills as the indicator of English language proficiency that contains of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. One of skills that became variables in this research is reading.
According to Urquhart & Weir (1998) that also adopted by Hedgcock & Ferris (2009),
“reading means dealing with language messages in written or printed form”. More specific,
reading that researcher meant is about narrative text. Narrative text is a kinds of material that
taught in senior high school. Narrative text also has characteristic that tends to fiction such as
novel, short story, folk, etc.

Meanwhile, in observing the use of computer-mediated communication that becomes

trend in society especially teenager and also the tendency of collaborative learning in
traditional model that providing opportunity for student to cheating in classroom. These
reasons provide a stimulus for researcher to conduct a research about the use of computer-
mediated communication in teaching narrative text through collaborative approach due to
benefit that offered by computer-mediated communication and collaborative approach – that
is teaching model that tends to create a collaborative person that would be started from make
a limitation in environment learning to reduce their opportunity in cheating collaboratively.
This fact supported by researcher’s experience who has completed internship program in
SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya. Researcher observe that they were used computer-
mediated communication in teaching activity. Eventually, researcher decided to conduct this
research in there to explores and examines the current issues in digital technology called
computer-mediated communication in teaching narrative text through collaborative approach
as the effort to reveal how computer-mediated communication works.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on the teaching narrative text with computer-mediated communication
through collaborative approach. Researcher formulated statement of the problem as follow:

1. How computer-mediated communication works in teaching narrative text through

collaborative approach?

C. Purpose of the Study

Based on background of the study, researcher formulated purpose of the study as follow:

1. To examines the process of teaching narrative text with computer-mediated

communication through collaborative approach

D. Significance of the Study

1. For researcher, this study is expected to be one of academic works that able to help

2. For teacher, this study is expected to enrich their perspectives about how computer-
mediated communication works and the significances in teaching process.
3. For student, this study is expected to improve their comprehension and social interaction
with computer-mediated communication.

4. For future researcher, this research is expected to aid the study and development related
to teaching issues.

E. Scope and Limitation

Based on the identification of researcher that obtained from information about computer-
mediated communication and also observation when researcher has completed internship
program in SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya – they used computer-mediated
communication as the media in teaching activity. It can be seen that there were many things
related to the teaching activity with computer-mediated communication that must be explore.
This study has a scope and limitation in effort to make it focus on issues related to teaching
narrative text with computer-mediated communication through collaborative approach. The
scope of the research is computer-mediated communication and collaborative approach. The
limitation of the research is teaching narrative text.

F. Definition of Key Terms

This section provides some definition from each of issues in this research based on
researcher’s perspective to serves the information clearly. Those definitions formulated as

1. Narrative text is a kinds of reading text in English subject that tends to fiction such as
novel, short story, folk, etc.

2. Computer-mediated communication is a new model in communication that became

popular, and used massively in which the internet network is utilized.

3. Collaborative approach is an approach that focus on integrate student from different

cultural background to work collaboratively in a group of works.

This chapter provides the theories from the experts and previous studies that related to the
issues in this research. This chapter involves of literature review and previous studies.

A. Literature Review

1. Teaching

The development of teaching rapidly changes the way, pattern, approach, and technique.
At the earliest of centuries, people learn from the nature and experiences directly. And then,
changes to the culture that involves of teaching and learning practice with teacher and learner
in the classroom. Nowadays, teacher and learner towards digital era with the use of internet
and digital electronic device massively that possible to teaching and learning wherever and
whenever they want. Automatically, the influence of digital era changes almost in all of
segments in teaching and learning practice such as methods, pattern, style, technique etc.
Collis (1996) states that, “however, the advent of internet-based communication technologies
has transformed higher education for both teachers and learners” (2003:3). On the other
hand, at the beginning, teacher only as a director who can be students’ manager or
information giver and it makes students passive in the classroom. In the development of
teaching, teacher’s role changes from director to facilitator who just facilitate based on
students’ needs in the classroom. It require student to be active in the learning process and
reduce the teacher-centered. “The teacher-facilitator establishes a classroom that is student-
centered and activity-based” (Suzanne, 2010:1).

However, students’ activities in the present was changes. They not only taught by
traditional model that related to common activities in the classroom anymore but also modern
model that contain of digital technology such as computer, smartphone, and internet network.
This change also offering a collaborative learning for both teachers and learners. According
to Bonk, Malinkowski, Angeli. & Supplee (1998), “…greater use of online tools offer new
opportunities for student collaboration and new challenges for teachers supporting group
work” (Roberts, 2004:4). Collaborative approach needed to construct positive relationships
among students to the peers, teacher to students, and even for wider contexts outside the
classroom. We can imagined that collaborative approach in the classroom became a
significance thing. “Building and maintaining positive relationships will be critical for
working in a world where collaboration is valued” (Suzanne, 2010:13). In the setting of
collaborative learning, teachers will train students to being a person who able to manage and
maintain their personalities in the various social context. “The ability to manage and control
emotions and work in diverse social settings will serve students well in the classroom and in
life” (Suzanne, 2010:13). Meanwhile, not only collaborative approach that used to manage
different cultural backgrounds of student. Teachers also have to rethink about the media that
can be an assembly point of students’ different cultural backgrounds. Computer-mediated
communication can be a media to accommodate students from different cultural
backgrounds. The use of computer-mediated communication in the classroom not only a
solution to manage many cultural backgrounds of students but also to maintain their
emotions as the tool that serve an entertainment aspect in the teaching and learning process.
“Technology is not the only answer, but it is a tool that you and your students can have fun
with by interacting with information” (Suzanne, 2010:127). According to Suzanne, “the
relationship among the teacher, student, technology, and learning activity expressed as a
fishbone or cause-and-effect diagram” (p, 128). (See the diagram below).

Activity Technology

Problem Exploration

Puzzle Interaction

Prepare Act

Guide Reflect

Teacher Student
Figure 1 - (The Classroom Facilitator, p. 129)

The fishbone diagram simply means the activity was the problem for student to solve and
teacher will guide and help them to explore and interact with the notion through technology
as the media to learn.

2. How People Think and Learn

Before entry into the core of this research, firstly, need to understand the relations
between teacher and their activities that involve of thinking and learning. It’s a significance
thing of teacher to understand about how their students’ thinking and learning. There are so
many goals of teacher that want to reach. Two of the teacher’s goals are train and develop
students’ cognitive aspects. There is an important concept that related to students’ cognitive
aspect – that is cognition. “Cognition is the mental process of knowing, including aspects
such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment” (Brown & Green, 2016:24-25). It
means that students not able to know, aware, or give reason and judgment about something
suddenly. There is a process in their mind to know, aware about something, and give a
judgment whether it is correct or incorrect and explain the reason why it is true and wrong. It
is clear enough that cognition also involve of receipt and production process. More specific,
author provides the explanations of sub-concept from cognition, namely, constructivism.

3. Constructivism

Researcher was explained about the concept of cognition generally. More specific, there
is a recent perspective related to the cognition namely constructivism. Constructivism is an
individual’s understanding based on his experiences – he try to reflect his own experiences
into the way of life that has understood. “An individual generates his own mental models,
which he uses to make sense of his experiences” (Brown & Green, 2016:29). One of the most
significance thing in the constructivism is construct the understanding through social
interaction. “With constructivism, one of the most important factors that influences learning
– the construction of meaning and knowledge – is interacting with others” (Brown & Green,
2016:29). In addition, constructivism also needs several conditions to support a learning.
Driscol (2004) states that, there are 5 points of the conditions for learning in a constructivist

(1) Embedded learning in complex, realistic, and relevant environments

(2) Providing for social negotiation as an integral part of learning
(3) Supporting multiple perspectives and the use of multiple modes of representation
(4) Encouraging ownership in learning
(5) Nurturing self-awareness of the knowledge construction process

(Brown & Green, 2016:34)

Based on 5 points above, the necessary conditions that support learning in a constructivist
environment require particular approach – that is collaborative approach. Collaborative
approach can be an appropriate one that support learning related to the constructivist

4. Collaborative Approach

In the digital era, social interaction is the necessary conditions of people to generate
products and receipt multi-perspectives from the others. This phenomenon requires a
collaboration in all sectors included teaching and learning process. Collaborative approach
needed in teaching and learning process due to a dialectic condition among teacher, students,
and the peer of students. On the other words, this approach requires all of the participants to
serve their participation in the learning process. Not only teacher to students but also students
to the peers must be participate and being a collaborative person in the learning groups.

Educator as learning occurs
Collaborative among students
‘Facilitator’ Student within groups both
group in and outside
Social interaction class. Groups
occurs between the work as a team but
collaborative students Student submit their work
which enhances
Figure 2 - (Roberts, 2004:205)

Based on the diagram above, collaborative learning plays a significance role in the modern
teaching and learning process as the way to reach a common goal of learning groups.
Literally, “collaborative is an adjective that implies working in a group of two or more to
achieve a common goal, while respecting each individual’s contribution to the whole”
(Roberts, 2004:205). Collaborative learning also has characteristics in an effort to build a
learning within groups. According to Roberts (2004, p. 207), there are 3 characteristics of
collaborative learning. Those characteristics formulated as follows:

(1) Shared knowledge between teachers and students

(2) Shared authority between teachers and students
(3) Teachers as mediators

Those characteristics simply means collaborative learning is spreadable. In the learning

process, not only teachers who play a role as the information giver and have authority to set
the goals of learning process. Otherwise, students also allowed to spread their knowledge
based on their experiences and set the goals of learning in particular topic. The teachers’ role
reduced as the director who spread the knowledge and decide the setting of goals
independently became a facilitator and mediator for their students. As the facilitator and
mediator, teachers will facilitate, encourage, and guide them to learn how to learn.

5. Reading Comprehension

Reading is one of receptive skills after listening in language skills. Reading play a
significance role in students’ language skills. Before students generates some product by
using their knowledge & experiences, they need to collect information as much as possible
with reading skills. Reading also has many branches depend on the goals. A branch of
reading that used to understanding meaning is reading comprehension. In Teaching Reading
Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties p. 2, “Ultimately, reading
comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a number of complex
processes that include word reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency” (Anderson,
Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkinson 1985; Jenkins, Larson, & Fleischer, 1983; O’Shea, Sindelar &
O’Shea, 1987). Reading comprehension predominantly need to cognitive aspect. There are
some significant things that involved in reading comprehension process, namely:

(1) Microprocesses
Microprocesses is a process of grouping words into phrases to generate meaning and
understanding. This is a fundamental steps in a whole process of reading comprehension.

(2) Integrative process

This is a next level after microprocesses. An ability to ties multiple meaning in a
sentence. Integrative process needed to make a connection among sentences in paragraph
for a holistic understanding.

(3) Macroprocesses
Macroprocessesing is an ability to remember and summarizing ideas automatically.
Reader will be selective in this step. They will choose the most important information in
paragraph to make a conclusion.

(4) Elaborative process

Elaborative process is an ability to make a conclusion without explicit explanations. In
this steps, readers are able understand about a notion in the abstract form.

(5) Metacognitive processes

Metacognitive is a form of awareness that used to control and evaluate cognitive process.
Metacognitive processes needed by reader to make a review, highlight the importance
informations or sections of a passage, and re-check the understanding about the passage.

6. Narrative Text

Narrative text is a kinds of text in English subject that tends to fiction such as novel, short
story, folk, etc. Typically, narrative text contains of sequence of events, elaboration, and
resolution. Oakhill, Cain, and Elbro states that “a narrative (usually fiction) would typically
consist of a sequence of causally related events, an elaboration of the characters’ plans and
some attempts to achieve those plans, and resolution of the goals and outcomes”. Those have
each of functions in narrative text. Usually, sequence of events used to introduce setting, the
beginning of a story, or the main character. Elaboration used to reveal the reasons of
characters’ actions and resolution to evaluate the characters’ efforts to reach his goals.

Narrative text constructed by structure that usually called generic structure of narrative text.
According to Purba, generic structure of narrative text involves of:

(1) Orientation: setting of the scene and introduces the characters in story
(2) Evaluation: judgment about story’s plot
(3) Compilation: problem arises in story
(4) Re-orientation: lesson from the story (optional)

7. Computer-Mediated Communication

In an effort of teacher to facilitate their students, actually, digital technology is a new

innovation in the learning environments. Nevertheless, as the new innovation in the learning
environments, digital technology play a crucial role in construct students’ interest in learning
process especially English language due to computer-mediated communication (CMC) create
a convenient and comfortable environment to learning language. In the Mahdi’s research, he
found that CMC is a useful environment for language learning and comfortable when it is

“CMC is a useful environment for language learning. It facilitates the interaction between
the teacher and the students, and also between students themselves. It fosters the negotiation
of meaning. The students feel comfortable when CMC is used” (World Journal of English
Language. Vol. 4, No. 1; 2014)

Those fact implies that CMC are able to increase students’ interest in learning English
language and also their interdependences in the context of collaborative learning. Yet, not
means that as individuals have no effort to submit their own products (can see figure 2).
Otherwise, CMC try to make each of students to be a responsible for their works in the
context of collaborative groups.

Level of interdependence in
a learning environment
None Medium High
Figure 3 – (Roberts, 2004:184)

We need to know, collaborative groups in this research is totally different with collaborative
groups in the context of face to face. If face to face groups require a meeting with other
members or peers physically, collaborative groups in computer mediated context more
flexible than it. Flexible means students can meet up with their peers anytime and anywhere.
On the other words, students allowed to meet with their peers virtually such as create online
space, chat room, video call, etc.

“…computer-mediated groups are commonly referred to as virtual teams. The term virtual
refers to the fact that the group meets in a virtual or online space” (Roberts, 2004:186).

In addition, based on the collaborative learning in the context of virtual group meets, students
will reach some benefits for this approach. Individually, it will be raising the level of
cognitive process start from organize the information to the way of thinking and also increase
the motivation to get achievement. “It increases the level of cognitive processing as well as
the organization of information, of reasoning and of insights and the personal commitment to
achievement” (Roberts, 2004:187). Socially, students also will be a responsible person and
integrate with their environments due to collaborative learning in CMC require a synergistic
aspect in each of individuals. Brown (1989) states that, “collaboration focuses on the
synergistic problem solving that often occurs when work in a group is more than the sum of
its parts” (Roberts, 2004:186-187). However, each of approaches not only has benefits but
also challenges. Collaborative approach in CMC also has challenges in the context create a
learning environment. According to Graham (2002) there are 3 challenges in the
collaborative approach in CMC mode, namely:

(1) Creating the groups,

(2) Structuring the learning activities, and
(3) Facilitating group interactions

(Roberts, 2004:190)
Those challenges means creating the groups is a fundamental challenges in the context create
a learning environment based on collaborative approach in CMC due to considering group
size and group composition – in determining size and composition of the groups depend on
the context which group is working. Related to the first challenges, structuring the learning
activities is considering level of interdependences and creating the learner accountability. On
the other words, students come from different backgrounds and teacher need to know
background of students for determining the position students in a groups work appropriately.
If one of students has low interest in learning, teacher can locate him into the small size and
low heterogeneously composition of the groups for his responsibility and vice versa. And
then, facilitating group interaction is considering group norms. The last one also depend on
the first and second challenges due to it is a new experiences for students from different
backgrounds to collaborate in a group of learning. Make sure that the first and second
challenges already solved for dealing with the group norms.

B. Previous Studies
Researcher found 2 relevant studies that related to this research. First, came from
University of Lampung that written by Zahra Nur Rahmah with tittle “Improving Students’
Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text by using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR)
at the Second Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandar Lampung”. This research used a
quantitative design by using pre-test and post-test as the instrument. She took two classes
randomly: VIII C as the try-out class and VIII D as the experimental class. This research
found that the use of CSR provide a significant difference in students’ reading
comprehension ability.

Second was come from Najran University, Saudi Arabia that written by Hassan Saleh
Mahdi with tittle “The Impact of Computer-Mediated Communication Environments on
Foreign Language Learning: A Review of the Literature”. That research took 40 recent
articles, 10 peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, and one conference proceeding as the
data to analyze. This research provide some explanations related to impact of computer-
mediated communication such as benefits of computer-mediated communication in language
learning, factors that affecting the use of computer-mediated communication in language
learning, and computer-mediated communication environments that used for language
learning. This research formulated guidelines for future research related to that topic.

Those researches provide good explanations and findings related to computer-mediated

communication that help this research to develop it. In the first research tends to serve study
empirically with experimental design and choose two classes of SMP Muhammadiyah 3
Bandar Lampung as the participants. Otherwise, the second research tends to serve study
theoretically with review 40 recent articles, 10 peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, and
one conference proceeding. Researcher try to offering an exploration at the issues from those
research that contains of narrative text, computer-mediated communication, and collaborative
approach based on the data from observation, teacher interview, and student questionnaire in
a single entity.
This chapter provides technique and method how to get and analyze the information. This
chapter involves of research design, setting of the research, source of the data, research
instruments, collect of the data, and analysis of the data. “Research is a process of steps used
to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue”
(Creswell, 2012:3).

A. Research Design
In the research, there are some types of the research such as quantitative, qualitative,
action research, etc. Generally, according to Creswell (2012, p. 3), research involves of three

(1) Pose a question

(2) Collect data to answer the question
(3) Present an answer to the question

This research took a qualitative study to dialogue between researcher’s views in observation,
teacher’s views in interview and student’s views in questionnaire that supporting the central
issues on this research in form of report. In qualitative research also has characteristics,
Creswell (2012, p. 16) says that “in qualitative research, we locate participants on the central
object of information. They were provided their perspectives to researcher as the information
about the phenomenon. Meanwhile, literature review has minor role in this research, it can be
tools for analyze the issues and data that obtained from the findings.

Those characteristics provide an opportunity for researcher to serves the findings

exclusively from participants’ views that refer to the issues on this research. In addition, this
research choose descriptive design as the design of this research. Kurniawan (2018), states
that “descriptive design are qualitative procedures in which researcher describe and explain
the condition of some independent variables objectively”. Researcher have 2 arguments as
the reason why choose descriptive as the design of this research. First, researcher want to
serves many views related to teaching narrative text with computer-mediated communication
through collaborative approach from the user directly. Second, based on researcher’s
observation in SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya, computer-mediated communication
already applied in learning process. So, researcher not examines by offering the technology
but reporting the results of implementation computer-mediated communication in teaching
activity. Meanwhile, there are processes in a whole of teaching process, namely:

1. Preparation

The teacher have to create several preparation before conduct the teaching activity in the
classroom. It’s important to guide the process of teaching in a good way. In this section, the
researcher describes the preparation of teacher in teaching narrative text with computer-
mediated communication through collaborative approach. The descriptions of preparation as

(1) Find out the material: this point was important in how the material are treated,
discussed, explained, taught, and negotiated to students which appropriate with the
lesson plan.

(2) The media: consider aspects of media in teaching activity where students can be
provided options and flexibility.

(3) The technique: choose the technique in which appropriate with the material, media,
and student.

2. Opening

In this section, teaching process started from provides some motivation and apperceptions
which means to increase students’ learning participation. This section is conducted with
introduce the material that would learned and the media that used.
3. Main Activity

In this section, the teacher transfer his knowledge and experience to help students get the
basic competencies. This section is conducted by using e-learning application and let
students to explore their material with create learning groups.

4. Closing

In this section, teacher provides the conclusion about material, assessment, and feedback
for students related to the learning process.

B. Setting of the Research

1. Place of the Research

This research was conducted in Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Muhammadiyah 10

Surabaya as the location to obtain the data due to researcher’s experiences when completed
internships program in there. It was located on Genteng Muhammadiyah’s street Number. 45,
Genteng, Surabaya City, East Java Province. Based on researcher’s observation, SMA
Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya was one of schools in Surabaya that concern to the use of
computer-mediated communication in teaching and learning process. So, this school was
appropriate one to conduct the research that related to teaching with computer-mediated

2. Time of the Research

The time to obtain the data would be started from 2 nd – 3rd May at second semester of
2018/2019 academic years.
C. Source of the Data
Source of the data would be obtained from the results of observation, English teacher’s
perspective about teaching narrative text with computer-mediated communication through
collaborative approach and also tenth grade students of X MIA 2 Girls’ responses related to
learning activities.

D. Research Instruments
The instruments were used to obtain the data. The researcher used instruments that
involves of observation, photos, questionnaire, and interview.

1. Observation

At the early stages of conducted this research, the researcher applied observation to
obtain the data about the process of teaching narrative text with computer-mediated
communication through collaborative approach. The researcher used field notes to write
events in classroom while teaching and learning process. The observation was done in X
MIA 2 Girls. The observations were made twice on 2nd – 3rd May 2019.

2. Photos

This research also took some photos that represent situation in the X MIA 2 Girls during
teaching and learning process. According to Creswell (2012), audiovisual materials consist of
images or sounds that researchers collect – images or visual materials such as photographs,
videotapes, digital images, paintings and pictures, and unobtrusive measures.

3. Questionnaire

Second, the researcher used questionnaire to looking for students’ response about the use
of computer-mediated communication in teaching narrative text through collaborative
approach which internet network is utilized. The researcher shared the questionnaire after
teaching process. The questionnaire involves of 10 positive statement and 10 negative
statement to identify the consistency of participants. As stated by Asep Kurniawan (2018),
“Likert Scale is a scale to measure response and perspective from individual or groups about
a phenomenon – Likert Scale has 2 forms of statement that contains of positive statement and
negative statement to identify the consistency of participants”. So, the bias information can
be eliminated.

4. Interview

In interview section, researcher used “One-on-One interviews” to get data from only one
teacher who teach students X MIA 2 Girls directly. The interview is conducted with the
teacher of English language subject. Creswell (2012), states that “one-on-one interviews is a
data collection process in which the researcher asks questions to and records answers from
only one participant in the study at a time”. The researcher used interview to reveal the
information about the implications of computer-mediated communication in teaching
narrative text through collaborative approach.

E. Collect of the Data

Technique to collecting the data involves of observation, interviews, and questionnaire.
The procedures of those technique formulated by researcher below:

1. Researcher observe the process of teaching and learning in X MIA 2 Girls

2. Researcher take some photos as the documentation of this research with smartphone
3. Researcher formulate the questions for students of X MIA 2 Girls based on the results of
observation and issues in this research
4. Researcher share the questionnaire to students of X MIA 2 Girls to obtain the data
5. Researcher make an interview for English teacher who teach X MIA 2 Girls
6. Researcher make a conclusion related to the data of interview and questionnaire
7. Researcher make a report and analysis based on the data that obtained
F. Analysis of the Data
The researcher analyzes the data that obtained from observation, questionnaire, and
interview in a descriptive way. The researcher describe the data of teaching process when the
teacher applied the media to teach narrative text. Then, the researcher describe about
students’ response related to the use of e-learning application in teaching process that taught
by the English language teacher of X MIA 2 Girls. In addition, to support the data from
observation and questionnaire, the researcher also describe about the process of teaching
narrative text with computer-mediated communication through collaborative approach based
on the information from the English language teacher in interview section.
This chapter provides the results and analysis of the data. This research involves of finding and

A. Findings
The data was taken from SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya with 20 participants from X
MIA 2 Girls. Researcher used 3 instruments for collecting the data. Those are observation,
questionnaire, and interview. Observations were made twice, questionnaire distributed once,
and interview in one section. There are 3 variables in this research that involves of narrative
text, computer-mediated communication, and collaborative approach. Those were material,
media, and approach. Researcher focuses on three factors that exist in teaching activity using
computer-mediated communication, namely: (1) collaborative approach in teaching activity,
(2) how computer-mediated communication works, and (3) barriers in the use of computer-
mediated communication.

Meanwhile, based on the teaching process in the classroom, the activities were related to
variables already applied in a good way. Researcher divided those activities into three stages;
first, opening is a process to increase students’ motivation and attention in learning
participation. The teacher of English language subject succeed to impress his students to be
active in learning participation. It can be seen at students’ expression and participation that
support the use of e-learning application and pick up the smartphone automatically. Second,
main activity is a process of teaching and learning that conducted to obtain the basic
competency and ability to answering and understanding the text systematically. It contains of
exploration, elaboration, and confirmation phases. Exploration is a phases for students to
finding information that related to material actively, elaboration is a phases for students to
think, analyze, and answering the tasks or projects collaboratively, and confirmation phases
that related to the questioning activity to get feedback or reflection. In main activity, the
condition of classroom was conducive and students were in high concentration with their
learning groups. Third, closing is the last stages in a series of teaching. This stage was
conducted by concluding the lesson, doing assessment, and providing feedback to students.
In this stage, researcher not found teacher completed the conclusion, assessment, and
providing feedback toward students in front of the class. Researcher only found that teacher
announce to students about the assessment would be obtained in e-learning application and
then he close the class.

No. Day/Date Time Activity Explanation

Researcher in
the class of X
MIA 2 Girls to
1. Thursday, 2 nd
08.15-09.00 First observe teaching
May 2019 Observation and learning
process using e-
2. Friday, 3rd May 08.15-10.30 Second
2019 Observation
Share the Students asked
3. Friday, 3 May
09.00-09.20 questionnaire to to fill response
2019 students X MIA sheets
2 Girls
English teacher
provides some
4. Friday, 3 May
09.20-10.30 Interview the related to
2019 English teacher teaching and
learning process
using e-learning
1. Collaborative Approach in Teaching Narrative Text

The observation and collect of the data were started on 2nd May 2019. X MIA 2 Girls
were sample of this research. Process of observation was started on 8.15 A.M with the
teacher of English language subject in that class. Researcher came in that class to start the
observation process. Firstly, researcher introduce the personal identity to students in X MIA
2 Girls and explained the purpose of researcher’s existence to them. The teacher start with
opening and explained the material about narrative text. Both are done within 15 minutes and
then he continue with explained the steps to login in the e-learning application and how to
use it. Students’ enthusiast were rising when the teacehr announce about the use of e-learning
application in learning activity on that day. In the second day at 3 rd May 2019, researcher
make the last observation, shared the questionnaire, and also interviewed the English
language taecher as the effort to collect the data. At the second day, there is no significant
activities in the classroom that distinguish with the first observation at 2 nd May 2019. Based
on the observations and the results of interviewed with the English language teacher, there is
no significant things in teaching narrative text with computer-mediated communication
through collaborative approach. The indicator of teaching with computer-mediated
communication through collaborative approach is collaborative production which means that
learning activities should generates product. There is no concrete collaborative production in
the class of X MIA 2 Girls. Researcher found that teaching narrative text with collaborative
approach through computer-mediated communication didn’t generate a concrete product yet.
Meanwhile, the English language teacher said that “the collaborative production that
generated by student tends to affective product, they are able to works in the group and not
being an individualist”. Based on researcher’s observation, they more collaborative as a
group of works and more competitive as an individual – they asked to their partner about the
material and how to fix when the trouble comes and being the first one that finish the task.

2. How Computer-Mediated Communication Works

In the interview section, the English language teacher said that “e-learning application is
a media that used by teachers and students in the teaching and learning process which
internet networks is utilized – there are 2 versions of e-learning application, (1) made by
school and (2) made by teacher”. Actually, these version has a similarity in the features but
also has a difference in the technical process – the tasks or assignments of students didn’t
send to school’s database. On the other words, learning activity depend on these versions. In
this case, the English teacher used his version and the results of students would be sent to his
account directly. The steps of login into the e-learning application was started from students
searching for the smamx Wi-Fi network, connect it, and using browser for login into the e-
learning application with the password based on teacher’s name. In their works, they used e-
learning application in teacher’s version and this version provide an exclusive gallery of
teacher. Teacher can “decorate” their gallery with the materials, tasks, quiz, and assignment
for their students. Students were able to access teacher’s gallery only with the password
based on their name. That is the reason why password of e-learning application in SMA
Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya wrote in teacher’s name – the school’s version is separate with
teacher’s version. Nevertheless, when researcher observe X MIA 2 Girls, the explanation of
material didn’t used computer-mediated communication but presented orally. The English
language teacher only used computer-mediated communication as the media to give them
tasks even though the media able to use for reading passage that related to the explanation of
the material. Eventually, students login into the e-learning application from their school
official website and then doing the task from the teacher. The answers from students were
detected by the key answers from teacher’s account. After students finish their task, the
teacher needed to login into his account, check their result, and e-learning application
calculate their score automatically. It means that the role of teacher as a facilitator were able
to applied maximally due to the things that related to the administration reduced by
computer-mediated communication.

The use of computer-mediated communication as the media in teaching activity gave a

lot of significant things. One of the significant things that researcher meant was computer-
mediated communication tends to aid students in doing the task – they didn’t need to copy
the task into their books, they didn’t need to write again and only finish their task by
smartphone directly. Based on researcher’s observation, students have more chances to ask
their teacher that related to the material due to the time allocation is not located on the
copying activity that requires them to write again the tasks in text book or whiteboard into
their writing books but the allocation of time located on the explanation or question and
answer section dominantly. Meanwhile, based on survey that shared from questionnaire in X
MIA 2 Girls, researcher also found that teaching narrative text with computer-mediated
communication through collaborative approach generate an affective product in their class –
they more collaborative than using traditional ways that has no e-learning application. In
addition, researcher used Likert Scale to measure response and perspective from X MIA 2
Girls about the use of computer-mediated communication in learning process with the
highest score is 5 (See the table and diagram below)

Statement Total Answer of Student Percen Total of

Score Score Score Score Score tage Student
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) (%)
First Statement 7 5 8 0 0 20
Second Statement 4 9 6 1 0 20
Third Statement 5 10 5 0 0 20
Fourth Statement 6 11 3 0 0 20
Fifth Statement 6 8 6 0 0 20
Sixth Statement 8 9 3 0 0 20
Seventh Statement 2 9 6 3 0 20
Eighth Statement 3 7 9 1 0 20
Ninth Statement 4 10 6 0 0 20
Tenth Statement 3 8 8 1 0 20
Eleventh Statement 5 8 3 4 0 20
Twelfth Statement 5 3 8 4 0 20
Thirteenth Statement 4 6 5 5 0 20
Fourteenth Statement 4 7 7 2 0 20
Fifteenth Statement 7 2 7 4 0 20
Sixteenth Statement 3 5 12 0 0 20
Seventeenth Statement 4 7 7 1 1 20
Eighteenth Statement 4 7 7 2 0 20
Nineteenth Statement 3 8 8 1 0 20
Twentieth Statement 6 6 5 2 1 20
Average 20


20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Likert Scale formula to calculating as below:

(total score for each items : ideal score) x 100%
Formula to find the ideal score:
ideal score = highest score x total participants

3. Barriers in the use of Computer-Mediated Communication

In the use of computer-mediated communication as the media couldn’t be separated from

the barriers. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, barrier is a natural formation or
structure that prevents or hinders movement or action. In this case, based on researcher’s
observation, the thing that prevent computer-mediated communication can’t be operated in
the maximum performance was still lacking of facilities that support students to access it.
The facilities that researcher meant are networks. They are important to accommodate the
users of e-learning application. On the other words, lack of networks will provide a slow
speed in the effort to access e-learning application that supporting students’ learning activity.

Meanwhile, researcher’s observation supported by teacher statement in the interview

section. He said that “internet networks have a vital roles in the teaching and learning activity
due to those activities in e-learning application depend on internet networks – if internet
connection suddenly has stopped and the networks are still not enough to accommodate
students’ needs means that teaching and learning must be back into the traditional model”. In
addition, teacher’s factor also has a crucial role in the classroom. The English language
teacher said that “actually, the growth of smartphone and internet make people being an
individualist” – that’s why teacher have to use an exclusive approach in the effort to transfer
knowledge using e-learning application without resulting individualist students.

B. Discussion
In this section, researcher was elaborating findings in previous part. This section was
important to provide a new paradigm about growth of technology in teaching and learning
activity. Hopefully, this section would enrich our understanding about how to utilize digital
technology in appropriate context for a better education.

1. Maximizing the Role of Teacher as Facilitator

In the growth of digital technology, the role of teacher as a facilitator are able to occupy
the best position. It means that teacher performed his role well. Teacher performed his role
well couldn’t be separated from the tools that helping them. One of the tools that helping
them to maximize their role as facilitator is digital technology. Specifically, digital
technology that researcher meant is e-learning application. E-learning application not only a
media to aid students in learning activity but also as the tools for teacher to manage the
classroom in single touch of finger.

Technically, e-learning application are able to manage the process of learning in the
classroom. As we seen in the previous part of this chapter, most of findings that researcher
found are guide us to the understanding that all of students’ activities can be done in e-
learning application without limitations of time and space. It’s a new innovation in education
that can continue to be developed and considered as the good media to teach and learn in the
future. Meanwhile, not only manage the students’ activities in the classroom but also help
teacher to manage them administratively. In the use of e-learning application, students
summited their results from those activities in online by using e-learning application. On the
other words, e-learning application as the media not only help students’ works but also
teacher’s works. Administratively, managing works in e-learning application will look neater
than the traditional way by using paper due to all of activities of students will be saved and
checked in single touch screen. So, teacher can maximize their role as a facilitator
dominantly not teacher as the administrator anymore.

2. Reducing the Time, Budget, and Energy

As we seen before in the previous explanation, e-learning application has a lot of

advantages. These advantages were aid teacher and student as the user of that application to
reduce their time, budget, and energy in traditional way. Usually, student needed more time
to finish their works in traditional way due to the allocation of time only for reading and
writing whereas they needed more time for preparation such as pick up the pencil, books,
papers, etc. They needed a tool that efficient to reduce their time to finish their works. E-
learning application has proven their performance to reduce the allocation of time to finish
the works and accommodate students in their learning activities in single touch screen. It
must be considered in the future as the alternative way to accommodate students in their
learning activities.

Meanwhile, e-learning application not only reduce the time of students to finish their
works but also reduce their budget in the process of learning. It has proven with the use of
books and papers as the tools of reading and writing that reduced by e-learning application.
All of activities that related to reading and writing has changed into digital book in e-learning
application. It’s useful for reduce their budget as the student. They didn’t need to buy a lot of
books to facilitate their learning activities in the school. Moreover, these advantages not only
about finance but also to care for the environment. In the use of e-learning application that
reduced consumption of paper, student and teacher have supported reduce of tree logging as
the material to produce the book.

In addition, student and teacher are easier in teaching and learning activities when they
used e-learning application than traditional ways. Their consumption of energy are reduced
by e-learning application due to less of book and easy to access it wherever and whenever
they want. Access to obtain the knowledge not ruled by time and space. It can be
progressiveness in education when school and knowledge are not always reached by how
many range that able to access. However, reach the knowledge is about desire not range.

3. Providing Good Facilities and Human Resources to Support E-Learning


In the use of e-learning application also has weakness technically. There is a limitation of
the user in a Wi-Fi network. A lot of student in a little Wi-Fi network was resulting slow
speed when access e-learning application and even stop due to overload of users. On the
other words, Wi-Fi network depend on their user. E-learning application needs facilities that
supporting their performance as the media in teaching and learning.

Last but not least, indicator of success in the use of e-learning application couldn’t be
separated from human resources as the operator of this technology. E-learning application
can’t be operated when the human resource didn’t know yet about how to operate it.
Hopefully, this research will increase reader about the awareness of digital technology in
digital era especially in the development of teaching.
This chapter provides some conclusion and suggestion that related to findings and analysis in
teaching narrative text with computer-mediated communication through collaborative approach
at SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya. This chapter involves of conclusion and suggestion.

A. Conclusion
To sum up, this research was originally motivated by an awareness about growth of
digital technology. The arrival of digital technology era has given many alteration in how to
see the world. One of the alteration that researcher meant is the use of digital technology in
teaching context. More specific, digital technology that researcher meant was e-learning
application that used by SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya in teaching and learning process.
This research has examined the use of e-learning application in teaching narrative text
through collaborative approach.

As the material in senior high school, narrative text is a material that need to mental
process such as awareness, reasoning, and judgment. Those activities are located on the area
of cognition. The findings have shown that there was a significant thing in the use of e-
learning application to help student increase their comprehension. Although, the process of
helping student to increase their comprehension indirectly – e-learning application
maximizing student’s time to asking about narrative text and the things that they didn’t know
yet to the teacher and peers. Usually, their time allocated to read and write the task
dominantly – these activities didn’t gave a big contribution yet to increase student’s
comprehension and just wasting their time to explore the material.

Affectively, this research has shown that there is a significant role by using e-learning
application in construct collaborative environment. In this era, the use of digital technology
more risk to make people being an individualist. Otherwise, in the use of e-learning
application through collaborative approach, the risk of being an individualist are able to
reduce and make 20 students in X MIA 2 Girls can collaborate into their learning groups.
This is a collaborative production in affective area. In addition, the works of e-learning
application succeed to help teacher managing the things that related to administration and
student of X MIA 2 Girls are able to utilize digital technology as the media to learn

B. Suggestions
Based on the findings and analysis of the data, researcher want to give some suggestions
to the school, teacher and future researcher for the better teaching with computer-mediated
communication. Those suggestions namely:

1. The school has to add networks to support teaching and learning as maximal as possible
due to the main require of those activities is availability of the network. It can be a
problem in those activities when the school lack of network.

2. For the teacher, they have to use the features of e-learning application maximally. Based
on the findings of this research, teacher only use e-learning application as the task, quiz,
and assignment. Researcher suggest them to utilize the media as the source of passage
that related to the material for student to learn whenever and wherever they want.

3. This research is not perfect yet. Hopefully, the future researcher want to elaborate the use
of computer-mediated communication in teaching deeper than this research.

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