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Topic 6 – The Impact of Global Events & Ethics

What is globalisation?
This international integration of business, industry and society through developments in technology, communication and migration is what we mean when we speak of ‘globalisation’.

Globalisation International Monetary Fund (IMF) Ill-Advised Acquisition Outsourcing

What happens in one country is now more The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is An example of an ill-advised acquisition This is the process of one provider
likely than ever to affect what happens in an international body comprising 189 is the takeover of the Dutch bank ABN paying another to carry out certain
other countries. Some of the factors countries that aims to promote Amro by a consortium in which Royal functions that it previously performed
fuelling this globalisation are as follows: international co-operation on exchange Bank of Scotland (RBS) was one of the itself. The benefits of outsourcing to the
rates and other economic matters. It main participants. ABN turned out to be provider are that it can focus on the
◆ Travel between different countries is describes its aim as: . . . to help less valuable than RBS had thought, and ‘core’ functions of the business. It may
now easier, and it is both quick and member governments take advantage of so RBS was forced to declare huge also bring cost savings because the
relatively cheap to move around the world. the opportunities – and manage the losses in 2009 and to accept company offering the outsourced service
◆ Communication is faster now than it has challenges – posed by globalisation and government funding to keep it afloat may be able to achieve ‘economies of
ever been, and information communication economic development more generally. scale’ through its focus on only a single
technology (ICT) has made contact process.
The Effects of Globalisation
between people and between financial Criticising Globalisation ◆ Increasing globalisation means that
markets almost instantaneous.
one of the features of globalisation is the UK providers face competition from Offshoring
◆ Businesses frequently trade across
existence of increasingly large overseas providers, which may set up The practice of moving some of a
borders because of the ease with which
organisations that span several operations in the UK or simply offer their company’s operational functions to
goods can be transported and with which
countries. They usually set up similar products via the internet, as a overseas locations. Companies can cut
people can get in touch with each other,
operations in each country by importing comparatively low-cost way of finding their overall operational costs by
◆ People from one country often migrate
their own brand values and sticking to and serving customers. Local providers relocating operations to countries such
to live in another and, because people
them consistently. Some people think will need to decide how to respond to as India, Indonesia, South Africa and the
take a part of their culture with them when
that this is a positive trend – especially if these pressures. The increased Philippines, where there is a labour force
they move, many individual countries
it leads to an improvement in the competition between providers should with the necessary skills, but the
now have much more diverse local
standard and range of products, and to mean that consumers enjoy better country’s lower cost of living means that
cultures than they used to, influencing
consistency in services. Others see services and lower prices than would wage costs are much lower.
demand for various goods and services, eg
globalisation as a bad thing, because otherwise have been the case.
food and fashion.
they feel that it undermines the local ◆ At the same time, it also means that
culture in those countries and they do UK providers may decide to expand The Global Economy
◆ Many businesses – particularly financial not like the depersonalisation that they overseas. They must decide how much The word ‘economy’ refers to all of the
services providers – have expanded their believe results from it. They feel that of their resources to commit to the UK economic activity that takes place
activities to span national borders. They they are getting a ‘one size fits all’ market in light of the opportunities between the people living in a particular
conduct business in more than one solution that may not take into account elsewhere in the world – which, region or country. This activity consists
country and often have offices in many the way in which people like to do things conversely, may mean that UK of producing and consuming all of the
different places. in their own country. customers see a reduction in the goods and services that people need and
There is no agreed standard definition of standard of products and customer want. The UK economy is a part of the
the term, but it is commonly described as: service. The losses suffered during the
Positive Impacts of Globalisation global economy, ie the global economy
◆ the trend towards a single global financial crisis, however, have forced is the aggregate (or total) of all activity
economy and society; or Abbey, which was purchased in 2004 by some banks to pull out of foreign in the national or regional economies of
◆ a process of increasing international the Santander Group, a Spanish bank. markets: in January 2009, for example, which it is composed. Financial providers
networking, which means that While there were job losses at the time RBS sold its equity stake in Bank of are affected by what goes on in their
communities and economies that used to of the takeover, Santander was not so China. local economy, eg what can happen
be isolated are increasingly linked and badly hit during the financial crisis as ◆ UK providers also need to understand when local interest rates change or when
affected by what is happening elsewhere in other financial services providers and so the cultural, regulatory and other the job market suffers a setback. But
the world. Abbey (now rebranded Santander) was constraints that may affect how each is also affected by what is going on
better protected than many other successful they will be overseas. in the global economy.
lenders in the UK.
Topic 6 – The Impact of Global Events & Ethics

What is globalisation?
This international integration of business, industry and society through developments in technology, communication and migration is what we mean when we speak of ‘globalisation’.

World Trade Organisations The Effect of Changes in the Global Employment & Earnings
Exchange Rates The World Trade Organization (WTO) Falling growth and recession generally
has over 160 member countries, and Our focus now is on how these economic means falling employment levels – ie
We can illustrate both of these factors by factors influence personal finance – ie
considering the impact of changes in the promotes co-operation and trade rising unemployment. Those who
between those members. It is the only how they alter the circumstances of manage to keep their jobs may also see
European Union’s economy on the individuals and of the markets that offer
exchange rate between the euro against international organisation dealing with the real value of their wages and
the global rules of trade between them financial products. What is the salaries fall, either because their hours
the pound sterling. Exchange rates also likely effect on providers and consumers
affect, and are affected by, what happens nations. Its main function is to ensure are reduced or because any growth in
that trade flows as smoothly, predictably of financial products of changes in the earnings is outstripped by a higher rate
in the world’s financial markets. The Bank overall world economy during this period
of England’s Monetary Policy Committee and freely as possible. of price inflation (reducing the value of
There are, in addition, a range of of falling world growth? earnings in real terms).
(MPC) is responsible for setting Bank rate
in the UK, which is used to influence the regional economic unions around the
demand for and supply of the pound world, including (among others): Saving & Borrowing
◆ the European Union (EU), which has Emerging Markets
sterling – the goal being a stable rate of A fall in growth is likely to be
28 member states at the time of writing At the same time as the economic
inflation. accompanied by falling share prices and
(early 2019, before the planned Brexit); downturn has gripped the United States,
a lack of investor appetite for shares. Europe and other developed,
◆ the Association of South Eastern
Providers of savings and investment industrialised countries, the world’s
International Trade Organisations Asian Nations (ASEAN), which has ten
products need to offer products that give emerging markets have been
The authorities in a country often have to members; and
the opportunity for growth in falling experiencing a high level of economic
take steps and adopt new policies to try to ◆ the Caribbean Community (Caricom),
markets; this will normally involve growth – which has caused problems for
improve the local economy. There are a which has 15 full members and five
persuading savers to make riskier the established economies.
number of international bodies that try to associate members.
investments, rather than to use a bank
persuade governments to co-ordinate their savings account
countries’ economic policies in an attempt Measuring the Performance of the The European Economy
to stop one from damaging another and to Economy
Investing UK financial services consumers and
get the best outcome for the world as a We can measure the performance of an providers are very much affected by
whole – although, in practice, individual economy in a number of ways. One Investment companies may find it what happens in the wider European
countries often take different views and it common measure is gross domestic difficult to identify good investment economy, because of the amount of
can be difficult to reach consensus. The product (GDP) – ie a country’s economic opportunities. If the world economy is trade that the UK does with European
economic recession that followed the activity in terms of its total output of performing badly, they may struggle to countries and especially with those in
2007–08 global financial crisis meant that goods and services, usually measured at find any particular country in which the the European Union. The economies of
a lot of people lost their jobs, or had to their market prices. Generally, rising economy and markets are doing well. European countries did not escape the
take a pay cut, or switched to part-time GDP growth is seen as a good thing, Some businesses are better suited to impact of the financial crisis, with the
jobs. The way in which each country tried because it reflects a higher standard of surviving a recession than others. In countries in the euro area (or
to deal with this caused some controversy. living of the people with higher times like these, it is those stockbrokers ‘eurozone’) – ie those countries that
employment and production. Most and investment fund managers who are have adopted the euro as their currency
governments want to achieve GDP particularly good at ‘stock picking’ who – particularly hard hit. The impact of the
growth each year to show that the are successful. In other words, those financial crisis has seen the euro put
Policies designed to protect a country’s economy is performing better. A who can identify the companies in which
own economy and labour force are known under pressure as some of its members
common way of expressing the standard it is still worth investing (even when the – particularly Greece, Ireland, Portugal,
as ‘protectionism’; they might involve a of living of the people of a country is to market as a whole is falling and
government giving money to one of its Spain and Italy – struggle to pay their
find the GDP per capita (meaning per investors are losing money) will be those government debts. . The richer members
industries to preserve jobs, or imposing head) – ie total GDP divided by total who are able to maintain – and even
import taxes on the goods and services of the euro area have, in effect, been
number of people. This is an average, increase – the value of their investment
Topic 6 – The Impact of Global Events & Ethics

What is globalisation?
This international integration of business, industry and society through developments in technology, communication and migration is what we mean when we speak of ‘globalisation’.

that it purchases from abroad in order to however, and can hide inequalities in the portfolios. forced to bail out (ie to lend money to)
make its own products seem more distribution of income. those that are struggling, to prevent the
competitive. euro itself from collapsing.
Weather Patterns, Climate Change &
Natural Disasters EU Expansion
Weather can have a considerable effect Auditors also have a duty to check the
The UK Economy accuracy of published accounts, for the
on financial markets, and therefore also
Within the UK, the government on financial product providers and protection of shareholders and other
department responsible for setting consumers. It is accepted that world stakeholders. In some cases, auditors
economic and financial policy is HM temperatures are rising and many have been sued for failing to identify
Treasury. he Bank of England is the UK’s people now agree that this is the result problems with accounts that they should
central bank. Its Monetary Policy of human carbon emissions (although have found and these auditors have had
Committee (MPC) meets regularly to there remains a group of people who to pay compensation to people who have
decide on whether or not to change the believe that the phenomenon is caused lost money as a result. Auditors can be
level of interest rates. It publishes the by natural factors). Global warming is sued because people trust the accuracy
minutes of these meetings and these having significant and increasing effects of the accounts that have been audited.
include a discussion about the current on many industries – particularly on
economic situation. agriculture – and these effects often
Political Changes
feed through into higher prices for
consumers. A change in political leadership can
Financial Crises & Recession affect financial services providers and
We have already discussed at length the consumers.
2007–08 financial crisis and the problems Company Collapses & Financial ◆ Some governments work to protect
to which it led. Some financial institutions Scandals the consumers of financial services as
failed, while others were ‘bailed out’ to In recent years, the world of big much as they can. They are highly
prevent them from failing, damaging business has been plagued by a series of critical of certain aspects of the financial
confidence in banks and other financial business collapses brought about by services industry (often because of the
institutions. The global economy was false, or ‘creative’, accounting or poor kind of issues discussed above), and see
plunged into a recession from which many operational controls. Sometimes, a reassuring the public that the industry
countries are still recovering. The single individual has falsified or hidden will be tightly controlled and regulated
globalised nature of the financial markets, records, so that senior management as more important – and perhaps as a
and of the trade in goods and services, does not know how bad the business’s better vote winner at election time –
means that the countries of the world are finances are until it is too late; in other than being seen to help big business.
so closely linked that problems in one part cases, companies deliberately adopted ◆ Other governments are more
of the world quickly spread to others. The unethical – and sometimes illegal – ‘business-friendly’ and may relax
rapid spread of defaults in the US sub- business practices as part of their overall regulation and reduce the taxes that
prime mortgage markets illustrates this business strategies. financial services businesses have to pay
very clearly. to make it easier and cheaper for
financial product providers to make their
products and services available to
War Directors have a duty of care to the consumers. Consumers, in turn, should
When a country itself is at war, there can shareholders in the company on the then benefit from cheaper products and
be a range of immediate and long-term board of which they sit. If they do a services.
effects on the financial markets, and particularly bad job, either through ◆ Some governments have specifically
consequently on financial providers and deliberate dishonesty or through encouraged financial activity in the
personal finances. Finding the money to negligence, the shareholders can sue general population. There are many
pay for a war generally means that taxes them for ‘breach of fiduciary duty’. reasons why a government might do
Increasingly, in recent years, directors
Topic 6 – The Impact of Global Events & Ethics

What is globalisation?
This international integration of business, industry and society through developments in technology, communication and migration is what we mean when we speak of ‘globalisation’.

must rise or that the government must have also taken on a wider duty of care this, including encouraging people to set Many of the issues that we have
borrow more. Each of these options has for the interests of all stakeholders in up their own pensions to reduce the discussed in this section are unplanned
wide-ranging economic and financial the company. pressure on state pension funding changes, but we should bear in mind
effects. that some changes are carefully
planned. One such example is the
Changing Demographics Ethical Considerations expansion of the European Union.
The UK, along with many other When we speak of ethical Beginning in 1958 as the European
countries, has an ageing population, considerations, we are concerned with Economic Community (EEC) comprising
which is creating opportunities for many the way in which people within a just six member states, it has grown
Social Change
product providers. Saga, for example, is particular culture believe that things over the years to the extent that the
Many changes to society as a whole can a group that provides financial products should be done. Unfair pay and admission of Croatia in July 2013
affect product providers and consumers, (and a range of other products and conditions are examples of unethical brought EU membership to 28 states.
and it is beyond the scope of this text to services) to the over-50s. But, at the business behaviour regarding workers’ Other countries still hoping to join the
cover them all. We shall therefore touch same time, this ageing population is rights or, more generally, human rights. European Union include five official
on only a few examples of social change placing an ever-increasing burden on the This is only one aspect of business ‘candidate’ countries (the former
here. working population, which has to pay ethics, however. Other examples of Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
the taxes that will finance the rising ethical business behaviour include: Montenegro, Iceland, Turkey and Serbia)
Changing Attitudes Towards Money & costs of pensions, medical services and and three further potential candidates
Financial Provision residential care. (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
Various organisations specialise in Environmental Ethics
Society’s attitudes towards money and Kosovo).
financial provision are changing. People meeting the needs of other special Ensuring that business activities do not ◆ New countries joining the European
are becoming more aware of the interest groups. An example is NFU cause pollution, or produce greenhouse Union become part of a group that is
importance of finding the best products Mutual, which was founded in 1910 to gases that contribute to global warming, trying to establish a single market for
and services. The impact of highly provide insurance for farmers. In 1998, or damage the local or global financial products and services across all
publicised problems, such as the mis- it began insuring individuals and environment in some other way. member countries.
selling of payment protection insurance businesses outside the farming sector. ◆ As the new EU members begin to
(PPI) – see Topic 3 – and the belief that We can see this type of specialist adopt, and adapt to, EU rules and
Product Sustainability
the banks were largely to blame for the approach as an effort on the part of the regulations, investors in the UK will gain
provider to choose a customer base and Designing products and services that enough confidence to start investing in
financial crisis mean that many consumers
to get to know its needs in greater meet consumers’ long-term needs and these new markets and buying shares in
no longer trust financial providers the way
depth. do not unnecessarily use up non- new companies.
that they used to
renewable energy, raw materials and ◆ In addition, people who live in the
other resources (this category includes new EU member countries will find it
Increasing Ethnic & Cultural Diversity Changing Attitudes to Debt the ‘Fair Trade’ movement regarding easier to move to other EU countries and
Most countries are becoming more Attitudes to issues such as debt changed producers in developing countries). get work there. This might lead to
ethnically and culturally diverse. Many dramatically and are changing again. At effects on the employment figures in
providers themselves are multinational one time, people who could not afford to various countries, with many side
Political Ethics
organisations; even on a local basis, they buy what they wanted simply did not effects, including that:
buy until they had saved enough to do Not supporting or doing business with − financial providers in the UK may be
employ people of different nationalities
so. In recent decades, many people undemocratic political regimes that have able to recruit employees who have
and from different cultures. In addition,
were much more relaxed about debt and a poor record on human rights, not recently moved to the UK
big organisations tend to move their senior
used credit to finance the purchase of supporting the armaments industry or − providers may find it worthwhile to
employees around the world, so you might
what they wanted when they wanted it. producers of alcohol and tobacco develop products to suit these new
find a New Yorker heading up a UK bank.
Now, following the financial crisis, and products, and not resorting to bribery immigrant people.
resulting credit crunch and economic and corruption to maximise sales
Increasing Complexity recession, people are drawing back: they
Complexity is increasing in almost every are trying to pay off their debts and are
Animal Welfare
not running up more. This will probably
Topic 6 – The Impact of Global Events & Ethics

What is globalisation?
This international integration of business, industry and society through developments in technology, communication and migration is what we mean when we speak of ‘globalisation’.

area of life, not least of which is financial change again in the future, but it is Not being involved in animal testing or Ethical Investment Decisions
services. At one time, each financial likely that a more cautious attitude will factory farming.
People who want to invest their money
product fulfilled one need; now, it is prevail for some years.
in ethical projects and companies are
possible to buy products that fulfil many.
not always concerned about all of these
Offset mortgages, for example, combine
different types of ethical behaviour.
the benefits of a savings account or
Some may be concerned only that the
current account with the loan needed to
organisations in which they invest will
finance house purchase.
carry out activities that are considered
to be ‘good’ or ‘green’, such as activities
that support the environment. Others
may be more concerned about human
rights or animal welfare violations. What
they have in common, however, is that
they do not want to invest their money
in a company, sector or industry if they
do not agree with its activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a
form of self-regulation now practised by
many large companies. It is a way in
which a company can demonstrate that
there is a social conscience behind its
business model, setting for itself
standards that it believes are ethical and
complying with the way in which society
expects it to behave. A company with an
active CSR policy is showing that it is
trying to take responsibility for its
actions and to have a positive impact on
the environment, its consumers,
employees, communities and all other

Ethical Operations
The phrase ethical operations refers to
how providers, carry out their everyday
activities. One example of ethical
operations in the financial sector is the
paperless bank account, aiming to save
trees. Holders of current accounts have,
over the years, become used to
receiving bank statements through the

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