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Context :

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that was developed in the 1950s and has
since been adopted by numerous enterprises throughout the world. By incorporating all employees in
the process of quality improvement, TQM's primary objective is to continuously raise the quality of
goods and services (Yusuf et al., 2007). TQM relies on the involvement and commitment of all
members of an organization to identify and eliminate problems, as well as to continuously improve
processes, products, and services. Dr. W. Edwards Deming, who is regarded as the father of TQM,
first conceived the idea. Following World War II, Deming, a statistician and consultant, collaborated
closely with Japanese industries. He thought that a systematic management strategy produced quality
and that firms might raise the quality of their goods and services by concentrating on processes rather
than specific employees or divisions. Total Quality Management (TQM) involves making changes to
processes, products, and services, and some employees may be resistant to these changes. It is
important for organizations to communicate the benefits of TQM and involve employees in the
implementation process to help reduce resistance to change. Implementing TQM requires resources
such as time, money, and training. Organizations may not have sufficient resources to implement
TQM effectively.TQM requires strong leadership support and commitment to be successful. Without
this commitment, TQM efforts may not be sustained over the long term. It can be challenging to
measure the success of TQM, as it involves a focus on continuous improvement rather than on specific
targets or objectives. It is important for organizations to establish clear metrics to measure the success
of TQM efforts.

Content: Deming created a list of 14 quality management principles, among which were the
significance of leadership, the necessity of a customer-centred approach, and the necessity of
continuous improvements (British Library). The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle, a methodical
approach to problem-solving and continuous development, was another idea he introduced. There are
four steps in the PDCA cycle:
Plan: Identify the problem and develop a plan to address it.
Do: Implement the plan and collect data to determine its
Check: Analyze the data and determine whether the plan was
effective in solving the problem.
Act: Make necessary changes based on the results of the analysis.
Deming's ideas were widely adopted by Japanese manufacturers in the 1950s and 1960s, and Japan's
rapid economic growth during this time has been attributed in part to the widespread adoption of TQM
principles. TQM was subsequently introduced to the United States in the 1980s, and it has since been
implemented by organizations in various industries around the world (Khalifa, 2022).

Organizations in numerous industries have adopted TQM as it has changed through time. It has been
used, among other things, to increase an organization's productivity and effectiveness in the
manufacturing, service, healthcare, and government sectors. To find and fix issues in processes, TQM
use tools and techniques include process mapping, statistical process control, and root cause analysis.
Furthermore, it highlights the value of continual employee training and development as well as the
significance of consumer input in the process of continuous improvement.

Organizations in numerous industries have adopted TQM as it has changed through time. It has been
used, among other things, to increase an organization's productivity and effectiveness in the
manufacturing, service, healthcare, and government sectors. To find and fix issues in processes, TQM
use tools and techniques include process mapping, statistical process control, and root cause analysis.
Furthermore, it highlights the value of continual employee training and development as well as the
significance of consumer input in the process of continuous improvement.

Organizations are globally tackling significant trials in adapting to changing competitive environments
in the time of commercial liberation (Enquist and Johnson, 2015). Over the previous few years, many
transactions have amplified among organizations everywhere in the world to stay in the economic
situation. At the moment, price, as a last resort, is not a choice but an essential strategy to gratify
consumers and expand company performance. Organizations usually look for better ways and means
to attain excellence and a place to start; these strategies and performance are required for total quality
management (TQM). Many authors and practitioners consider TQM a necessary philosophy to achieve
the desired Alketbi et al., Investigating the factors influencing the TQM implementation on
organizations performance goals of improving the Quality of goods and services that make consumers
delighted. These days, the importance of Quality in production and its significance is acknowledged
by numerous organizations throughout the world. Digital requests from Consumers have improved
Quality implements the organization. It also furnishes items and administrations with top Quality to
meet the clients' assumptions and acquire accomplishment in the marketplace worldwide. Therefore,
Quality as the desired location can be achieved with a variety of tools and philosophies. Total Quality
Management (TQM) is one of the utmost significant management strategies contributing to the Quality
of goods and services. TQM is used to demarcated as a holistic approach and organizational attitude
that seeks persistent enhancement in all organizational activities and production and delivery of
goods and services that meet the needs and necessities of customers at a cheaper, safer, better, faster,
and more straightforward process than competitors involved (Bhaskar, 2020) The concept of quality
management was recognized from old eras in Japan in the early 1930s, especially afterwards of 2nd
World War. After that, numerous organization in the industrial sector and public sector focused on
quality improvement and the use of tools aimed at quality control in these organization (Al-Qahtani
et al., 2015) In addition, the United States of America and the United Kingdom embrace the concept
of quality management (Q.M.), particularly in the manufacturing sector in those countries.
Subsequently, quality management is widely accepted at many international standards, such as ISO
9000. There are several principles are adopted in each TQM process, and the principles are specified
in figure

Implementing TQM can be challenging for organizations, as it requires a long-term commitment from
leadership and all members of the organization. It also requires a culture of continuous improvement
to be established within the organization. Organizations can implement the following ways to deal
with these problems and difficulties:

• To overcome employee reluctance to change, explain the advantages of TQM to them and include
them in the implementation process.
• Allocate sufficient time, money, and training to support TQM initiatives.
• Ensure strong leadership commitment to TQM by involving top management in the implementation
process and setting clear goals and expectations for TQM efforts.
• Establish precise criteria to gauge the performance of TQM initiatives, and constantly assess
development to spot potential improvement areas.
In general, TQM is still a commonly practiced management strategy that is applicable in the present
corporate environment. It is a useful tool for businesses striving to maintain their competitiveness in
an increasingly dynamic business environment because of its focus on continual improvement and
customer satisfaction. TQM implementation, however, can be difficult and necessitates a long-term
commitment from top management and all employees. Organizations can overcome these issues and
succeed with TQM by using the aforementioned solutions.

Alketbi, Khalifa & Elmualim, Abbas & Mushtaha, Emad. (2022). Investigating The Factors
Influencing The TQM Implementation On Organizations Performance. International
Journal for Quality Research. 16. 733-748. 10.24874/IJQR16.03-05.

Al-Qahtani, N. D., Alshehri, S., & Aziz, A. A. (2015). The impact of Total Quality Management on
organizational performance. European Journal of Business and Management, 7(36), 119- 127.

Bhaskar, H. L. (2020). Establishing a link among total quality management, market orientation and
organizational performance. The TQM Journal, 32(6), 1507-1524.

British Library

Enquist, B., & Johnson, M. (2015). The paradigm shift to Business Excellence 2.0. International
Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 7(2-3), 321-333.

Khalaf, M. A., & Salem, T. S. M. (2018). The moderating effect of structural barriers on TQM
performance relationship in Egyptian service organizations. International Journal of Quality
and Service Sciences, 10(4), 349-365
Yusuf Y., et al.(2007). Implementation of TQM in China and Organizational Performance: An
Investigation. Total Quality Management. 18 (5) 509-530.
Yusuf Y., et al.(2007). Implementation of TQM in China and Organizational Performance: An
Investigation. Total Quality Management. 18 (5) 509-530.
Yusuf Y., et al. (2007). Implementation of TQM in China and Organizational Performance: An
Empirical Investigation. Total Quality Management. 18 (5) 509-530.

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