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MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

Historical Setting

From the beginnings of recorded history, we note that such inquiries are made
not solely about the situation and prospect of the single individual but about
those of the group- the tribe, the kingdom, the nation.

Biblical Beginnings

The earliest source of intelligence, in the age of belief is super natural

interventions in the affairs of men, were prophets, seers, oracles, soothsayers
and astrologers. Since God knew what was going to happen ahead to time,
having to some extent ordained the Outcome of events, it was logical to seek out
divine intentions in the inspiration of holy men in the riddles of oracles, in the
stars and often in dreams. The earliest recorded instances of intelligence
fathering can be found in the Holy Bible (Numbers 13) "When Moses was in the
wilderness with the children of Israel, he was directed by the Lora to send a ruler
to each of the tribes of Israel to spy out the Land of Canaan which the Lord had
designed as their home. They spent forty days on their mission and thereafter
reported back to Moses their findings.

Police Intelligence Sun Tzu - a science philosopher and the author of Art of War.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of
a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory, you
will suffer a defeat. If you know neither yourself nor the enemy, you are a fool
who will meet defeat in every battle.

Early Intelligence Personalities

The following are some of the early personalities, in the field of police

1. Moses

One of the first recorded formalized intelligence effort, with format can be
found in the Holy Bible (Numbers 13:17). The Scriptures also named the 12
intelligence agents whom the Lord directed Moses to send into the land of
Canaan and records that all those men were heads of the children of Israel.

"And Moses sent them to spy out the kind of Canaan and said unto them,
get you up this way southward, and go up into the mountain; and see the lands,
what it is; and The people that dwell therein, whether they are strong or weak,
few or many; and what the land they dwelt in, whether in tents, or in strongholds;
and what land is; whether it be fat or lean, whether there be wood therein, or not.
And be of good courage and bring of the fruit of the land. "The scriptures also
named the twelve intelligence agents whom the Lord directed.

2. Rahab

The harlot of Jericho (Joshua 2:1-21) who sheltered and concealed the
agents of Israel, she made a covenant with the agents and duped their pursuers.

3. Delilah

Was an impromptu intelligence agent of the Philistine. She allowed

Philistine spies to hide in her house (Judge 16:9) and used her sex to gain
intelligence from a power enemy. (esrael)
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

Other great men who used intelligence in history:

1. Sun Tzu - a science philosopher and the author of Art of War.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of
a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory, you
will suffer a defeat. If you know neither yourself nor the enemy, you are a fool
who will meet defeat in every battle.

2. Alexander the Great (marching in ASIA)

Investigated all the letters and the detection of the Malcontents whether
the legitimate cause was exposed. (hints and rumors of disaffection growing
among his allies and mercenaries).

3. Sertorius - He was the Roman Commander in Spain who possessed a White

Fawn and allowed it to become widely known- that he derived secrets and
guidance from the fawn. His intelligence agents credited their information to the
supernatural power of animals.

4. Akbar - He was known to be the sagacious master of the Hindustan. He

employed more than 4,000 agents for the sole purpose of bringing him the truth
that his throne might rest upon it.

5. Genghis Khan - He was known "The Great Mongol, who used intelligence
to conquer China and invade Cathay. He instructed his Generals to send out
spies and used prisoners as sources of information. The leader of the so-called
MONGOL CONQUERORS made use of effective propaganda machine by
spreading rumors of Mongol Terror, they collected information on weaknesses
and rivalries of Europe. The leaders usually disguised as merchants.

6. Renaissance Period - With the rise of Nationalism and development of modern

armies, intelligence became apparent to large states. In England, Sir Francis
Walsingham, under Queen Elizabeth, organized the first National Intelligence
Service. He employed spies on the staff of the Admiral in Command of the
Spanish Army and able to obtain information regarding Spanish Army as to their
ships, equipment, forces and stores. He protected Queen Elizabeth I from
countless assassins.

7. In France Richlieu - Introduced the network of covert collectors who

transmitted prompt and accurate information to Paris regarding the activities of
the rebels and dissidents of the kingdom.

8. Louis XIV - systematized political policy, continuous surveillance, postal

censorship and military intelligence organization were his contributions.

The French Intelligence System continued since 15" Century.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "One Spy in the right place is worth 20,000
men in the field". He organized two Bureaus of Interest: Bureau of intelligence
– which consolidate all incoming information regarding the enemy for
presentation to the emperor and to obtain information as desired, and
Topographic Bureau - which maintains a large map which covers the latest
information regarding both enemy and friendly forces. He maintained Military
Intelligence and Secret Political Police Service all Over Europe. His main arm
was Spy against spy concept.

Frederick the Great - He was known as the "Father of Organized Military

Espionage". He has divided his agents into four classes:
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

a. Common spies – those recruited among poor folk, glad to earn a small
sum or to accommodate as military officer.
b. Double spies – unreliable renegades, chiefly involved in spreading false
information to the enemy.
c. Spies of Consequences couriers and noblemen, staff officers, and
kindred conspirators, requiring a substantial bribe or bait,
d. Persons who were forced to undertake espionage against their own will.

Hannibal – He was considered one of the brilliant military strategist in the history
of military intelligence. He had developed an effective intelligence system for 15
years in Rome. He usually roam around the city often disguise himself as a
beggar to gather first-hand information.

Julius Caesar

During his time, the staff of each Roman Legion includes ten "speculators
who served as an information-collecting agency. The "speculators" were the first
intelligence personnel to appear definitely in military organization. Military
success of the Romans was aided by communication system. Made us of carrier
pigeons, which made possible the amazing speed with which intelligence of
imperial Rome was transmitted. They also employed ciphers to ensure secrecy
of communications.

George Washington - Conspirator under oath abounds in the history of every

nation. George Washington was grand master in intelligence. He mobilized the
Free Masons of the colonies at the outbreak of the American war of

Karl Schulmeister - was Napoleon's eye, Napoleon's military secret, born on

August 5, 1770. He began his career in offensive espionage under a cover role.
He was able to infiltrate the Austrian General Staff.

Wilhelm Stieber - He incorporated intelligence in the General Staff Support

System. He further device military censorship and organized military
propaganda. He introduced military censorship, and organized military
propaganda. He works as a census taker and developed informal gathering of

Alfred Redi – He was one of the most brilliant intelligent agents. Through a
homosexual, he became Chief of the Austro – Hungarian Secret Service. He
became a double agent of Russia. In 1913, his treason was discovered and he
was force to commit suicide. His treason also led to the death of almost 500, 000
agents and soldiers combined in his 13 years espionage episode.

Brahma Kautilya
Ancient India, he overthrew the Nanda Dynasty and established the first
MAYURYAN king in the Indian throne. He recommended to his king that for the
ruler to succeed, the ruler should strike at his enemy's weak points by means of
spies. He proposed the following means to conquer enemy's stronghold:
Intrigues and spies-Winning over enemy's people - Siege and assault- Before
beginning military operation, a conqueror should know the comparative strength
and weaknesses of himself and his enemy. No war should be undertaken without
careful examination of all factors reported by the king's spies.

Mayuryan Spy System

Rivalled Modern Soviet and had the following tasks: Shadow the king's ministers
and officials and attempt to determine their very thoughts- Report wrong doings
of the people- Operate secretly in foreign countries- Spread unrest-Commit act of
sabotage-Assassinate political and military leaders- Official envoys were
instructed to make friends with officials of the enemy to compare their military
strengths with their own.
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

Maj. General Donovan - He was the organizer of the OSS, builder of a central
intelligence system- OSS whose exploits become legendary in World War II.

V2- Rackets - OSS agents working in conjunction with the British Intelligence
through penetration and technical intelligence discovered Punemundo which was
the v2 guide missile research project of Nazi Germany. It resulted to its
destruction and heavy bombing.

Battle of Midway - In June 1442, the turning point of the Naval in the Pacific, the
victory gained by the Americans was due to the disrupted messages from the
Imperial Japanese Navy.

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto - April 1943, He was the crypto analyst of the U.S.
Navy Communications Intelligence intercepted a top-secret signal relaying the
travel of the Admiral. En route, he was intercepted and crashed in the Jungles of

State Informer - Edward 1, King of England in 1725 organized a systematic

police system so called Witch and Ward. By Royal proclamation, the profession
"State Informer "was created in 1734 enjoining all informers to expose criminal
activities and be compensated.

Fouche of France - A Frenchman born in 1759, rose to become the most feared
and respected intelligence director in French history. He created a network of
agent. His assistance founded the modern system of spying on spies, which later
was known as counter espionage.

Joseph Petrosino - He was member of the New York Police Department in early
1900, he was the head of the Italian Squad. Through extensive intelligence
network, he was credited to smash and neutralization of the Black Society.

Federal Bureau of Investigation - First established in 1908 as an investigative

arm of the U.S Department of Justice and became what is known as the F.B.1
under its first director John Edgar Hoover in 1924. On September 6, 1939 by a
presidential directive, it came to its responsibility the task of a domestic

Central Intelligence Agency - The agency was created under the US National
Security Act of 1947. It was the Central Intelligence group established during the
time of President Truman in January 1946. The CIA was under the National
Security Council.

Committee for State Security

Russia- the Intelligence agency known as the KGB -Komitet Gosudarstvennoy

Bezopasnosti (KGB)

British Secret Service - Great Britain

Mossad -Israel,

BND- West Germany

KCIA- Korean Central Intelligence Agency

Britain: Scotland Yard, London Metropolitan Police Force - It was established by

Sir Robert Peel in 1829 which signalled the beginning of a colourful legendary
police force and considered one of the most efficient in the world today.
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence



1900 - Europe powers developed modern staff systems and place intelligence
same level with personnel, operations and logistics. Intelligence then functioned
during peace and war. Intelligence during this period, concentrated on
information about the armed forces of the enemy and their capabilities.
AIRCRAFT was introduced as a method of conducting aerial reconnaissance.
applied. ARMY INTELLIGENCE rapidly expanded during this period. "Agent
Provocateur"- was employed by the Russians for the purpose of internal Security
and political repression. Spying was always the specialty of the Russians.

German Intelligence - gained a high reputation for offensive effectiveness

throughout Europe but declined at the outset of the war.

British Intelligence - succeeded greatly by means of censorship and its CODE

ROOM combined with skilful use of COVERT agents

US expanded their Naval Intelligence wherein Domestic Counterintelligence

became a principal activity. At this time US created three branches of its
Intelligence System: Positive, Branch function of collecting evaluating and
disseminating intelligence. Prepare situation estimate and translate documents;
Negative Branch it is the counterintelligence functions which involve in
investigating disloyalty and sedition, investigate enemy activities, and investigate
graft and fraud in organization; Geographic Branch - Produces maps,
photographs, and terrain studies. SECTIONS - Administration, Collection by
attaches and troops, Codes and ciphers.

World War II

German Intelligence started the war with the world's best organized
Intelligence service through advance preparation of intelligence accompanied by
troop movements. GERMAN INTELLIGENCE WEAKENED by the attitude of the
Officer Group wherein they subordinated intelligence to operation and did not
regard intelligence assignment worthy of a soldier.

Japanese Intelligence - failed because it was not provided with sufficient

number of trained personnel to assemble and evaluate the mass of materials
which were collected although Japanese Intelligence was involved in short war
and defensive in nature.

British Intelligence - the delay in the use of German V-BOMB against them was
their main achievement during this time.
In 1942-a female special agent was able to transmit vital information concerning
the activities and installations of the main research station at Peneunuenda. Its
intelligence failed in the defeat of GENERAL MONTGOMERY'S forces at

US INTELLIGENCE In 1941, The US Strategic Service was established to

research and analyze military, political and economic information as it affected
the security of the country.

US JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFFS - was organized to act in support of the army

and the navy in the collection and analysis of strategic information and to be
responsible for the planning and operation of special services. US greatest
contribution to intelligence was the development of the AMPHIBIOUS WARFARE
where coordination of many types of intelligence activities was required to
provide adequate Knowledge of the successful operation of a complex military
force transported over water with the objective of establishing itself on an enemy
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

held shore against opposition. US Successes in WW II were based on personnel


Chinese Intelligence - In 1932, TAI LI - organized the China's Secret Police to

conduct espionage and counterespionage against Japanese Spies and Chinese

Soviet Intelligence - AMTORG was organized for the purpose of purchasing all
kinds of materials for the Soviet Union.

SMERSH or "DEATH TO SPIES - was organized during the war as

counterintelligence concerned with disaffection among Soviet troops and ant-
communism in any form. Its five major divisions are: Administration, Operation,
Investigation, Prosecution, and Personnel.

Post War Period: Super Power

Soviet Intelligence System

It was described as omnipotent and omnipresent for its vast intricate organization
involving millions of people. Soviet Counterintelligence known as "IRON
CURTAIN" signified that no one may cross the borders of the USSR without
being detected. This means that all communication are rigidly controlled. Its
contribution to modern intelligence was the dissemination of false information
designed to mislead and confuse opponents and prospective victims.

The MGB - Military Intelligence and the ministry of state security formerly NKGB
was concerned on political espionage and propaganda abroad and for the control
of espionage activities of foreign communist countries. The KGB resumed the
formed Function of the old MOB. It is now the official secret police agency of the
Soviet Union, in charge of the state security KGB means (Commission of Sate
Security) K- Omissija G- sOsudarstyennoj B- Ezopasnosti or Komitet
Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti.

British Intelligence System

It is composed of several intelligence agencies such as the British Military

Intelligence Division (MID) which is divided into 20 different departments. The
m15- devoted to counterespionage and security. It is the special branch of the
Scotland Yard charged with guarding the Royal family and important British
officials and Visiting Foreign Dignitaries.

French Intelligence System


ESPIONAGE (SDECE-FORETGN Intelligence and counterintelligence Service)
was under the office of the Prime Minister. GENERAL CHARLES DE GAULLE
set up the

Bureau Central de Renseignement et d' Action (BCRA Central Office for

Intelligence and Action in London in 1940. It is an expansion of the Service De
Reassignments (SR Intelligence Service which is a part of the Old Renzieme
Bureau (Second Bureau) of the French General Staff. SDECE concerned on
Strategic and Counterintelligence while SURETE NATIONALE became part of
French Intelligence Service.

German Intelligence System

The RED GESTAPO which serves as security service organized by East
Germany to combat the covert activities of West Germany Group when Germany
was still divided by the Berlin Walls.
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

United States Intelligence System

The CIA and the FBI - the CIA is one among the biggest in the world in terms of
intelligence networking. CIA and the FBI and the other state/ federal units of
intelligence services were US main intelligence agencies.

Agents of Betrayals

Intelligence is sometimes described as a "world of deceit and betrayal". Some of
the high personalities which evidence this description are: JUDITH COPLON, a
political analyst of a Department of Justice, was accused of taking unlawful
possession of government documents and spying Tor a foreign power. DR. EMIL
JULIUS KLAUS FUCHS was accused of releasing American Atomic Secrets to
the Soviet in 1945 and to the British in 1947. He detailed knowledge of the
construction of atomic bombs. ERNST HILDING ANDERSON was a Royal
Swedish Navy who provided military secrets to a foreign power and was found
guilty and sentences to life imprisonment in 1951.

Essential Interests in Intelligence

Intelligence Defined

Webster defines intelligence the capacity

for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional,
knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
More generally, it can be described as the ability to perceive or infer information,
and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an
environment or context.

Base on Psychology - Intelligence is the capacity of a person to adjust to new

situations through the use of what has been previously learned.

According to Government - Commission Task Force It means the collection,

processing, collation, interpretation, evaluation and dissemination of information,
with references to national security. In certain context, it may also mean the
network or the system for the collection, collation, interpretation, evaluation,
processing and dissemination of information. "The term as used here doesn't t
include any police powers or authorities, any investigative function other than
those involve in the collection of information nor any function involved in the
enforcement of laws, orders, or regulation.

According to Military Terminologies - Intelligence is the end product resulting

from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of all
available information which may have immediate or potential significance to the
development and execution of plans, policies and programs of the users.

According to Police Parlance - The end product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of all available information
regarding the activities of criminal and other law violators for the purpose of
affecting criminals and other law violators for the purpose of affecting their arrest,
obtaining evidence, and forestalling plan to commit crime.

Functions of Intelligence in General

Today all counties have their intelligence services. They may be different in their
organization, efficiency and method but they all have the basic functions such as:

1. The collection or procurement of information

2. The evaluation of the information which then become intelligence
3. The dissemination of intelligence to those who need it.
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

4. Counter intelligence or negative intelligence, which is dedicated to the

concealment and protection of one's own information from the adversary
intelligence operation. It is a defensive function of intelligence.

Other Function of Intelligence

To procure and obtain political, economical, psychological, sociological,

military, and other information, which may bear upon, national interest and which
may bear upon, national interest and which had been collected by the different
governmental department and agencies.

1. To serve all branches of government

2. To collect, when necessary, supplemental information whether at its own
instance or at the request of any governmental agency and official from
other various sources.
3. To integrate, analyze processes and disseminate to authorized
governmental agencies and officials in the form of report or strategic
interpretative studies.

Uses of Police Intelligence

Police covert and overt intelligence operation maybe used to:

1. Check the condition of the community relating to crime, vice, juvenile
delinquency and indications of subversion and insurgency.
2. Determine through counter intelligence applicant matters pertaining to
personnel security, physical security and document security of the
police organization.
3. Determine the follow-up lead that helps in the solution of individual
criminal cases.
4. Identity criminal elements and other law breakers as well as their
5. Assist in the arrest of wanted criminals and those wanted under RA 1700
otherwise known as the Anti-Subversion Law.
6. Check on the quality and effectiveness of the operation of the police
7. Check on the security conditions of police personnel, funds, equipment
and materials. Help in crime control prevention.
8. Serve as a tool of management for planning and organizational
employment purposes.

Principles of Intelligence

1. Universality of application – it should apply to as many phases and
aspects of intelligence as possible. It should guide not only the production
of intelligence but also the concomitant activities essential to the process
as well as the organization and the thought and actions of the individual
composing it.
2. It must be broad – it should form the basis for a formulation of corollary
and subsidiary guides.
3. It must be important, indeed essential to intelligence – if a guide is truly
important and essential, then its violations should bring its own immediate


1. There exist an essential unity between knowledge and action; that

knowledge enhances the effectiveness of action – and minimizes the
chances of error.
2. The knowledge requirements of decision making are complex and beyond
the capacities of anyone necessary to meet there requirements.
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence


Objectivity – in intelligence, only the well guided succeed. It is a basic intelligence

concept that there must be unity between knowledge and action. It follows
therefore that intelligence should interact and condition the decision. Intellegence
must be adapted to the needs of the decision; it is both giver and taker. Action or
decisions is planned by knowledge and guided by it at every step.

Interdependence – Intelligence is artificially subdivided into components

elements to ensure complete coverage, eliminate duplication and to reduced the
overall task or manageable sizes. Nevertheless, each subdivision remains as
essential part of unity, contributes proportionately to the end result; possesses
a precise interrelationship; and interacts with each other so as to achieve a
balanced and harmonious whole.

Continuity - Intelligence must be continuous. It is necessary that coverage be

continuous so that the shape of what happens today could be studied in the light
of what happened before, which in tum would enable us to predict the shape of
things to come.

Communication - intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to

all the decision makers in manner that they will understand and form that will
permit its most effective use.

Usefulness - Intelligence is useless if it remains in the minds, or in the files of its

collectors or its producers. The story must be told and it must be told well. The
story must be convincing and to be convincing it must not only be plausible or
tactual but its significance must be shown.

Selection - Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand.

Intelligence involves the plowing through a maze of information, considering
innumerable number of means or of picking the most promising of a multitude of
leads. The requirement of decision-making covers very nearly the entire span of
human knowledge. Unless there is selection of only the most essential and the
pertinent, intelligence will go off in all directions in one monumental waste of

Timeliness Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the

appropriate time to permit its most effective use. This is one of the most
important and most obvious, for Intelligence that is too soon or too late are
equally useless. Timeliness is one principle that complements all the others.
Security - Security is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to
protect and preserve the integrity of its activities. If intelligence has no security, it
might be as well being run like a newspaper to which it is similar.

Cardinal Principle in Police Intelligence

The cardinal principle in police intelligence at all levels is the proper,

economical and most productive use of personnel resources and equipment
employed and/or utilized in planning the collection of information and
dissemination of intelligence. To pursue these ends, heads' of the police
commands in the zone/regional, provincial, district and station levels shall
maintain a harmonious working relationship with other civilian intelligence
agencies. Liaison with these agencies will be encouraged at all times and as
necessary to effect coordination of intelligence operations.
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

The Principal Areas of Interest in Intelligence

The information that nations need for the conduct of their foreign relations
and domestic affairs is vast as to both type and subject. We live today in a highly
complex world in which competition is accurate and often ruthless. No nation
today can any longer exist in an isolated position, sealed off from the rest of the
world or projected automatically by natural barriers. Every nation must, of
necessity, fit itself into the global pattern that technological progress has forced
upon the world.

To illustrate this point, an outline of the major consideration of intelligence

may appear in this form:

1. Military offensive and defensive tactics, war plans, strategic concepts and
tactical principles, organizations, installations, industrial lease, armed
forces, command structure, command personnel, material, tactics,
2. General topographical and hydrographic characteristics, historical
3. Diplomatic-foreign policies, alliances, diplomatic establishment, foreign
service personnel, technique of conducting foreign relations
4. Political - Ideology, traditions, institutions, personalities, area of friction
5. Communications and Transportation - telephones, telegraphs, wireless
railways, shipping, automobiles and trucks, highways, aviation, ownership,
policies, organization, personnel.
6. Social- nationality structure, classes and caste, historical factors,
census, personal aspects, characteristics and mentality of people forces,
social legislation, radio, television, press, motion picture.
7. Intelligence - organizations, methods and personnel of competing
intelligence system.
8. Economic - On economics, the areas are on:
a. Financial Monetary policies, Currency structure, Transactions,
Institutions, Personalities
b. Commercial - trade policies, markets, trading methods, price
policies personalities
c. Industrial structure of Capacity, manufacturing plants and
processes raw material, energy rotations, labor relations,
d. Mining-Mineral Resources, Production method, Output
e. Agriculture - policies, crop structure, cultivation method,
mechanization, financing, specific characteristics of rural

Immediate Area and Interest in Police Intelligence

In a specific setting, the police organization is more interested in the

following immediate concerns:
1. Crime prone community relating to vices, juvenile delinquency, Crime an
indication of subversion and insurgency.
2. All matters pertaining to personnel security, physical security, and
classified documents.
3. Cases under follow-up
4. Personalities directly or indirectly involved in criminal activities.
5. Personalities, places, events involved in insurgency and subversion
6. Police operation regarding its effectiveness and quality.
7. Police personnel, its equipment, funds and materials
8. Aspect of crime prevention and control
9. Aspect of management for planning and organization improvement
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

10. And other as directed by higher authorities.

General Activities in Police Intelligence

1. Strategic Intelligence - it is an intelligence activity which is primarily long

range in nature with little practical immediate operation value.
2. Line Intelligence - it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate
nature and value necessary for more effective police planning and
3. National Intelligence it is the integrated product of intelligence developed
by all the governmental branches, departments concerning the broad
aspect of national security and policy. It is concerned to more than one
department or agency and it is not produced by single entity. It is used to
coordinate all the activities of the government in developing and executing
integrated and national policies and plans.
4. Counter-Intelligence phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in
destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the
protection of into against espionage, subversion and sabotage.
5. Undercover Work - is an investigative process in which disguises and
pretext cover and deception are used to gain the confidence of criminal
suspects for the purpose of determining the nature and extent of any
criminal activities that maybe contemplating or perpetuating.

Functional Classification of Police Intelligence

1. Criminal Intelligence- refers to the' knowledge essential to the prevention

of crimes and the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of criminal
2. Internal Security Intelligence maintenance of peace and order
3. Public Safety, Intelligence - refers to the knowledge essential to ensure
the protection of lives and properties.

Forms of Intelligence

1. Sociological Intelligence- deals with the demographic and psychological

aspects of groups of people. It includes the population and manpower
and the characteristics of the people, public opinion- attitude of the
majority of the people towards matter of public policy and education.
2. Biographical Intelligence deals with individual's personalities who have
actual possessions of power.
3. Armed Force Intelligence-deals with the armed forces of the nation. It
includes the position of the armed forces, the constitutional and legal
basis of its creation and actual role, the organizational structure and
territorial disposition, and the military manpower recruitment and Order of
4. A Geographical Intelligence deals with the progress of research and
development as it affects the economic and military potential of a nation.

Kinds of Intelligence

1. Strategic Intelligence as defined earlier, it is an intelligence data that are

not of an immediate value. It is usually descriptive in nature, accumulation
of physical description of personalities, modus operandi. It does not have
immediate operational value but rather long range that may become
relevant to future police operations.
2. Line Intelligence- It is the kind of intelligence required by the commander
to provide for planning and conduct tactical and administrative operation in
counter insurgency. This pertains to knowledge of People, Weather,
Enemy and Terrain (PWET) used in planning and conducting tactical and
administrative operation in a counter insurgency.
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

Intelligence information to be determined in Line Intelligence are:

People - living condition of the people, sources of income, education of the

people, government livelihood projects, extent of enemy influence to the people.

Weather -visibility, cloudy, temperature, precipitation (rain), wind

Enemy- location of the enemy, strength of the enemy, disposition, tactical

capability, enemy vulnerability

Terrain- relief and drainage system, vegetation, surface material, manmade

features. There are military aspects of terrain which includes cover and
Concealment, obstacle, critical key terrain features, observation and fields of fire,
and avenues of approach.

3. Counter Intelligence (Cl) - this kind of intelligence covers the activity

devoted in destroying the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to
the protection of info against espionage, subversion and sabotage. Hence,
the three activities of Cl are: protection of information against espionage;
protection of personnel against subversion; and protection of installations
and material against sabotage.

Measures in Cl must be both passive and active. Passive measures

are those measures which seek to conceal info from the enemy while
active measures are those which seek actively to block the enemy's efforts
to gain into or engage in espionage, subversion or sabotage.

Counter intelligence is also known as Negative Intelligence a

generic term meaning tree different things;

Security Intelligence - means that the total sum of efforts to counsel the national
policies, diplomatic decisions, military data, and any other information of a secret
nature affecting the security of the form unauthorized persons. It is an effort to
deny information to unauthorized persons by restricting to those who are
explicitly authorized to possess it.

Counter Intelligence

Counter intelligence is tthe organized effort to protect specific data that might be
value to the opponent's own intelligence organization, Some of its functions are;

Censorship- of the following: correspondence, broadcast telecast, telephone

conversations, telegrams and cables, etc., prevention of the dissemination of any
information that might aid an opponent; maintenance of files of suspect,
surveillance of suspects, mail reading, wiretapping and recording; infiltration of
the enemy intelligence organized to procure information about its method,
personal, specific operations and interest.

Counter Espionage

In counter-espionage, negative intelligence becomes a dynamic and active

effort. Its purpose is to investigate actual or theoretical violation of espionage
laws, to enforce those laws and to apprehend any violators. It is a job to catch
spies. It is basically a police function. According to Sir Bassil Thomson former
chief of Scotland Yard Criminal Investigation Division:
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

"A basic requirement of the secret agent is disguise himself and his
mission Much of his training and basic skill is dedicated to concealment. He is
supposed to be supplied with a foolproof cover story and good documents He
must be a man of exception ability or else he would not be chosen for this
intricate job) The trapping of the dark intruder is a formidable talk."

Counter espionage is simple aimed at locating the enemy, to identifying the

enemy, and neutralizing the enemy.

Five Categories of CI Operation

1. Military Security - it encompasses the measures taken by a command to

protect itself against espionage, enemy operation, sabotage. subversion or
surprise. Examples are:

Secrecy discipline special safeguarding of classified information Security

of troop movement - Special handling of weather & escapes Counter subversion
with in the armed forces Tactical measures in combat area.

2. Port Frontier and Travel Security has to do with the application of both military
and civil security measures for Cl control at point of entry and departure
international borders or boundaries. Examples are:

Security screening and control of frontier Security control of merchants,

seaman and crew of commercial aircraft, Security control of frontier crossing
point Security control of seaports

3. Civil Security - it encompasses active and passive Cl measures affecting

the non-military nationals permanently or temporarily residing in an area under
military jurisdiction.

Examples are:
Systematic registration of civilians and aliens Control of circulation, Curfew,
Surveillance of suspected political organizations Security screening of labor,
Issuance Of passes and permits Control of internal Commerce

4. Censorship it is the control and examination of the civil, national, armed forces,
field press, and POWs.

5. Special Operations - counter subversion, sabotage and espionage

Counter Intelligence (CI) Operation

Cl operation is an activity that constitutes the value of the CI workload

worldwide and includes specific investigation of individual and incidence which 1
or the most part are conducted in an overt but discreet manner.

Three Categories of CI Measure

1. Denial Measure- secrecy discipline, document security, camouflage and

concealment,communication security, military censorship, counter
2. Detection Measure- PSI, security tag or pass card, challenge or password
3. Deception Measures- ruse use of escape and evasion, dummy position,
fabricated information
MODULE IN CDI 1-Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence

Categories of CI Operation

1. Counter Human Intel (HUMINT)- seeks to overcome enemy attempts to

use human sources to collect information or to conduct sabotage and
subversion which includes Cl special operations, liaison, counter security,
and CI screening.

2. Counter Imagery Intel (IMINT) Includes action taken to determine enemy

and related enemy weaknesses, capabilities and activities. These actions
include surveillance radar, photo thermal and infrared systems.

3. Successful counter -IMINT operations rely heavily on pattern and

movement analysis and evaluation of the enemy.

4. Counter Signal Intel (SIGINT) – determine enemy SIGINT and related

enemy Weaknesses capabilities and activities, assess friendly operations
to identify patterns, profiles and develop, recommend and analyze counter

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