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High Pressure Liquid Chromatography

in Coatings Analysis

by Francis V. Acholla, Rohm and Haas Company*

High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) is an established standard analytical tool (d) a column suitable for the separation
for the analysis of coatings and related materials. An extensive body of literature has been of interest, (e) a detector system, and (f)
a data system.
published in various analytical and related fields’ journals on HPLC methods. These meth-
ods have been developed and used in the determination of small to very large molecules
ranging from small organic impurities to polymer resins. In addition, fundamentals of HPLC
and related methods have also been extensively covered in the literature and the reader is en-
couraged to review them as needed. The objective of this article focuses mainly on the appli-
cations of HPLC and gel permeation chromatography (GPC) methods in the analysis of CHROMATOGRAPHY
coatings. There are numerous types of separa-
tion mechanisms in liquid chromatog-
raphy. The most important ones in-
clude: affinity chromatography, ion
and size exclusion (SEC) or gel-per- chromatography, capillary electrophore-
INTRODUCTION meation chromatography (GPC) is sis, normal phase chromatography, re-
similar, but the columns differ. A verse phase chromatography, supercriti-
Liquid chromatography (LC) is prob-
schematic diagram of HPLC compo- cal chromatography, and microscale
ably the most commonly used method
nents is shown in Figure 1. chromatography.
of separation and analysis of chemical
compounds and ions in solution. HPLC components consist of the fol-
Increased understanding of liquid chro- lowing: (a) solvent and/or solvent mix-
matography since its invention in 1906
Affinity Chromatography
ture, (b) solvent delivery system (pumps
has led to fascinating and dramatic de- and controller), (c) sample delivery sys- Affinity chromatography is a tech-
velopment and usage of the technique tem (manual or automatic injection), nique that uses like-like interactions for
in a variety of applications.1-7 For exam-
ple, instrumental advances, automation,
and miniaturization of the technique
has brought about the development of Figure 1—Schematic diagram of HPLC components.
significant methods utilizing complex
separation mechanisms, such as elec-
trophoresis, supercritical fluid chro-
matography, microscale separations, and
numerous powerful hyphenated tech-
niques such as online and off-line liq-
uid chromatography/nuclear magnetic
resonance (LC-NMR), and very efficient
multi-detector analysis systems for ex-
tremely complex analyses.
High pressure liquid chromatogra-
phy (HPLC) is an analytical technique
used for separation of low-to-moder-
ate molecular weight compounds of
resins. The instrumentation for HPLC

*Spring House Technical Center, 727 Norristown Rd., Spring House, PA 19477.

38 June 2005 JCT CoatingsTech

Technology Today

effective separation and analysis of sam- Figure 2—Schematic separation scheme in affinity liquid chromatography.
ple components in solution. The col-
umn is designed to retain specific or
similar analytes while allowing every-
thing else through the column. The re-
tained species can then be selectively
eluted from the column by appropriate
solvent. A schematic example of affinity
chromatography is shown in Figure 2.

Ion Chromatography
Ion chromatography is a liquid chro-
matography method that can be used
for the separation and quantification of
anions and cations. For example, anions
and cations that be separated and quan- current (I) measured in milliamps. For a Reverse Phase Liquid
tified are given in Table 1. A schematic given voltage, a constant amount of cur- Chromatography
anion separation and identification is rent flows through the circuit and the
voltage decreases across any element as Reverse phase liquid chromatogra-
shown in Figure 3.
its resistance increases. Molecules which phy (RPLC) is the most popular
In the context of this article, ionic method of liquid chromatography. The
have electrical charge due to groups ca-
chromatography is used in the determi- name is derived from the reverse elu-
pable of dissociating electrolytically (for
nation of acid species in the acid/ther- tion order of most solutes when com-
example proteins), will migrate in an
mal decomposition of polymeric mate- pared to NPLC. It relies on the usage of
electrical field with a certain velocity
rials and ionic contamination in nonpolar stationary phases with polar
and direction, which will depend on
polymers and paints. mobile phases. Typical mobile phases
their electrical mobility. It has been
shown that electrical mobility of a mol- may include water with added polar or-
ecule is dependent on a variety of fac- ganic solvent, such as acetonitrile. See
Capillary Electrophoresis tors, such as electrical charge, coefficient the Type of Column Phases section.
The capillary electrophoresis tech- of friction, shape, and molecular
nique is based on the migration of weight. Supercritical Fluid
charged molecules in an electrical field. While capillary electrophoresis is a Chromatography
The units are composed of a power very important tool in the separation
source with a voltmeter and voltage reg- Supercritical fluid chromatography
and identification of bio-molecules, it
ulator, an electrophoresis tank that (SFC) is a technique that uses mobile
also finds important application in
holds the electrophoresis buffer, an an- phases as either gases or liquids taken
polymer analysis.8
ode and a cathode connected to the above their critical point. The advan-
power source, a glass plate that holds tages of this approach include the sol-
the gel which is submerged into the Normal Phase Liquid vating power of liquid mobile phases
electrophoresis buffer, and a comb sam- Chromatography and diffusion coefficients closer to
pler. These units are based on the sim- gases. The lower viscosity of SFC allows
ple relationship between the applied Normal phase liquid chromatogra- for higher flow rates compared to LC,
electric field (V), applied current (I), phy (NPLC) a powerful separation tech- and the solvating power can be adjusted
and resistance (R)—the Ohm’s law: nique, relies on the usage of polar sta- by changing the pressure. A supercritical
tionary phase and nonpolar liquid fluid chromatograph consists of a gas
V=IR mobile phases for the separation of po- supply (CO2), a pump, a column in a
The applied electric field is measured lar species. See the Type of Column temperature controlled oven, a restrictor
in volts (V) and is proportional to the Phases section below. to maintain high pressure in the col-

Abbreviations and Acronyms Table 1—Anions and Cations that can be

Separated and Quantified
FTIR - - - - - - - - - -Fourier Transform Infrared
GPC - - - - - - - - - -Gel Permeation Chromatography
HPLC - - - - - - - - -High Performance Liquid Chromatography Anions Cations
LC - - - - - - - - - - - -Liquid Chromatography Bromide ....................Br– Ammonium................NH4+
MS - - - - - - - - - - -Mass Spectrometry
MWT - - - - - - - - - -Molecular Weight
Chloride ....................Cl– Calcium.....................Ca2+
NMR - - - - - - - - - -Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Fluoride ....................F– Lithium.....................Li+
RPLC - - - - - - - - - -Reverse-Phase Liquid Chromatography Nitrate......................NO3– Magnesium ................Mg2+
Pyro-GC/MS - - - -Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Nitrite ......................NO2– Sodium .....................Na+
SEC - - - - - - - - - - -Size Exclusion Chromatography Phosphate .................PO43– Zinc .........................Zn2+
THF - - - - - - - - - - -Tetrahydrofuran
UV - - - - - - - - - - -Utraviolet Sulfate......................SO42– June 2005 39

Figure 3—Schematic representation of anion separation and identification by ion chromatogra- mance of gradient elution is strongly
phy. The identification of the species is made against known references. Detection limits can be dependent on the instrumentation.
as low as parts per billion (ppb) levels. Solubility of the material to be sepa-
rated is a very important consideration
in HPLC. For example, ACN/water is
good for low molecular weight resins
and is limited by solubility in higher
molecular weight resins. THF/water is
better and sometimes a mixture of
ACN/THF/water may be the best for an-
alyzing low to high molecular weight


Samples are injected into the HPLC
via an injection port. The injection port
of an HPLC commonly consists of an
injection valve and the sample loop.
umn, and a detector. The flame ioniza- which consists of a polar column material The sample is typically dissolved in the
tion detector (FID) is most common, and relatively nonpolar solvents, and (2) mobile phase before injection into the
but other GC or LC detectors can also reversed phase HPLC which consists of a sample loop. The sample is then drawn
be used. SFC finds many applications in nonpolar column material and relatively into a syringe and injected into the loop
polymer additives analysis.9 polar solvents. via the injection valve. A rotation of the
Reversed phase HPLC is the preferred valve rotor closes the valve and opens
Microscale Liquid type of HPLC as it has proven to be the the loop in order to inject the sample
Chromatography best for analysis of many types of resins. into the stream of the mobile phase.
The most common column packing ma- Loop volumes can range between 10 µl
Microscale liquid chromatography is terials are nonpolar hydrocarbons, C8, to over 500 µl. In modern HPLC sys-
simply the miniaturization of liquid C18 and phenyl bonded phases tems, the sample injection is typically
chromatography technique. The main columns. The most common polar sol- automated.
advantages are the significant reduction vents for resins include acetonitrile
of solvents, shorter analysis times, and (ACN)/water, methanol/water, and
overall improved sensitivities. tetrahydrofuran (THF)/water. They are
normally used in the gradient elution
mode because they allow one to start Detection methods are critical to the
TYPE OF COLUMN PHASES with low content of organic component successful application of HPLC methods
in the eluent (ACN or THF) then the in separation. Some of the conventional
There are two main types of phase sep- strongly retained components will move and newer detection methods are:
aration: (1) the normal phase HPLC faster for improved resolution. Perfor- UV/Vis, fluorescence, conductivity, and
luminescence, Fourier transform in-
frared spectroscopy (FTIR), mass spec-
trometry (MS), and nuclear magnetic
Figure 4—HPLC analysis of two batches of surfactants for residual al-
resonance (NMR). Exhaustive discus-
cohol impurities. Surfactant B is clearly purer than surfactant A
sion of these newer detection methods
(printed with permission from Dan Dohnmier, unpublished).
has been reviewed in the literature.10
An example of HPLC Run conditions
for polymer emulsion and/or paints can
be as follows:
be dissolved in THF at roughly 1%
(wt/wt) and centrifuged at 40,000 rpm
for 15 minutes. The supernatant is then
filtered through 0.2 µm filters prior to
injection on the HPLC system.
Column: PLRP-S 4000Å 8µ analytical
column (Polymer Labs), 4.6 mm × 15
cm, 8 µm dp.
Mobile Phase: 25:75 THF/methanol
initially. Linear gradient to 75:25

40 June 2005 JCT CoatingsTech

Technology Today

Figure 5—HPLC of two batches of a sulfated surfactant that are sup- Figure 6—HPLC chromatogram of polybutylacrylate binder (top) and
posed to be chemically identical. Surfactant A appears to have signif- opaque polymer (paint additives to complement TiO2 pigment) (bot-
icantly higher levels of C10-C14 and <C8 hydrocarbons when compared tom). Polybutylacrylate (pBA) has one main peak labeled B, at a re-
to Surfactant B (printed with permission from Dan Dohnmier, unpub- tention time of about 9-15 minutes, while the opaque polymer has a
lished). main peak labeled D, at a retention time of about 22-31 minutes.
Peaks labeled A and C are probably due to impurities or some low MWT
components in the system (printed with permission from Haojie Yuan,

THF/methanol over 35 min. Back to initial conditions in 5

min. Equilibrate for 10 min.
Flow Rate: 1.0 ml/min
Injection Volume: 10 µl
Column Temperature: Ambient
Detector 1: UV @270 nmI
Detector 2: Evaporative Light Scatter-ing Detector (ELSD)
Figure 7—HPLC chromatogram of two paints: A styrenic primer (top)
and an all-acrylic copolymer/opaque polymer (bottom). The primer
APPLICATIONS (top) shows four peaks labeled: A—an impurity or low mwt compo-
nent; B—polymer component #1; C—polymer component #2; and D—
Raw materials that go into the manufacture of paints are opaque polymer. The all-acrylic paint (bottom), on the other hand,
sometimes more complex than the supplier or formulators re- shows three peaks labeled: E—an impurity or low MWT component;
alize. Components such as surfactants may be sold as “pure” F—the main polymer component (all acrylic copolymer); and G—
or within certain specifications but may often contain several opaque polymer. Thus, HPLC can be used to determine the composi-
by-products that may play an important role in the chemistry tion of fully formulated paint (printed with permission, Haojie Yuan,
of the formulated paint. The following examples illustrate unpublished).
how HPLC can be used for raw materials and fully formu-
lated paint analyses.
SURFACTANTS: Figure 4 shows HPLC analysis of two batches of
surfactants for residual alcohol impurities. In Figure 5, the
HPLC of two batches of a sulfated surfactant that are sup-
posed to be chemically identical are presented.
SYSTEMS: Compositional analysis of paints can be a daunting
task for analysts. The paint components can be dissolved in
appropriate solvent (THF) and separated by either normal
phase HPLC (polar column and nonpolar solvents) or re-
verse phase HPLC (nonpolar column and polar solvents).
For example, a failed coating can be extracted by THF; how-
ever, depending on the composition of the formulated
paint, analysts may encounter very challenging situations
where answers to specific questions may depend very much
on many variables. For example, the use of organic opaci-
fiers has many benefits including increased opacity, low
binder demand, and partial TiO2 replacement, which signifi- June 2005 41

Figure 8—Schematic representation of the ANALYSIS OF ANTIFOULING ADDITIVES IN The two most common detectors are ul-
separation mechanism in a GPC column. PAINTS: Antifouling biocides are impor- traviolet (UV) and refractive index (RI).
tant in paints and coatings. Some of Only samples that absorb in the UV re-
these preservatives include chlorothano- gion (with UV chromophore) can be
lin, dichlorofluanid, diuron, Irgarol detected by UV detection; for example,
1051, and SeaNine 211. These are rela- aromatic rings, or conjugated double
tively small molecules and the most bonds. If a polymer has no UV chro-
common method for analysis of their mophore or is unknown, the RI detec-
purity, efficacy, level, and fate in the en- tor is the best choice. The RI detector
vironment when associated with paint functions by monitoring the change in
particles is by HPLC.11 HPLC allows for refractive index between the pure mo-
the separation, identification, and bile phase and that containing the sam-
quantitative analysis. ple. The difference is the signal of the
peak(s) of interest.
Sheih and Benton have provided an in- In GPC, the column is packed with a
depth overview of how HPLC methods semi-rigid gel or small organic particles,
can be used in the analysis of epoxy which function as a physical barrier for
coatings resins.12 Epoxy resins are used separating molecules of different molec-
widely in coatings due to their superior ular weights. The key function of the
balance of properties such as good ad- stationary phase is to allow the polymer
hesion, impact resistance, chemical re- molecules to interact with the solvent
sistance, and flexibility. molecules in such a way that those mol-
ecules that have more physical interac-
tion with the pores of the column pack-
ing will take longer to elute than those
GEL PERMEATION that have no physical interaction with
cantly reduces cost. The challenge of CHROMATOGRAPHY the pores. For example, high molecular
determining binder types and compo- weight polymers will elute faster. The
sition in fully formulated paints which Gel permeation chromatography
separation mechanism in a GPC col-
may or may not contain organic opaci- (GPC), or size exclusion chromatogra-
umn is represented in Figure 8.
fiers (mainly styrene, such as Ropaques phy (SEC), is a branch of HPLC whose
primary role is to provide molecular It can be simplistically shown that
from Rohm and Haas Company), can the smaller molecules can fit into the
be very difficult. We have demon- weight data on polymers and resins.
GPC allows polymer synthesis chemists small pores and therefore take longer to
strated in our labs that such systems elute through the column. The larger
can be analyzed by HPLC and/or and paint formulation and application
scientists to isolate and characterize low molecules, on the other hand, due to
HPLC/FTIR and/or off-line their big size, are unable to enter the
HPLC/Pyrolysis-GC/MS methods (see molecular weight additives and
medium-to-high molecular weight poly- pores and simply travel around the gel
Figures 6 and 7). particles on their way out. Thus, the
mers and resins in polymeric systems.
large polymer molecules are the first to
elute out, followed by the medium size,
and finally by the smaller molecules. It
Figure 9—GPC profile of THF extract of an unknown paint. Using poly- is important to point out that GPC also
styrene standard, the molecular weight of the polymer was determined
separates molecules according to their
to be about 437,000 with a polydispersity of 6.25.
hydrodynamic volume.13
In order for the GPC data to be use-
ful, it must be calibrated with polymers
of known molecular weight. Polystyrene
standards are often used because they
are readily available over a wide range
of molecular weights.

Coatings scientists are always inter-
ested in determining the composition
of polymers as they largely determine
the chemical resistance properties of
coatings. GPC is one of the best meth-
ods that can be used to measure the
molecular weight of polymers in coat-
ings. In order to accomplish this, the

42 June 2005 JCT CoatingsTech

Technology Today

polymer must be isolated from the HPLC can be used for raw materials and (8) Simio, C., Cottet, H., Vayaboury, W.,
paint by using an appropriate solvent. for fully formulated paint analyses. GPC Giani, O., Pelzing, M., and Cifuentes,
In the example shown in Figure 9, the has been demonstrated as one of the A., “Nonaqueous Capillary
Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry of
polymer was isolated from a paint by best methods that can be used to meas- Synthetic Polymers,” Anal. Chem., 76
extraction in THF followed by centrifu- ure the molecular weight of polymers in (2) pp 335-344 (2004).
gation to remove the pigment and other coatings and coatings failure analyses. (9) Daimon, H. and Hirata, Y., “Directly
THF insolubles. However, these methods require that Coupled Supercritical Fluid
the polymer or isolated components Chromatography for Analysis of
In coatings failure analysis, GPC can
must be soluble in appropriate sol- Polymer Additives,“ Chromatographia,
provide data to show whether the fail- 32, 549-554 (1991).
ing paints conform to specification by vent(s). CT (10) Patony, G. (Ed.), in HPLC Detection
comparing and finger-printing failed Newer Methods, VCH Publishers, Inc.,
paint to a control paint. Sometimes, References New York, NY (1992).
failures due to polymer decomposition (11) Thomas, K.V., McHugh, M., Hilton, M.,
(1) Dorsey, J.G., “Liquid Chromatography” and Waldock, M., “Increased Persistence
can easily be detected. For example, and “Column Theory and Resolution in of Antifouling Paint Biocides When
GPC performed on a failing and on Liquid Chromatography” Encyclopedia of Associated with Paint Particles,”
control paints showed a dramatic differ- Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 15, 11231- Environmental Pollution, 123 (1), 153-
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(2) Hage, D.S., “Affinity Chromatography,” (12) Sheih, D.P. and Benton, D.E., “HPLC
ing samples being lower than the con-
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. Analysis for Epoxy Coatings Resins,”
trol.14 There are numerous examples in 15, 11233-11251 (2000). Analysis of Paints and Related Materials:
the literature of how GPC can be used (3) Dolan, J.W. and Snyder, L.R., “Gradient Current Techniques for Solving Coatings
to investigate coating failures.15 It is im- Elution Chromatography,” Encyclopedia Problems, ASTM STP 1119, American
portant to point out that GPC has two of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 15, 11342- Society for Testing and Materials,
major limitations in coating analysis: it 11360 (2000). Philadelphia, 41-46, (1992).
(4) Pietrzyk, D.J., “Ion Chromatography,” (13) Snyder, L.R. and Kirkland, J.J.,
cannot be used on insoluble coating
Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. Introduction to Modern Chromatography,
samples and it cannot provide chemical 15, 11360-11382 (2000). John Wiley, New York, NY, 512-514
information. However, the chemical in- (5) Cooper, W.T., “Normal Phase (1979).
formation limitation can be overcome Chromatography,” Encyclopedia of (14) Weldon, D.G., in Failure Analysis of
by interfacing GPC to a variety of chem- Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 15, 11428- Paints and Coatings, John Wiley and
ically sensitive tools, such as FTIR, 11442 (2000). Sons, New York, NY, pp. 206, 2001.
(6) Lough, W.J., “Reverse Phase Liquid
NMR, and MS.7,12 (15) Kuo, C. and Provder, T., “High
Chromatography,” Encyclopedia of Performance Gel Permeation
Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 15, 11442- Chromatography Characterization of
11450 (2000). Oligomers Used in Coatings Systems,”
(7) Provder, T., Barth, H.G., and Urban,
SUMMARY M.W. (Eds.), in Chromatographic
No. 683, 69 (1981).
Characterization of Polymers Hyphenated
A general overview of the application and Multidimensional Techniques,
of HPLC techniques for analysis of Advances in Chemistry Series 247,
paints and related materials has been American Chemical Society,
presented. We have discussed how Washington, D.C. (1995). June 2005 43

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