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Virtual class (thirty fifth week)

Hi kids!!! How are you feeling today? I hope you are feeling great!!!

To complete this virtual class, please follow these steps:

STEP 1: Open your binder and write the date (Today is Tuesday 24th, November), what the weather is like and how
you feel. Then copy the title: “COMPARTIVE AND SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES”

STEP 2:Click on the following link and do some revision on comparative and superlative adjectives. Good luck!!!

(Send your final score by Google Classroom)

STEP 4: LISTENING TIME! Click on the following link and do the two interactive activities!


(Send your final score by Google Classroom)

STEP 5: Open your binder again and copy the title: “FAMILY QUESTIONS”. Write the questions below and
answer them.

a) Who is the tallest person in your family? My dad is taller in the family
b) Who is shorter in your family: your mum or your dad? My mum is the shorts than my dad
c) Are you the youngest in your family? No my sister is the youngest
d) Are you funnier than your father? Yes I fannier than my dad
e) Who is the most important person in your life? My sister is a most iportan of my life

(Send your work by Google Classroom)

STEP 6: Congrats!!! You have completed everything!


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