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The March of progress (cartoon)

Technological progress is for instance the Another example is the invention of the electric
invention of the wheel. It helped transport bulb: it made streets safer (street lamps / the
(people + goods). crime rate decreased) and made work easier
Life for people was easier: they could use and more flexible.
vehicles to travel.
But people stopped walking and became lazy. But people started to work at night, and more
On long terms, it caused obesity. energy was needed. On long terms, it ruined
daily life conditions.

The steam engine was a great invention: it Electric cars pollute less when you drive them,
helped develop the railroad, transport more but it is difficult to recycle their batteries.
people and more goods on longer distances. Moreover, their autonomy must be augmented,
In the USA for example, it enabled some otherwise you cannot travel on long distances.
territories to develop their economy, and they
became less isolated. Besides, the electricity is not always produced
But the steam engine was fueled using coal, and using renewable sources: it is not sustainable,
it caused the displacement of Indian tribes, not unless you use windmills.
to mention the fact that it damaged the
environment. To finish, it increases the demand: nuclear
plants must be developed.

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