TUMU - NTE (Attendance)

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Employee Name Date Hired Position


Narrative of the Incident

The Management is compelled to issue this notice to explain regarding an incident report received of you
being absent for x numbers of days without providing a notification.

Above mentioned allegations of non-compliance if proven, violate our rules on Corrective Discipline specially
in the context of:

Possible Violation/Offense
Rule VII: Inefficiency, Negligence and Violation of Work Standards, Production and Disorderliness
Infractions. Section 4: Incurring Habitual and Excessive Unexcused Tardiness and Absences (Late call-
in, Patterned Absences)
- Late or failure to call in
- Absence at least three (3) hours before work schedule
- Patterned Absence - Taking unplanned absence from work on almost the same date/days
Severity Level Class D
Possible Penalty Dismissal/Termination of Contract

You are hereby required to submit a written explanation within 3 calendar days from receipt of this Notice to
Explain why disciplinary action should not be taken against you, Including the possible termination of your
employment, for the alleged incident described above. Your failure to submit a written explanation will serve
as a waiver of your right to be heard and will constrain the Company to resolve the case based on the
records, evidence and documents available on hand.

For your strict compliance.

Issued by:

________________ _______________________
Immediate Manager HR Representative/Management

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