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Incubus Master 3 by Yamila Abraham Cover by Barbara Apostolico *****

During the night, the women exited the wagon, rousing Jinady to a slumbering stupor. The light of dawn streamed through the window. He emerged to see the two women sitting on a stone bench. One looked fifteen or so, the other was also young, but old enough to be the girls mother. They no longer seemed afraid. Figaru was perched on the stone bench furthest from them. Scor was not in the courtyard. Jinady hesitated. The women watched him across the fountain bonfire. He had no idea what to say to them, or even if addressing them was permissible. He decided to sit next to Figaru. The demon was focused on the women. You can go back to sleep, Figaru said. Were resting here half a day. Illsleep later, I guess. Jinady was keen to have Figaru to himself. Its best you dont befriend these women, Jinady. Jinady swallowed. Dont worry about it, Jinady said. People back home used to tell me to give up on the dream of having a girl. Theres too few left. I used to think, Give up on it? Who ever said that was my dream to begin with? Figaru turned away from the women. He looked into Jinadys eyes and smiled. Jinady couldnt meet his eyes. His mind searched for whatever it was he needed to talk to Figaru about. Figaru sparked a nervous energy within him. The demon looked back in the womens direction. I know it was obscene to send you to the brook. Huckly wouldnt have cared if you spied on them. Scor knew you were there. He knew? Jinady hushed his exclamation, though the women were likely too far away to hear them. He could sense your presence. He knows me. He would have assumed I sent you, and simply blocked you out of his perception. Jinady bit his lip. Sowhywhy did you?

Huckly is an Available. He serves incubi in the settlement who dont have mates. He doesnt do this grudgingly. You saw that he isnt forced or coerced. He strove to attain this rank. Not every soldier who wants the rank is awarded it. I would never ask someone who didnt want to do it. I could have told you this, but youd have no reason to believe me. Jinady drew a deep breath. You know, when I yelled at you I was crazy. What Id been throughI meanit took a while to come back to reality. Figaru was fixed on him. I dont get everything about your mission or your settlement, or whatever. I have figured out that I was wrong about you. He hesitated. Im sorry. Jinady had become so accustomed to Figarus demonic voice he could pick up on small nuances. His tenor made Jinady look at him. Youve no idea how badly I needed to hear that. I would have said it sooner, but Figaru brought one hand toward Jinadys hair. It was an instinctive move, but before he touched him he hesitated. Jinady tipped his head down slightly and lowered his eyes. Figaru eased his fingers into Jinadys hair at the scalp and slipped his hand through. Jinady kept still. The caress made him feel weak. He had an urge to burrow against Figaru. These were chaste instincts. Figaru had turned him into a child in need of comfort. He stroked Jinadys hair a second time in the same manner. The first time fit the moment. The second created a new one. Jinady became more alert. Goosebumps pricked on his shoulders and forearms. He reveled in the touch, but where was it leading? He was scared to meet Figarus eyes. What if he kissed him? Jinady didnt have an answer. He knew there was no way he could surmount Figarus will. Were he to meet the demons eyes all control would go to him. A cricking sound made them both look at the women. The younger stood facing the dogwood. Figaru removed his hand. The moment dissipated. Figaru spoke without looking at him. Go back in the wagon.

There was a quaver to his voice. He rose to obey. Figaru was sending him away, ensuring no more affection could follow. He felt a giddy unease, but was too sleepy for a more dramatic response. Jinady settled back on his bench in the wagon. A few musings germinated in his mind before he drifted off. There was chemistry igniting between them. He should dismiss it because all mortals probably got this way around him. Huckly was certainly smitten with him. Figaru stroked Hucklys hair once, too. Jinady thought Figaru was responding to him, but it was likely he got this way around all his beloved mortals. Isnt that why he wont use an Available? It would be good to finally get to the settlement so Jinady could put some distance between them. Hed engross himself in life there. Hopefully he could get back to loom weaving. He fell asleep. Jinady rarely slept deep enough to dream. This time he did. He was straddling the lap of a dark figure much larger than him. He knew it was Figaru, but he couldnt make out his features in the dream. He felt his member inside of him. He pushed up and down while clinging both arms around his neck. The dark figure braced him with hands on Jinadys hips. Jinadys gasps were loud in his ears. Someone covered Jinadys mouth and pulled him out of the wagon. His shock jolted him awake. Scor had opened the door on the other side of the wagon that they never used. He yanked him out carefully. The others didnt stir. Scor pinned Jinady against the wagon with his arm across his neck and shoulder and his hand on his mouth. He slid the door shut without a sound. They were wedged between the wagon and a stone wall. Shh, shh, Scor whispered. Nod your head if youre not going to scream. Ill take my hand off your mouth. If you scream Figaru will behead me. The memory of Omnis headless body flashed in Jinadys mind. His eyes were wide and scared, but he nodded. Scor removed one finger at a time off Jinadys mouth. Jinady remained still. The demon moved his hands to hold Jinadys arms just below each shoulder. Scor leaned close to him. Let me get you off. Jinady could feel Scors breath on his ear.

You were sending out heat from the wagon. You know that drives us crazy. Youre just teasing me and Figaru. I cant be a gentleman like him. Jinady hadnt known incubus could sense arousal. He would take care not to forget it. Youregoing to rape me? Scor reared his head from Jinadys nape to look him in the eyes. He blanched. Shit! No, he whispered. Dont even say that word. Scor looked down at Jinadys body. He started to stroke his shoulders. Despite his worry he was proceeding. Jinady swallowed hard. Scor looked desperate for him. He had to be to risk Figarus wrath. If you make a fuss, Ill stop. If you keep still I wont. One of Scors hands was feeling under Jinadys tunic to stroke his bare stomach. Either way, be quiet about it. Dont be an evil bitch. Scors breath was staggered. If you get Figaru here hell kill me in a second. He wont give anyone time to explain. Ill be dead before I can scream. What are you going to do? Jinady whispered. His face was stern. If he wanted to leave he would. He wasnt so sympathetic to Scor that he would be blackmailed. Scor reached one hand into the hair at Jinadys nape. He drew it back exposing the hollow at his neck and shoulder. He brought his mouth to the tender spot. Scor kissed, sucked, and touched Jinadys flesh with the tip of his tongue. Jinady squeezed his eyes closed. He could give in depending on what Scor intended. Scor broke the kiss and neared his lips to Jinadys ear again. Suck you. Jinady spoke with difficulty. Thatsenough for you? What do you think? Im like the Caldra? He nipped Jinadys earlobe. Only the weak ones have to be inside to tap your energies. He grabbed Jinadys crotch. Jinady jolted on his tiptoes a moment. He gasped. Scors fingertips were between his legs. His palm cupped Jinadys balls. Scor made circles over them with his thumb. I can drink you just like this. He lifted Jinadys shirt and attached his mouth to a nipple.

Jinady flinched again. He dug his nails into the wagon. His body was eager, but he was resisting a flight instinct. Scors fondling hand had stiffened him. He leaned back. His legs faltered. Scor switched to nip and tug at his other nipple. Jinadys eyes were still closed. He turned his head to the side. Mmph! Scor removed the hand between his legs to pull apart the buttons of his fly. Jinadys straining shaft came free. Scor dove his hand into the fly, all the way under Jinadys balls. In a swift moment he pulled out Jinadys cock. The bottom of his fly rested just underneath where his balls connected. Scor worked is way down Jinadys bare stomach with nips and suction. He went fast. He got on his knees in front of Jinadys crotch. One hand grasped his shaft. His mouth closed over the head. Ahh! Jinady stifled his moan. Scor pushed back Jinadys foreskin with his lips. His tongue assaulted the tender exposed head. He battered and teased. He tilted his head sideways to slide his tongue lengthwise across his slit. Ngh! Uh! Jinady quivered. Scor pushed his mouth further down Jinadys shaft. His foreskin was stretched exquisitely down, then sprang back from the demons lips. Scor removed his hand. He took his full length into his throat. Jinady grabbed his hair with one fist. Mmph! No one had ever done this to him. Scor gave an expert initiation. His cock was engulfed to the root. Scors mouth constricted him as his tongue massaged the thick tender vein lining the bottom side of his length. Jinadys legs turned to water. Scor pulled his head back until just the tip of Jinadys cock was in his mouth. He tortured the head quickly before diving down to engulf him again. Uhh! He could barely stifle his moan. His thighs trembled. Scors mouth bombarded him. He swallowed him whole, then drew back hard, tugging Jinadys whole member. The fast skillful moves made Jinady squirm. He

gripped Scors hair with his other hand. He was bending forward. His hips writhed. When Scor gave his slit an unexpected stab with his tongue his whole body jolted. Aaii! Gasps stilted his moans.

Scor rammed his jaw back and forth from Jinadys pelvis. When his hand reached up to fondle his balls it was more than he could bear. Im going to come, Jinady whispered. His voice was unsteady.

Scor sucked his mouth off Jinadys cock with a pop Jinady worried was too loud. Their eyes met. Go in my mouth. Jinady nodded. He was flushed. Every muscle was tensed. He had to bite his tongue to keep from crying out when Scor inhaled his member again. The torturous fast sucking made his legs give way. He bent forward to catch himself on Scors shoulders. He erupted. Nngh! Mmm! Haahhhh! His body jerked. Scor didnt relent. His cum was being sucked out of his hole. Even as he started to soften Scor worked the muscle. Jinady desperately clung to him. He was making his raw cock hard again. No more. The torturous ecstasy had brought him to tears. Well get caught. Scor pulled his mouth free again. Jinadys sensitive cock buoyed. Ughh! Scor stood. He closed his arms around Jinady and kissed his neck. Jinady gasped. He used trembling hands to put himself back in his pants and button up. That was sweet, Scor whispered. Im dying to fuck you now. Jinady forced out a weak word. No. Calm down. I know. He nipped the side of his neck. Youre just like my Rowan. Been missing him. He hugged him tighter. Jinady lifted one arm to hold Scor back. He did it so Scor wouldnt think his hug was unwelcome. They couldnt be strangers after this. (Though, Jinady was adamant that it wouldnt happen again). Youre a rare one, Scor said. He held him until Jinadys breath stilled. When the incubus broke away he fixed on him. Scor had a somber expression. Promise you wont tell about this. Its against the rules. I promise, Jinady said. Dont act funny out there either. Im not like that.

Scor smirked. Shit, I almost think Ive gotten away with this. Jinady was stern. Just this time. Scor still had a half-smile. He was undaunted. Jinady didnt like it. He walked down the side of the wagon and out of sight. Jinady opened the back door of the wagon to sneak back in. Eban was sitting up stretching. Oh! Why are you coming in that way? Thats the latrine, right? I see, Eban said. He smiled. Jinady lay down. Not to sleep, just to wait out the after effects of Scors mouth. He wasnt ashamed or disgusted. That was a milestone, he supposed. He thought of incubi differently now.

Chapter 5 When they set off, the women wanted to sit in the main cab to look out the windows. Major thought it best if Jinady moved into the back cab. He did so without comment. The single bench there had thick bedding on it. Light shone through the cracks in the wood, but he could no longer look out. He tried to sleep through the boredom of his first day of solitude. By the second day the slow morning hours were marked by his sighs. Theyd be at the settlement by tomorrow. He couldnt stand another day of it. After the noontime break (which the women now emerged for) he stayed outside the wagon. Can I march with you? he said to Eban. Eban pursed his lips and looked at Figaru. Major eyed him as well. Figaru nodded. Jinady knew hed struggle with the fast pace in a short while. He should have marched with Eban sooner to build his stamina. He was ashamed to have lounged in the wagon most of the journey. Eban started the conversation by giving Jinady mundane details of the settlement. There were around 3,000 settlers and fifty or so incubus allies. Swan shards kept demons out of their borders, but men still had to venture out daily to farm and herd. Expanding the boundaries was their chief concern. Lengthy rescue missions such as this one were

rarely embarked. Jinadys mountain had become a priority because theyd learned of how the Caldra warred with other incubi to protect two women captives. There arent enough women to keep our numbers steady. A few succubus tribes abandon male babies in our fields at night. If not for them wed be below a thousand by now. Eban paused. I was one of those babies. Jinadys lips parted. Thats why I cant get the swan shards. You have to be mortal born. Jinady watched his feet. But Im not a demon, you know. My dad must have been an incubus, but my mom was human once, thats why she had a human child. I dont even get any magic powers out of the deal. Jinady tried not to reveal his discomfort. I dont care who your parents were, Eban. I know how you feel about incubi. I understand that not all incubi are bad now. But you still dont like them. Even our allies. Jinady swallowed. He marched a few paces in silence. I like Figaru. Eban darted his head toward him. Really? Jinady blushed. You fancy him? I dont know if my heads right.

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