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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas


Name: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________

Year and Section: _______________________________________ Quarter: ______________

1. What do we call the elements of x or inputs of functions?

a. Domain b. Relation c. Range d. none of the choices
2. What do we call the elements of y or outputs of functions?
a. Domain b. Relation c. Range d. none of the choices
3. A function consists of a set of different intervals of x with the value of y.
a. Piece-wise b. Linear c. Quadratic d. Exponential
4. Among the value of x and y, which is independent variable?
a. x variable b. y variable c. x and y variable d. none of the choices
5. Which of the following is not a function?
a. {(0,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,4)} b. {(0,2), (1,3), (4,3), (1,2)}
c. {(1,3), (4,2), (2,0), (3,4)} d. {{1,2}, {2,2}, {3,2}, {4,2}}
6. Evaluate the function f ( x )=3 x +1when x=4.
a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14
7. Find the value of f (9) in the given function f ( x )=x + 4.
a. 10 b. 11 c. 12 d. 13
8. Find the value of f ( √ 4) in the function f ( x )= .
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
3 1
9. Perform the indicated operation − =?
4 2
1 1 1 d. 1
a. b. c.
4 2 16
3 4
10. Perform the indicated operation + =?
4 5
12 7 31 12
a. b. c. d.
9 9 20 20
5 x
11. Perform the indicated operation ÷ =?
3x 3
5x 5x 15 15
a. b. c. d.
9x x x

12. Determine the function ( f + g )( x ) when f ( x )=x +5∧g ( x )=x 2 +3 x+ 11.

a. x 2+ 2 x−6 b. x 2+ 4 x +16 c. x 2+ 3 x +55 d. x 2+ 4 x +6
13. Which of the following is an example of a rational equation?
1 4 4x 8 x 2+ 4 x +4 d. none of the choices
a. = b. < ( )
c. f x =
3x 3 5 x 2
14. Which of the following is an example of a rational inequality?
1 4 4x 8 2
x + 4 x +4 d. none of the choices
a. = b. < c. f ( x )=
3x 3 5 x 2
15. Which of the following is an example of a rational function?
1 4 4x 8 2
x + 4 x +4 d. none of the choices
a. = b. < c. f ( x )=
3x 3 5 x 2
16. Identify the corresponding symbol (>,< or =) to make the statement true 0.10_________0.01 .
a. = b. > c. < d. none of the choices
1 3
17. Identify the corresponding symbol (>,< or =) to make the statement true _________ .
8 4
a. = b. > c. < d. none of the choices
2 1
18. Identify the corresponding symbol (>,< or =) to make the statement true .
4¿ 2
a. = b. > c. < d. none of the choices
3 4
19. Solve for x : − =1
x 2x
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
20. Determine the restrictions of the variable x in the denominator. (value of x that will make the expression undefined)
5 x−4
in the expression
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3
21. Determine the restrictions of the variable x in the denominator. (value of x that will make the expression undefined)
in the expression
2 x−4
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
22. It is the set of all values that the variable x can take.
a. domain b. range c. y-intercepts d. x-intercepts
23. These are the values of x which make the function zero.
a. domain b. range c. y-intercepts d. x-intercepts
24. The ___________is the function value when x = 0.
a. domain b. range c. y-intercepts d. x-intercepts
25. The _______________of a function is a set of all values that f(x) can take.
a. domain b. range c. y-intercepts d. x-intercepts
26. The horizontal line y=b of the function f if f ( x) gets closer to b as x increases or decreases without bound (
x →+ ∞∨x →−∞ ¿
a. horizontal asymptote b. vertical asymptote
c. x-intercepts d. y-intercepts
27. The vertical line x=a of a function f if the graph of f either increases or decreases without bound as the x−values
approach from the right or left.
a. horizontal asymptote b. vertical asymptote
c. x-intercepts d. y-intercepts
3 2
28. Find solutions for rational equation =
x+1 x−3
a. -1 b. -2 c. 1 d. 2
29. Which of the following relation is a one-to-one function?
a. country to its capital b. person to his birthdate
c. person to his birthplace d. none of the choices
30. Which of the following relation is a one-to-one function?
a. car to its plate number b. person to his birthdate
c. person to his birthplace d. none of the choices
x x
31. It is a function with the base b of the form f ( x )=b ∨ y=b where b> 0 , b≠ 1.
a. linear b. inverse c. one-to-one d. exponential
32. Which of the following expressions is an example of exponential equation?
a. 4𝑥−1=16𝑥 b. f ( x )=2 x c. 3 x ≥ 26 d. none of the choices
33. Which of the following expressions is an example of exponential inequality?
a. 4 x−1=16 x b. f ( x )=2 x c. 3 x ≥ 26 d. none of the choices
34. Which of the following expressions is an example of exponential function?
a. 4 x−1=16 x b. f ( x )=2 x c. 3 x ≥ 26 d. none of the choices
35. Solve for x in the given exponential equation 4 2 x =8.
1 1 3 3
a. b. c. d.
2 3 4 2
36. Find the solution set of the inequality, 3 x−1>9 x .
a. { x Є Ɽ | x < -1} b. { x Є Ɽ | x ≤ -1} c. { x Є Ɽ | x > -1} d. { x Є Ɽ | x ≥ -1}
37. Find the solution set of the inequality, (1/5)2x+1 > 1/25.
a. The solution set is { x Є Ɽ | x < 1/25 } b. The solution set is { x Є Ɽ | x < ½ }
c. The solution set is { x Є Ɽ | x < 1/3 } d. The solution set is { x Є Ɽ | x < 1/5 }
38. It is formed by adding the specified per cent increase to 100% and then changing to its decimal form and population
growth can often be modelled by an exponential function.
a. Exponential Growth/Exponential Decay
b. Population Growth/Growth Factor
c. Compound Interest
d. All of the above

39. It refers to an interest when the interest due at the end of a certain period is added to the principal and that sum earns
interest for the next period.
a. Exponential Growth/Exponential Decay
b. Population Growth/Growth Factor
c. Compound Interest
d. All of the above
40. It is an equation that contains one or more logarithms.
a. logarithmic b. exponential c. inverse d. one-to-one
41. Solve for the value of x . log 4 x ≥5.
a. x <79 b. x <80 c. x <81 d. x <82
42. Solve for the value of x . log x <4.
a. x ≥ 1023 b. x ≥ 1024 c. x ≥ 1025 d. x ≥ 1026
43. The graph of y=log 5 x is asymptotic with which of the following lines?
a. y = x b. x-axis c. y-axis d. y = 1
44. The graphs of y=10 and x
log 10 x are symmetric with respect to what line?
a. y=x +1 b. y=2 x c. 𝑦=𝑥 d. y=2x
45. The graphs of y=4 x and y=log 4 x are symmetric with respect to what line?
a. y=x +1 b. y=4 x c. y=x d. y=4 x
46. What is the point common to the graphs of functions y=log 3 x and y=log 10 x ?
a. (0, 0) b. (1, 1) c. (0, 1) d. (1,0)
47. What is the point common to the graphs of functions in the form y=log a x ?
a. (0, 0) b. (1, 1) c. (0, 1) d. (1, 0)
48. At what point does the graph of y=log 2 x intersect the x-axis?
a. (0, 1) b. (0, 0) c. (0, 1) d. (1,0)

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