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1. Name of the respondent:

2. Age:
(a) 20 - 30
(b) 30 - 40
(e) 40-50
(d) Above 50

3. Gender ?
(a) Male
(b) Female
(c) others

4. Occupation?
(a) Business
(b) Employed
(c) Professional
(d) others

5. Qualification?
(a) SSL
(b) HSC
(c) UG
(d) PG

6. Have you visited GV Motors?

(a) yes
(b) no

7. How frequently do you visit GV Motors?

(a) Once in a week
(b) Once in 15 days
(c) Once in 2-3 months GV Motors

8. Which products do you purchase more often in GV Motors?

(a) scooty
(b) bikes
(c)Others (specify)________

9. Which source made you to buy the product from GV Motors?

(a) News paper
(b) F.M radio
(c) social media
(d) Friends/others
10. Why do you make purchase of products from GV Motors?
(a) Low price
(b) Better Quality
(c) Variety of products
(d) others (specify)_______

11. Will GV Motors provide more type of product category?

(a) yes
(b) no
(c) not many
(d) none

12. How are the re-preventatives interactions are at GV Motors?

(a) effective
(b) not effective
(c) Good
(d) no Interaction

13. How satisfied are you with our discount policy?

(a) Highly satisfied

(b) Satisfied
(c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied
(e) Highly dissatisfied

14. What do you think about the price of the bikes?

(a) Highly satisfied

(b) Satisfied
(c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied
(e) Highly dissatisfied

15. Are you satisfied with the promotional offers like seasonal discounts?

(a) Highly satisfied

(b) Satisfied
(c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied
(e) Highly dissatisfied

16. At overall how do you rate GV motors?

(a) Excellent
(b) Good
(c) Bad
(d) Average
(e) Very bad

17. Do you think the discount made by the company is beneficial to you?

(a) yes
(b) no

18. Are you Satisfied with our services?

(a) Yes
(b) No

19. Have you visited our website?

(a) Yes
(b) No

20. Will you recommend people to visit GV motors?

(a) Yes
(b) No

13) Are you satisfied with the cash and credit purchase of the product?

(a) Highly satisfied

(b) Satisfied
(c) Neutral
(d) Dissatisfied
(e) Highly dissatisfied

14) Is your need and fulfilment are satisfied?

(a) Yes
(b) No

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