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World Scholars’ Cup WARSAW Round

Hosted by the American School of Warsaw

Thursday 9th - Sunday 12th February, 2023

Trip informa7on

Please note that this trip is limited to nine par7cipants. The first nine par7cipants
to submit the permission form and a deposit of 500PLN by Monday 23rd January
to Ms Kasia at the school secretariat will be priori7sed.

1. Transporta7on

Krakow-Warsaw: Pendolino train on Thursday 9th Feb at 7:48 and arriving in Warsaw
at 10:18

Warsaw-Krakow: Pendolino train on Sunday 12th Feb at 14:33 and arriving in Krakow
at 17:13

2. Accommoda7on

Ibis Budget Warszawa Centrum

Address: Ul Zagorna 1, Sródmiescie, Warsaw, 00-441, Poland

Phone: +48 22 745 36 60

Website: hAps://

Rooms include
• en-suite bathrooms
• Twin beds
• Breakfast

3. Cost

1300PLN per scholar which includes

• registrabon fee
• return train from Krakow to Warsaw
• accommodabon (3 nights)
• public transport in Warsaw
• insurance
Please note that the amount of 1300PLN has been calculated to include above costs
and incidental costs incurred (including accompanying teacher).
Please note that this only includes breakfast.
Any funds not used will be divided among scholars and returned.

4. Signing up

If interested please leave the permission form below and 500PLN with Ms Kasia at
the school secretariat by Monday 23rd January. The remaining balance will need to
be paid to the school secretariat by Monday 6th February.
Permission form for the World Scholars’ Cup Trip to Warsaw on Feb 9th-13th 2023


I hereby give permission that my child

_________________________________________ (full name of child) be permiAed
to take part in the Bribsh Internabonal School of Cracow’s World Scholars’ Cup trip
to Warsaw, which is to take place from Thursday 9 February to Sunday 12 February

I understand that the parbcipabng fee is 1300PLN is to include transport,

accommodabon, registrabon to the event, travel insurance and incidental costs
(accompanying teacher, museum entrance fee, etc.). I understand that to book a
place on this trip a deposit of 500PLN will need to be paid to the school secretariat
by Monday 23rd January (submiAed with this form). As the maximum number of
parbcipants cannot exceed nine students I understand that the choice of students
will be based on a first come first serve basis. I understand that the remaining
800PLN needs to be paid to the school office by Monday 6th February.

Furthermore, I give permission to the Bribsh Internabonal School of Cracow to use

photos of my child in BISC newsleAers and on Schoology posts when the school is
being updated about the trip.

______________________________________ (full name of parent in print)

______________________________________ (parent signature)
______________________________________ (parent mobile number)
______________________________________ (date)

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