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I. Write True or False

1. Formal education helps you to behave properly in
society. FALSE
2. Value education enables you to make a decent living.
3. Integrity means wholeness or completeness and
being true to yourself. TRUE
4. The more true you are to your values, the more
peaceful you feel in life. TRUE

II. Choose the best alternative.

1. Formal education enables an individual to get
a) A good job and earn a decent living
b) Dignity and honour
c) Both of the above
2. Living with values helps you to
a) Get high reputation and fame.
b) Get happiness in life and mental peace
c) Earn a lot of money.
III. Fill in the blanks.
1. Value education helps you to behave properly in
2. The society demands from you the observance of
certain rules and regulation
3. High reputation, fame and money can make a person
4. Alfred Nobel set up the Noble Peace Prize.

IV. Questions.
1. What is difference between formal education and
value education ?
Formal education enables an individual to get a good
job and earn a decent living. It raises his social status.
It gives him dignity and honour. It gives him the
purchasing power to enjoy the pleasures life offers.
Value education inculcates certain basic human
values in the individual. If a highly qualified, well-
employed person does not know how to behave
properly, the very purpose of education is defeated.

2. What are the important basic human values?

Human being should possess basic values like
generosity, acceptance, commitment, leadership,
respect, service, family relationship, spirituality etc.
3. What factors influence a person to acquire certain
Various factors that influence a person to acquire
certain values are
• Inheritance – We inherit values from our
• Parents, teachers and other influential people.
• Reading and watching TV
• Life experiences
4. How do human values help you in the development
of character?
Living with values helps us to
• Follow a clear set of rules and guidelines for our
• Make good decisions.
• Find compatible people, places and things that
support our way of life.
• Live with integrity.
5. What moral qualities do you find in the lives of
Alfred Nobel, Emperor Ashoka and Adolf Hitler?

Alfred Nobel – He invented explosives but later , he

regretted for his invention because people started
misusing them. This led to the invention of Nobel
Peace Prize, awarded to make extraordinary effort to
foster peace.
Emperor Ashoka - He was a great conqueror and a
great India ruler. In order to expand his empire, he
killed many kinsmen. Later, the bloodshed and
destruction in the battle field made him repent for his
act and became a follower of Buddha.
He served the people by looking after their welfare.
Adolf Hitler – He was the head of German empire and
most powerful man on earth. He tortured and killed
millions and led to the revolt of second world war.
When his defeat was near, he killed himself. This
reflects lack of acceptance of failure

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