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Why urbanization is

destroying this planet

By: George Khella
What is urbanization? And How is it ruining The
For those who don't know what urbanization is. It’s the shift from rural to urban.
An example of an urban area is New York City this area is urbanized because its
filled with industrial buildings, houses, factories, stores etc.

Now, for the point of this presentation, how and why is urbanization destroying
the planet, and if we continue to urbanize all areas of the Earth what will
happen in the next couple of decades.
Point: Is urbanization really that bad for the

Evidence: The proof for this circumstance is that if we go back to the 19th century when the
Industrial Revolution began it led to a massive increase in urbanization, which increased the
factories and deforestation. In 2016 Egypt had produced 219,377,350 tons of CO2. due to
urbanization Cairo currently only has about 1.65 square meters of green space per capita.
Which according to the WHO (The World Health Organization) is dangerously low.

Explain: The increase in urbanization will lead to decrease in green spaces and wildlife habitats
and increase pollution

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