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CNN 10 Student News Analysis

Instructions: Complete this review activity after watching an episode

of CNN 10 Student News.

Focus on one major news event/story in the episode and provide a review of the information you
learned by completing the questions and sections below. Your responses should be in complete
sentences and should show that you understand what the news story was about.  Please be sure
you follow the guidelines for each part of the assignment.

Date of the CNN 10 Episode that you watched:

Jan 11,2023

Who was the news event(s) about? (Give names and offices/titles if applicable.)
This news event was about people in chin protesting over the zero COVID policy.

Where did it take place? (Give locations such as city, state, and country.)
This took place in china

What happened in the news event(s)? (Give information and details to thoroughly explain the news event. This section
should be answered with a minimum of a paragraph response

In this news event the people of china are having a protest on the zero COVID policy. Even thought
the policy has kept the COVID cases down. But with this policy has paced a lot of people in
quarantine and limited people on food sense they haven't been allowed out of there homes and
traveling has been the same people don't get to travel because of this policy.

Why is this news event(s) of importance to you as a citizen of the United States? (This section should be
unique to the news event and be answered with a minimum of a paragraph response.)

This news event is important to the U.S. because we are alleys with china and we should keep up
with what is happening with our alleys. like say what if they are about to be war with someone and
we could go and help them. or they see that we are having trouble and sense we went to help
them they will help us. Also for travel there are people that moved from china to the U.S. and they
want to go over to see there family but they cant because of how bad the COVID policy is. Or if
people want to come over from china to spend there holiday here in the U.S. just to see what it is
What is one question you have about the news event(s) that would help you understand it better?
(Question cannot be answered with a yes or no.)

What will they do in the future if we have another pandemic like this will they follow the same rules or will they change them?

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