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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________

Lara v. Manalo 10-st. Angela


The purpose of this exercise is to give the participants a chance to get a better level of
self-knowledge. It is used for the development of entrepreneurial competence and in
preparation of the business plan, or any specific course that focuses this issue.

In this exercise, the participants have the opportunity to make a self-evaluation and
think about their attitudes in life. It should be an instrument to help getting to know their
own personal profile and working out some important aspects less developed.

Each participant should find out the best moment to do this exercise and how much time
it would take.

It should be handed out as a home assignment, and the trainer should not interfere with
the development of this exercise but should be available to clarify questions that any
participant may present.

Although it may be strange not to process this exercise, it is a standard procedure

based on two aspects:

● it is ethically not correct to compulsory expose the participant’s behaviour, as the

goal of the exercise is to have better knowledge of one’s profile and not a group

● it may turn into a fictitious exercise, as the participants may be impelled to choose
answers to the questionnaire according to some social pattern, trying to correspond
to a socially accepted image.


This exercise is useful in terms of creating awareness about desirable entrepreneurial

characteristics and allowing trainees to conduct an inventory of their own
entrepreneurial tendencies. However, the scoring process could be quite laborious and

It is recommended that this exercise be used only with mature groups and
preferably with a co-facilitator who can assist the participants with the scoring.

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________

Pecs Self-Rating Questionnaire

I. This questionnaire contains 85 sentences. Read each one and decide which
describes you better. Be honest to yourself. The questionnaire’s purpose is to help you
make a self -evaluation; it is no test and there is no correct/wrong answer.

II. Choose the number associated to the sentence that best describes your behaviour:

1. never
2. seldom
3. sometimes
4. most of the times
5. always

III. Write down the chosen number beside each sentence. See example:

I keep myself calm in tense situations 2

The person considered feels that the situation above seldom describes his/her
behaviour; therefore he/she writes the number 2 beside the sentence.

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________


1. I look for things that need to be done. 4

2. I like challenges and new opportunities. _3_

3. When I face a difficult problem,

I spend a lot of time trying to find a solution. _4_

4. When I begin a work or project,

I gather all possible information available. _2_

5. I get upset when things are not done well. __5_

6. I make a great effort to accomplish my work. _4_

7. I find ways of doing things faster. _3_

8. I establish my own goals. _4_

9. I plan a big job by dividing it into several small tasks. _4_

10. I think of different solutions to solve the problems. _4__

11. I tell people when they do not perform as expected. _3__

12. I feel I will be succeeded in any activity I engage. __3_

13. I get support by others for my suggestions. __2_

14. I develop strategies to influence others. _4_

15. I compare my achievements to my expectations. _4__

16. I know how much money is necessary to develop my projects or activities. _2__

17. I listen carefully to any person who talks to me. _5__

18. I know what needs to be done; I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do. _3__

19. I prefer to accomplish tasks that I dominate and feel safe doing them. __3_

20. I insist several times to get someone to do what I want. _2_

21. I search for advice from people who know about the
different aspects of my business. __3__

22. It is important for me to do high quality work. _5_

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________

23. I work for several hours and make personal sacrifices

in order to finish my work in time. _5_

24. I don’t use my time in the best possible way. __2_

25. I do things without a specific target in mind. _4_

26. I carefully analyse the advantages and disadvantages

of the several ways to execute tasks. __4_

27. I have my mind focused on many projects at the same time. __5_

28. If I dislike someone’s attitude, I tell him/her. _4_

29. I change my way of thinking if other people strongly

disagree with my point of view. _4__

30. I convince other people of my opinions. _3__

31. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking how to influence other people’s ideas. _2__

32. Regularly I check how far I am from achieving the goals I have set. _3_

33. I know how much money I can expect in return for my projects. __4_

34. I get upset when I don’t do what I want. __4_

35. I do things even before it is clear to me how they should be done. __4_

36. I look for opportunities of doing new things. _3_

37. When something hinders what I am trying to do,

I try to find other ways to accomplish my task. _5_

38. I often do things without looking for some information concerning the task. _3_

39. My results at work are better than those from people who work with me. _3__

40. I do what it takes to have my work done. _5_

41. I get upset when I waste time. _5_

42. I do things that help me accomplish my objectives. _4__

43. I try to anticipate all the problems that might happen

and think of what can be done in case any of them take place. _4_

44. Once I have chosen my solution to a problem, I don’t change it. __4_

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________

45. It is difficult for me to instruct people on what they should do. _3_

46. When I try something difficult or something that challenges me,

I feel confident I will succeed. __4_

47. I show people I am capable of executing the task they have for me. _4__

48. I seek important people to help me reach my goals. __5_

49. I don’t know how far I am from achieving my goals. _4__

50. I don’t care for the financial consequences of my acts. __1_

51. I have failed in the past. __3_

52. I do things before they become urgent. __4_

53. I try to find new tasks, different from the ones I have already done. __4_

54. When I face a great difficulty, I look for other tasks. _4_

55. When I have to do a job for someone,

I ask many questions to be sure that I understood what he/she wants. _5__

56. When my work is satisfactory, I don’t spend more time trying to improve it. _1_

57. When I am doing something for another person,

I make a lot of effort so he/ she is very satisfied with my work. _5__

58. I seek cheaper ways of doing things. _3

59. My goals correspond to what is important for me. _5_

60. I face problems when they appear instead of anticipating them. _3__

61. I think of different ways of solving problems. _4__

62. I show when I disagree with someone. __3_

63. I do risky things. _4_

64. I am very persuasive with other people. _3__

65. When trying to reach my goals, I look for solutions that would
be positive for all people involved. __4__

66. I co-ordinate the performance of people who work with me. __4_

67. I have good control of my finances. _3__

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________

68. There have been times when I took advantage of people. _3__

69. I wait for the orders of someone else, and then I act. _5_

70. I take advantage from opportunities as they appear. __4__

71. I try several ways to overcome the obstacles that

disturb the accomplishment of my goals. _4__

72. I look for different sources of information that could help

me in my tasks or projects. _4__

73. I want my business to be the best in the branch. _4_

74. I don’t let my work interfere with my personal life. _3_

75. Most of the money I use in my project or work is borrowed. _4_

76. I have a clear vision of where I intend to get in the future. _3__

77. I have a logical and systematic approach of my activities. _3__

78. If a way of solving a problem doesn’t work out, I try another. _5_

79. I tell people what they have to do, even if they don’t want to do it. _3_

80. I stick to my decisions, even when other people strongly disagree with me. _3__

81. I can’t change people’s opinion, even with my strongest points of view. __3_

82. I know who is able to help me to reach my objectives. __4_

83. When I work with a deadline, I check regularly if I will be able

to finish my work in time. _4__

84. My projects include financial information. 3

85. I have no problems to recognize something I do not know. 4

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________



1. Write down the answer for each sentence on the lines above the correspondent
number of the statement. Note that the numbers of the statements are serial in each

2. Make the calculation indicated in each line to compute the points for each

3. Sum up all the points obtained for each characteristic to obtain the total score.

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________

Choice for the statements Score Characteristic

_4_+ _3_+ _4_+ _4_- _5_+ 6 Shows initiative

= 16
(1) (18) (35) (52) (69)
__3_- _3_+ __3_+ _4_+ __4_+ 6 Is aware of
opportunities and takes
(2) (19) (36) (53) (70) =17
advantages of them

__4_+ __2_+ __5_- _4__+ _4__+ 6 Is perseverant

= 17
(3) (20) (37) (54) (71)
__2_+ __3_- __3_+ __5_+ _4__+ 6 Searches for
=17 information
(4) (21) (38) (55) (72)
__5_+ __5_+ __3_- _1_+ _4 6 Is aware of the
importance of
(5) (22) (39) (56) (73) =16
high-quality work

_4__+ _5__+ _5__+ _5__- _3__+ 6 Knows the importance

of fulfilling tasks
(6) (23) (40) (57) (74)
_3_+ __2_+ _5__+ _3__+ __4_+ 6 Is efficiency-oriented

(7) (24) (41) (58) (75)

_4__- __4_+ __4_+ _5__+ __3_+ 6 Is objective-oriented
(8) (25) (42) (59) (76)

_4__+ _4__+ _4__- __3_+ __3_+ 6 Makes systematic

(9) (26) (43) (60) (77)

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________

_4__+ _5__- _4__+ _4__+ __5_+ 6 Looks for solutions for

(10) (27) (44) (61) (78)
__3_+ _4__- __3_+ _3__+ _3__+ 6 Is assertive
(11) (28) (45) (62) (79)
_3__- __4_+ __4_+ _4__+ __3_+ 6 Is self-confident
(12) (29) (46) (63) (80)
_2__+ __3_+ _4__+ _3__- _3__+ 6 Is persuasive
(13) (30) (47) (64) (81)
_4__- _2__+ __5_+ __4_+ __4_+ 6 Uses strategies to
influence people
(14) (31) (48) (65) (82)
__4_+ __3_- __4_+ __4_+ __4_+ 6 Monitors goals,
achievements and
(15) (32) (49) (66) (83) =17

_2__+ _4__+ __1_- __3_+ _3__+ 6 Is aware of the

importance of financial
(16) (33) (50) (67) (84) =13

__5_+ __4_+ __3_- _3__+ __4__ 6 Correction Factor

+ =19
(17) (34) (51) (68) (85)

FINAL SCORE = __301___

(Entrepreneurial Profile)

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Name: ______________________________ Group: ____________________


Profile Score
Shows initiative ` /

Is aware of opportunities and takes /

advantages of them
Is perseverant /

Searches for information /

Is aware of the importance of /

high-quality work
Knows the importance of fulfilling /
Is efficiency-oriented /

Is objective-oriented /

Makes systematic planning /

Looks for solutions for problems /

Is assertive /

Is self-confident /

Is persuasive /

Uses strategies to influence people /

Monitors goals, achievements and /

Is aware of the importance of /
financial information
5 10 15 20 25

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