My Reflection Paper

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Name: Christian Paul C. Arnaiz Date: Nov.

Subject: Purposive Communication Ratings:________
Year&section: BSBA FM–1J
Instructor: Ms. Pretty Joice Celmar

ACTIVITY : Reflection Paper

“Human beings grow close to one another by their common nature, but habits and
customs keep them apart.”

Do you agree or disagree?

I definitely agree on this quote of Confucius because this phrase has a wider view of
the world in which all human are equally born, but it is the environment and the learning
that we’ve got throughout our existence that shaped us and made us different and unique
from others. We are essentially alike by nature but our differences are determined by the
habit and preferences that we developed, the influences by our study and the culture that
we have that includes our values, beliefs and perspective in life. For example, an identical
twin was delivered, they grew up with the same adoring parents and their parents have
been doing their best to treat them equally, but the twins are reared apart when it comes
to school because they do not share the same circle of friends.
In this lesson of local and global communication in a multicultural setting help me
to realize that by nature we are all similar, it is the culture that we are part of which
includes our practices, and beliefs that keep us reared apart. We are born with intrinsic
similarities but there are different factors that influenced us to become different from
others and that includes our communication and socialization with other people everyday,
the various social groups that we have joined and the culture that we are attracted of, in
which we tend to acclimates to that culture and develop the values, skills, morals and
manifestations of that culture in order to feel that we do belong and we are a part of it.

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